# # Copyright 2016 Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # name "lua" default_version "5.4.4" # versions_list: https://www.lua.org/ftp/ filter=*.tar.gz version("5.4.4") { source sha256: "164c7849653b80ae67bec4b7473b884bf5cc8d2dca05653475ec2ed27b9ebf61" } version("5.4.3") { source sha256: "f8612276169e3bfcbcfb8f226195bfc6e466fe13042f1076cbde92b7ec96bbfb" } version("5.4.2") { source sha256: "11570d97e9d7303c0a59567ed1ac7c648340cd0db10d5fd594c09223ef2f524f" } version("5.3.3") { source sha256: "5113c06884f7de453ce57702abaac1d618307f33f6789fa870e87a59d772aca2" } version("5.2.4") { source sha256: "b9e2e4aad6789b3b63a056d442f7b39f0ecfca3ae0f1fc0ae4e9614401b69f4b" } license "MIT" license_file "https://www.lua.org/license.html" skip_transitive_dependency_licensing true source url: "https://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-#{version}.tar.gz" internal_source url: "#{ENV["ARTIFACTORY_REPO_URL"]}/#{name}/#{name}-#{version}.tar.gz", authorization: "X-JFrog-Art-Api:#{ENV["ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN"]}" relative_path "lua-#{version}" build do env = with_standard_compiler_flags(with_embedded_path) # lua compiles in a slightly interesting way, it has minimal configuration options # and only provides a makefile. We can't use use `-DLUA_USE_LINUX` or the `make linux` # methods because they make the assumption that the readline package has been installed. mycflags = "-I#{install_dir}/embedded/include -O2 -DLUA_USE_POSIX -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN" myldflags = "-Wl,-rpath,#{install_dir}/embedded/lib -L#{install_dir}/embedded/lib" mylibs = "-ldl" make "all MYCFLAGS='#{mycflags}' MYLDFLAGS='#{myldflags}' MYLIBS='#{mylibs}'", env: env, cwd: "#{project_dir}/src" make "-j #{workers} install INSTALL_TOP=#{install_dir}/embedded", env: env end