require 'sync' $cache_with_timeout = {} $cache_with_timeout_lock = module MoreCoreExtensions module CacheWithTimeout # cache_with_timeout creates singleton methods that cache the # results of the given block, but only for a short amount of time. # If the method is called again after time has passed, then the # cache is cleared and the block is reevaluated. Note that the # cache is only cleared on the next invocation after the time has # passed, so if the block retains references to large objects, # they will never be garbage collected if the method is never # called again. # # The methods created are # - `method` # - `#{method}_clear_cache` - Will clear the cached value on demand # - `#{method}_cached?` - Says whether or not there is a value cached # # Example: # class Foo # cache_with_timeout(:expensive_operation) do # sleep 100 # rand(100) # end # end # # Foo.expensive_operation # => 42 # Foo.expensive_operation # => 42 # # ... wait 5+ minutes ... # Foo.expensive_operation # => 18 # # @param [String|Symbol] method The name of the method to create. # @param [Integer] timeout The number of seconds after which the cache is # cleared (defaults to: 300 (5 minutes)) # @returns [Symbol] The name of the method created. def cache_with_timeout(method, timeout = nil, &block) raise "no block given" if block.nil? raise ArgumentError, "method must be a Symbol" unless method.respond_to?(:to_sym) key = "#{name}.#{method}".to_sym $cache_with_timeout_lock.synchronize(:EX) do $cache_with_timeout[key] = {} end define_singleton_method(method) do |*args| force_reload = args.first return $cache_with_timeout_lock.synchronize(:EX) do cache = $cache_with_timeout[key] old_timeout = cache[:timeout] cache.clear if force_reload || (old_timeout && > old_timeout) break cache[:value] if cache.key?(:value) new_timeout = timeout || 300 # 5 minutes new_timeout = if new_timeout.kind_of?(Proc) new_timeout = + new_timeout new_value = cache[:timeout] = new_timeout cache[:value] = new_value end end define_singleton_method("#{method}_clear_cache") do |*_args| $cache_with_timeout_lock.synchronize(:EX) do $cache_with_timeout[key].clear end end define_singleton_method("#{method}_cached?") do |*_args| $cache_with_timeout_lock.synchronize(:EX) do !$cache_with_timeout[key].empty? end end method.to_sym end module ClassMethods # Globally clears all cached values across all classes. This is # mostly useful for testing to avoid test contamination. # # Example: # RSpec.configure do |c| # c.after { Module.clear_all_cache_with_timeout } # end def clear_all_cache_with_timeout $cache_with_timeout_lock.synchronize(:EX) do $cache_with_timeout.each_value(&:clear) end end end end end Module.send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::CacheWithTimeout) Module.send(:extend, MoreCoreExtensions::CacheWithTimeout::ClassMethods)