whichr whichr benchmarks (best time seen): mingw 1.8 normal rubygems 0.77 faster_rubygems with cache 0.14 faster_rubygems without cache: 0.20 mingw 1.9 normal rubygems: 3.79 faster_rubygems with cache: 0.19 faster_rubygems without cache: 0.50 jruby, faster_rubygems with "full load path" faster_rubygems without cache: 1.15 faster_rubygems with cache: 1.11 normal rubygems: 2.31 rails 3 [ $ ruby script\rails runner -e production "puts 3" ] unfortunately with rails 3 currently it loads "full rubygems" no matter what, which is the thing we were trying to avoid. 1.9 faster_rubygems with cache[RUBYOPT=-rfaster_rubygems --disable-gems]: 11.26 faster_rubygems without cache [RUBYOPT=-rfaster_rubygems]: 13.73 normal rubygems (with gem prelude [straight ruby]): 13.88 normal rubygems (ruby --disable-gems): 10.41 rails 2.3.8 [ $ ruby script\runner -e production "puts 3" ] 1.9 faster_rubygems with cache[RUBYOPT=-rfaster_rubygems --disable-gems]: 12.4 lacking: rails benchmarks, faster_require for everybody... TODO: jruby spawning itself was *so slow* it seemed (timer.rb) only regenerate appropriate cache files after gem installs... only cache lib filenames, not spec files, et al...