# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../../puppet/concurrent/thread_local_singleton' module Puppet::Pops module Types # String # ------ # Creates a string representation of a type. # # @api public # class TypeFormatter extend Puppet::Concurrent::ThreadLocalSingleton # Produces a String representation of the given type. # @param t [PAnyType] the type to produce a string form # @return [String] the type in string form # # @api public # def self.string(t) singleton.string(t) end def initialize @string_visitor = Visitor.new(nil, 'string', 0, 0) end def expanded tf = clone tf.instance_variable_set(:@expanded, true) tf end def indented(indent = 0, indent_width = 2) tf = clone tf.instance_variable_set(:@indent, indent) tf.instance_variable_set(:@indent_width, indent_width) tf end def ruby(ref_ctor) tf = clone tf.instance_variable_set(:@ruby, true) tf.instance_variable_set(:@ref_ctor, ref_ctor) tf end # Produces a string representing the type # @api public # def string(t) @bld = ''.dup append_string(t) @bld end # Produces an string containing newline characters and indentation that represents the given # type or literal _t_. # # @param t [Object] the type or literal to produce a string for # @param indent [Integer] the current indentation level # @param indent_width [Integer] the number of spaces to use for one indentation # # @api public def indented_string(t, indent = 0, indent_width = 2) @bld = ''.dup append_indented_string(t, indent, indent_width) @bld end # @api private def append_indented_string(t, indent = 0, indent_width = 2, skip_initial_indent = false) save_indent = @indent save_indent_width = @indent_width @indent = indent @indent_width = indent_width begin (@indent * @indent_width).times { @bld << ' ' } unless skip_initial_indent append_string(t) @bld << "\n" ensure @indent = save_indent @indent_width = save_indent_width end end # @api private def ruby_string(ref_ctor, indent, t) @ruby = true @ref_ctor = ref_ctor begin indented_string(t, indent) ensure @ruby = nil @ref_ctor = nil end end def append_default @bld << 'default' end def append_string(t) if @ruby && t.is_a?(PAnyType) @ruby = false begin @bld << @ref_ctor << '(' @string_visitor.visit_this_0(self, TypeFormatter.new.string(t)) @bld << ')' ensure @ruby = true end else @string_visitor.visit_this_0(self, t) end end # Produces a string representing the type where type aliases have been expanded # @api public # def alias_expanded_string(t) @expanded = true begin string(t) ensure @expanded = false end end # Produces a debug string representing the type (possibly with more information that the regular string format) # @api public # def debug_string(t) @debug = true begin string(t) ensure @debug = false end end # @api private def string_PAnyType(_); @bld << 'Any'; end # @api private def string_PUndefType(_); @bld << 'Undef'; end # @api private def string_PDefaultType(_); @bld << 'Default'; end # @api private def string_PBooleanType(t) append_array('Boolean', t.value.nil?) { append_string(t.value) } end # @api private def string_PScalarType(_); @bld << 'Scalar'; end # @api private def string_PScalarDataType(_); @bld << 'ScalarData'; end # @api private def string_PNumericType(_); @bld << 'Numeric'; end # @api private def string_PBinaryType(_); @bld << 'Binary'; end # @api private def string_PIntegerType(t) append_array('Integer', t.unbounded?) { append_elements(range_array_part(t)) } end # @api private def string_PTypeType(t) append_array('Type', t.type.nil?) { append_string(t.type) } end # @api private def string_PInitType(t) append_array('Init', t.type.nil?) { append_strings([t.type, *t.init_args]) } end # @api private def string_PIterableType(t) append_array('Iterable', t.element_type.nil?) { append_string(t.element_type) } end # @api private def string_PIteratorType(t) append_array('Iterator', t.element_type.nil?) { append_string(t.element_type) } end # @api private def string_PFloatType(t) append_array('Float', t.unbounded?) { append_elements(range_array_part(t)) } end # @api private def string_PRegexpType(t) append_array('Regexp', t.pattern.nil?) { append_string(t.regexp) } end # @api private def string_PStringType(t) range = range_array_part(t.size_type) append_array('String', range.empty? && !