require "romato/version" module Romato #use HTTParty for simple http calls require 'httparty' class Zomato #assign the variable to be accessed through dot notation attr_accessor :locations, :location_details, :categories, :cities, :collections, :cuisines, :establishments, :geocode, :daily_menu, :reviews, :search, :restaurant #initializes provided api_key #headers and base uri should not change def initialize(api_key) @api_key = api_key @headers = {"Accept" => "application/JSON", "user-key" => @api_key} @base_uri = "" end # COMMON Category # returns a list of categories (food categories) #!/common/categories def get_categories() zomoato_categories_url = @base_uri + "categories" response = HTTParty.get(zomoato_categories_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @categories = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end return @categories end # pass hash to get cities, valid key / value pairs below # q = ""seattle, lat = "", lon = "" , city_ids ="", count=50 # {q: "seattle", lat: "", lon: "", city_ids: "", count=50 } def get_cities(options) url_base = @base_uri + "cities?" a = options.key?(:q) ? "&q=#{options[:q]}" : "" b = options.key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" c = options.key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" d = options.key?(:city_ids) ? "&city_ids=#{options[:city_ids]}" : "" e = options.key?(:count) ? "&count=#{options[:count]}" : "" zomato_cities_url = url_base + a + b + c + d + e response = HTTParty.get(zomato_cities_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @cities = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end def get_collections(options) url_base = @base_uri + "collections?" a = options.key?(:city_id) ? "&city_id=#{options[:city_id]}" : "" b = options.key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" c = options.key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" d = options.key?(:count) ? "&count=#{options[:count]}" : "" zomato_collections_url = url_base + a + b + c + d response = HTTParty.get(zomato_collections_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @collections = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end # returns a hash of cuisines in a particular city or geographic location # accepts a hash: options. Required values either # {city_id: "279"} # or # {lat: 32.342, lon: 12.234} # utilizes string interpolation, any value will be interpolated to string and passed to the api endpoint # as an html argument def get_cuisines(options) url_base = @base_uri + "cuisines?" a = options.key?(:city_id) ? "&city_id=#{options[:city_id]}" : "" b = options.key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" c = options.key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" zomato_cuisines_url = url_base + a + b + c response = HTTParty.get(zomato_cuisines_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @cuisines = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end # returns a hash of establishment categories in a particular city or geographic location # accepts a hash: options. Required values either # {city_id: "279"} # or # {lat: 32.342, lon: 12.234} # utilizes string interpolation, any value will be interpolated to string and passed to the api endpoint # as an html argument def get_establishments(options) url_base = @base_uri + "establishments?" a = options.key?(:city_id) ? "&city_id=#{options[:city_id]}" : "" b = options.key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" c = options.key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" zomato_establishments_url = url_base + a + b + c response = HTTParty.get(zomato_establishments_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @establishments = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end #returns the information to a cooresponding geographical coordinate #accepts options hash #hash example #options: {lat: 24.5344, lon: -12.3423} def get_geocode(options) url_base = @base_uri + "geocode?" a = options.key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" b = options.key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" zomato_geocode_url = url_base + a + b response = HTTParty.get(zomato_geocode_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @geocode = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end #LOCATION # Sets the locations details to @location_details #!/location/location_details # options passed as hash, both entity_id and entity_type are required # options hash example: {entity_id: "279", entity_type: "seattle"} def get_location_details(options) zomato_location_details_url = @base_uri + "/location_details?entity_id=#{options[:entity_id]}&entity_type=#{options[:entity_type]}" response = HTTParty.get(zomato_location_details_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @location_details = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end #sets location guesses based on the query to @locations #query and latitude/longitude are required #hash returned can be viewed in Zomato documentation #!/location/locations #options passed as a hash #options hash example: {query: "seattle", lat: "47.6906021", lon} def get_locations(options) url_base = @base_uri + "locations?" a = options.has_key?(:query) ? "&query=#{options[:query]}" : "" b = options.has_key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" c = options.has_key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" d = options.has_key?(:count) ? "&count=#{options[:count]}" : "" zomato_locations_url = url_base + a + b + c + d response = HTTParty.get(zomato_locations_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @locations = [] #for result in response.parsed_response.location_suggestions @locations = response.parsed_response #end else raise response.response end end #RESTAURANT # accepts options hash as parameters # options example: {res_id: "279"} def get_daily_menu(options) zomato_daily_menu_url = @base_uri + "restaurant?res_id=#{options[:res_id]}" response = HTTParty.get(zomato_daily_menu_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @daily_menu = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end # get the details from the restaurant #!/restaurant/restaurant_0 # # accepts options hash as parameters # options example: {res_id: "279"} def get_restaurant(options) zomato_restaurant_details_url = @base_uri + "restaurant?res_id=#{options[:res_id]}" response = HTTParty.get(zomato_restaurant_details_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @restaurant = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end def get_reviews(options) url_base = @base_uri + "reviews?" a = options.key?(:res_id) ? "&res_id=#{options[:res_id]}" : "" b = options.key?(:start) ? "&start=#{options[:start]}" : "" c = options.key?(:count) ? "&count=#{options[:count]}" : "" zomato_reviews_url = url_base + a + b + c response = HTTParty.get(zomato_reviews_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @reviews = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end def get_search(options) url_base = @base_uri + "search?" a = options.key?(:entity_id) ? "&entity_id=#{options[:entity_id]}" : "" b = options.key?(:entity_type) ? "&entity_type=#{options[:entity_type]}" : "" c = options.key?(:q) ? "&q=#{options[:q]}" : "" d = options.key?(:start) ? "&start=#{options[:start]}" : "" e = options.key?(:count) ? "&count=#{options[:count]}" : "" f = options.key?(:lat) ? "&lat=#{options[:lat]}" : "" g = options.key?(:lon) ? "&lon=#{options[:lon]}" : "" h = options.key?(:radius) ? "&radius=#{options[:radius]}" : "" i = options.key?(:cuisines) ? "&cuisines=#{options[:cuisines]}" : "" j = options.key?(:establishment_type) ? "&establishment_type=#{options[:establishment_type]}" : "" k = options.key?(:collection_id) ? "&collection_id=#{options[:collection_id]}" : "" l = options.key?(:category) ? "&category=#{options[:category]}" : "" m = options.key?(:sort) ? "&sort=#{options[:sort]}" : "" n = options.key?(:order) ? "&order=#{options[:order]}" : "" zomato_search_url = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n response = HTTParty.get(zomato_search_url, headers: @headers) if response.success? @search = response.parsed_response else raise response.response end end end end