----------------------------------------- 1) Built in operators: +,-,*,/,%,==,!=,<=,>=,<,>,; ----------------------------------------- 2) Integers and floats in arithmetics: 1 or 2.33333 or 0.34 or .34 ----------------------------------------- 3) Arbitrary nesting of parentheses: (1+2*(5+((3+4)*3)-6/2)+7*2)\n => 61 ----------------------------------------- 4) Comments: # A comment until the end of the line /* A longer comment that spans multiple lines */ ----------------------------------------- 5) Built in keywords: TRUE,FALSE,NULL,IF,ELSE,END ----------------------------------------- 6) Built in functions: HELP,ENV,SIZE,SPLIT,ROUND,MIN,MAX SUM,MULT,AVG, PRINT, PRINT_LINE TO_INT, TO_FLOAT, TO_ARRAY ----------------------------------------- 7) Standard library functions: Use to iterate over Arrays or Strings FOREACH_IN, INJECT ----------------------------------------- 8) Access the current environment: ENV; (your output may differ) => { :a => 3, :foo => 5 } Given the following environment: { :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 } ENV['a'] => 1 ENV['a'..'b'] => { :a => 1, :b => 2 } ----------------------------------------- 9) Numeric variables and literals 3; => 3 a = 3; => 3 a; => 3 ----------------------------------------- 10) String variables and literals "This is a string"; => "This is a string"; 'This is a string'; => "This is a string"; s1 = "This is a string"; s1; => "This is a string" s2 = 'This is a string'; s2; => "This is a string" SIZE(s1); => 16 SIZE("foo"); => 3 ----------------------------------------- 11) Variables and closure applications a = 3; foo = 5; calc = fun(x,y) { (x + y) * a + foo }; calc(2,2); => 17 ----------------------------------------- 12) Array variables and literals arr = [1, [fun(){2}()], fun(x){x}(3)] SIZE(arr); => 3 SIZE([1,2,3]); => 3 [1,2,3] + [4,[5,6]]; => [1,2,3,4,[5,6]] [1,2,3] - [[1],2,3]; => [1] ----------------------------------------- 13) Hash variables and literals h = { 1 => fun(){2}(), 'a' => 'foo' } SIZE(h); => 2 h[1]; => 'fun(){2}()' h['a']; => 'foo' SIZE({ 1 => 2}); => 1 ----------------------------------------- 14) Range variables and literals range_including_upper = 1..5 => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] SIZE(range_including_upper); => 5 range_excluding_upper = 1...5 => [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] SIZE(range_excluding_upper); => 4 SIZE([1..5); => 5 ----------------------------------------- 15) Conditional branching and recursion: factorial = fun(x) { if(x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x - 1) end } factorial(5); => 120 ----------------------------------------- 16) Conditional branching: foo = fun(x) { if(x == 0) 0 elsif(x == 1) 1 else 2 end } foo(0); => 0 foo(1); => 1 foo(2); => 2 ----------------------------------------- 17) case expressions: foo = fun(x) { case x when 0 then 0 when 1 then 1 when 2 then 2 else 3 end } foo(1); => 1 foo(3); => 3 -----------------------------------------