# This file is part of CPEE. # # CPEE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # CPEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # CPEE (file COPYING in the main directory). If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. require 'fileutils' require 'riddl/server' require 'riddl/client' require 'riddl/utils/notifications_producer' require 'riddl/utils/properties' require_relative 'controller' require 'ostruct' class ParaStruct < OpenStruct def to_json(*a) table.to_json end end def →(a); ParaStruct.new(a); end def ⭐(a); ParaStruct.new(a); end module CPEE SERVER = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','cpee.xml')) def self::implementation(opts) opts[:instances] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','instances')) opts[:global_handlerwrappers] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','handlerwrappers')) opts[:handlerwrappers] ||= '' opts[:topics] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','topics.xml')) opts[:properties_init] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','properties.init')) opts[:properties_schema_active] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','properties.schema.active')) opts[:properties_schema_finished] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','properties.schema.finished')) opts[:properties_schema_inactive] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','properties.schema.inactive')) opts[:transformation_dslx] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','transformation_dslx.xsl')) opts[:transformation_service] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','transformation.xml')) opts[:empty_dslx] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','server','resources','empty_dslx.xml')) opts[:notifications_init] ||= nil opts[:infinite_loop_stop] ||= 10000 opts[:runtime_cmds] << [ "startclean", "Delete instances before starting.", Proc.new { |status| Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.join(opts[:instances],'*'))).each do |d| FileUtils.rm_r(d) if File.basename(d) =~ /^\d+$/ end } ] Proc.new do Dir[opts[:global_handlerwrappers] + "/*.rb"].each do |h| require h end unless opts[:global_handlerwrappers].strip == '' Dir[opts[:handlerwrappers] + "/*.rb"].each do |h| require h end unless opts[:handlerwrappers].strip == '' controller = {} Dir[File.join(opts[:instances],'*','properties.xml')].each do |e| id = ::File::basename(::File::dirname(e)) (controller[id.to_i] = (Controller.new(id,opts)) rescue nil) end interface 'properties' do |r| id = r[:h]['RIDDL_DECLARATION_PATH'].split('/')[1].to_i use Riddl::Utils::Properties::implementation(controller[id].properties, PropertiesHandler.new(controller[id]), opts[:mode]) if controller[id] end interface 'main' do run CPEE::Instances, controller if get '*' run CPEE::NewInstance, controller, opts if post 'instance-new' on resource do |r| run CPEE::Info, controller if get run CPEE::DeleteInstance, controller, opts if delete on resource 'console' do run CPEE::Console, controller if get 'cmdin' end on resource 'callbacks' do run CPEE::Callbacks, controller, opts if get on resource do run CPEE::ExCallback, controller if get || put || post || delete end end end end interface 'notifications' do |r| id = r[:h]['RIDDL_DECLARATION_PATH'].split('/')[1].to_i use Riddl::Utils::Notifications::Producer::implementation(controller[id].notifications, NotificationsHandler.new(controller[id]), opts[:mode]) if controller[id] end end end class ExCallback < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] id = @r[0].to_i callback = @r[2] controller[id].mutex.synchronize do if controller[id].callbacks.has_key?(callback) controller[id].callbacks[callback].callback(@p,@h) end end end end #}}} class Callbacks < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] opts = @a[1] id = @r[0].to_i unless controller[id] @status = 400 return end Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new("info","text/xml") do cb = XML::Smart::string("<callbacks details='#{opts[:mode]}'/>") if opts[:mode] == :debug controller[id].callbacks.each do |k,v| cb.root.add("callback",{"id" => k},"[#{v.protocol.to_s}] #{v.info}") end end cb.to_s end end end #}}} class Instances < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new("wis","text/xml") do ins = XML::Smart::string('<instances/>') controller.each do |k,v| name = v.properties.data.find("string(/p:properties/p:attributes/p:info)") state = v.properties.data.find("string(/p:properties/p:state)") ins.root.add('instance',name, 'id' => k, 'state' => state) end ins.to_s end end end #}}} class NewInstance < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] opts = @a[1] name = @p[0].value id = controller.keys.sort.last.to_i while true id += 1 unless Dir.exists? opts[:instances] + "/#{id}" Dir.mkdir(opts[:instances] + "/#{id}") rescue nil break end end controller[id] = Controller.new(id,opts) info = controller[id].properties.data.find("/p:properties/p:attributes/p:info") info.first.text = name if info.length == 1 Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("id", id) end end #}}} class Info < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] id = @r[0].to_i unless controller[id] @status = 400 return end Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new("info","text/xml") do i = XML::Smart::string <<-END <info instance='#{@r[0]}'> <notifications/> <properties/> <callbacks/> </info> END i.to_s end end end #}}} class Console < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] id = @r[0].to_i unless controller[id] @status = 400 return end Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new("res","text/plain") do controller[id].console(@p[0].value) end end end #}}} class DeleteInstance < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response controller = @a[0] opts = @a[1] id = @r[0].to_i unless controller[id] @status = 400 return end controller.delete(id) FileUtils.rm_r(opts[:instances] + "/#{@r[0]}") end end #}}} end