(@debug && !t.value.nil?)) do if @debug append_elements(range, !t.value.nil?) append_string(t.value) unless t.value.nil? else append_elements(range) end end end # @api private def string_PEnumType(t) append_array('Enum', t.values.empty?) do append_strings(t.values) if t.case_insensitive? @bld << COMMA_SEP append_string(true) end end end # @api private def string_PVariantType(t) append_array('Variant', t.types.empty?) { append_strings(t.types) } end # @api private def string_PSemVerType(t) append_array('SemVer', t.ranges.empty?) { append_strings(t.ranges) } end # @api private def string_PSemVerRangeType(t) @bld << 'SemVerRange' end # @api private def string_PTimestampType(t) min = t.from max = t.to append_array('Timestamp', min.nil? && max.nil?) do min.nil? ? append_default : append_string(min) unless max.nil? || max == min @bld << COMMA_SEP append_string(max) end end end # @api private def string_PTimespanType(t) min = t.from max = t.to append_array('Timespan', min.nil? && max.nil?) do min.nil? ? append_default : append_string(min) unless max.nil? || max == min @bld << COMMA_SEP append_string(max) end end end # @api private def string_PTupleType(t) append_array('Tuple', t.types.empty?) do append_strings(t.types, true) append_elements(range_array_part(t.size_type), true) chomp_list end end # @api private def string_PCallableType(t) if t.return_type.nil? append_array('Callable', t.param_types.nil?) { append_callable_params(t) } elsif t.param_types.nil? append_array('Callable', false) { append_strings([[], t.return_type], false) } else append_array('Callable', false) do append_array('', false) { append_callable_params(t) } @bld << COMMA_SEP append_string(t.return_type) end end end def append_callable_params(t) # translate to string, and skip Unit types append_strings(t.param_types.types.reject { |t2| t2.instance_of?(PUnitType) }, true) if t.param_types.types.empty? append_strings([0, 0], true) else append_elements(range_array_part(t.param_types.size_type), true) end # Add block T last (after min, max) if present) # append_strings([t.block_type], true) unless t.block_type.nil? chomp_list end # @api private def string_PStructType(t) append_array('Struct', t.elements.empty?) { append_hash(t.elements.to_h { |e| struct_element_pair(e) }) } end # @api private def struct_element_pair(t) k = t.key_type value_optional = t.value_type.assignable?(PUndefType::DEFAULT) if k.is_a?(POptionalType) # Output as literal String k = t.name if value_optional else k = value_optional ? PNotUndefType.new(k) : t.name end [k, t.value_type] end # @api private def string_PPatternType(t) append_array('Pattern', t.patterns.empty?) { append_strings(t.patterns.map(&:regexp)) } end # @api private def string_PCollectionType(t) range = range_array_part(t.size_type) append_array('Collection', range.empty?) { append_elements(range) } end def string_Object(t) type = TypeCalculator.infer(t) if type.is_a?(PObjectTypeExtension) type = type.base_type end if type.is_a?(PObjectType) init_hash = type.extract_init_hash(t) @bld << type.name << '(' if @indent append_indented_string(init_hash, @indent, @indent_width, true) @bld.chomp! else append_string(init_hash) end @bld << ')' else @bld << 'Instance of ' append_string(type) end end def string_PuppetObject(t) @bld << t._pcore_type.name << '(' if @indent append_indented_string(t._pcore_init_hash, @indent, @indent_width, true) @bld.chomp! else append_string(t._pcore_init_hash) end @bld << ')' end # @api private def string_PURIType(t) append_array('URI', t.parameters.nil?) { append_string(t._pcore_init_hash['parameters']) } end def string_URI(t) @bld << 'URI(' if @indent append_indented_string(t.to_s, @indent, @indent_width, true) @bld.chomp! else append_string(t.to_s) end @bld << ')' end # @api private def string_PUnitType(_) @bld << 'Unit' end # @api private def string_PRuntimeType(t) append_array('Runtime', t.runtime.nil? && t.name_or_pattern.nil?) { append_strings([t.runtime, t.name_or_pattern]) } end # @api private def string_PArrayType(t) if t.has_empty_range? append_array('Array') { append_strings([0, 0]) } else append_array('Array', t == PArrayType::DEFAULT) do append_strings([t.element_type], true) append_elements(range_array_part(t.size_type), true) chomp_list end end end # @api private def string_PHashType(t) if t.has_empty_range? append_array('Hash') { append_strings([0, 0]) } else append_array('Hash', t == PHashType::DEFAULT) do append_strings([t.key_type, t.value_type], true) append_elements(range_array_part(t.size_type), true) chomp_list end end end # @api private def string_PCatalogEntryType(_) @bld << 'CatalogEntry' end # @api private def string_PClassType(t) append_array('Class', t.class_name.nil?) { append_elements([t.class_name]) } end # @api private def string_PResourceType(t) if t.type_name append_array(capitalize_segments(t.type_name), t.title.nil?) { append_string(t.title) } else @bld << 'Resource' end end # @api private def string_PNotUndefType(t) contained_type = t.type append_array('NotUndef', contained_type.nil? || contained_type.instance_of?(PAnyType)) do if contained_type.is_a?(PStringType) && !contained_type.value.nil? append_string(contained_type.value) else append_string(contained_type) end end end # @api private def string_PAnnotatedMember(m) hash = m._pcore_init_hash if hash.size == 1 string(m.type) else string(hash) end end # Used when printing names of well known keys in an Object type. Placed in a separate # method to allow override. # @api private def symbolic_key(key) @ruby ? "'#{key}'" : key end # @api private def string_PTypeSetType(t) append_array('TypeSet') do append_hash(t._pcore_init_hash.each, proc { |k| @bld << symbolic_key(k) }) do |k, v| case k when KEY_TYPES old_ts = @type_set @type_set = t begin append_hash(v, proc { |tk| @bld << symbolic_key(tk) }) do |_tk, tv| if tv.is_a?(Hash) append_object_hash(tv) else append_string(tv) end end rescue @type_set = old_ts end when KEY_REFERENCES append_hash(v, proc { |tk| @bld << symbolic_key(tk) }) else append_string(v) end end end end # @api private def string_PObjectType(t) if @expanded append_object_hash(t._pcore_init_hash(@type_set.nil? || !@type_set.defines_type?(t))) else @bld << (@type_set ? @type_set.name_for(t, t.label) : t.label) end end def string_PObjectTypeExtension(t) append_array(@type_set ? @type_set.name_for(t, t.name) : t.name, false) do ips = t.init_parameters if ips.is_a?(Array) append_strings(ips) else append_string(ips) end end end # @api private def string_PSensitiveType(t) append_array('Sensitive', PAnyType::DEFAULT == t.type) { append_string(t.type) } end # @api private def string_POptionalType(t) optional_type = t.optional_type append_array('Optional', optional_type.nil?) do if optional_type.is_a?(PStringType) && !optional_type.value.nil? append_string(optional_type.value) else append_string(optional_type) end end end # @api private def string_PTypeAliasType(t) expand = @expanded if expand && t.self_recursion? @guard ||= RecursionGuard.new @guard.with_this(t) { |state| format_type_alias_type(t, (state & RecursionGuard::SELF_RECURSION_IN_THIS) == 0) } else format_type_alias_type(t, expand) end end # @api private def format_type_alias_type(t, expand) if @type_set.nil? @bld << t.name if expand && !Loader::StaticLoader::BUILTIN_ALIASES.include?(t.name) @bld << ' = ' append_string(t.resolved_type) end elsif expand && @type_set.defines_type?(t) append_string(t.resolved_type) else @bld << @type_set.name_for(t, t.name) end end # @api private def string_PTypeReferenceType(t) append_array('TypeReference') { append_string(t.type_string) } end # @api private def string_Array(t) append_array('') do if @indent && !is_short_array?(t) @indent += 1 t.each { |elem| newline; append_string(elem); @bld << COMMA_SEP } chomp_list @indent -= 1 newline else append_strings(t) end end end # @api private def string_FalseClass(t); @bld << 'false'; end # @api private def string_Hash(t) append_hash(t) end # @api private def string_Module(t) append_string(TypeCalculator.singleton.type(t)) end # @api private def string_NilClass(t); @bld << (@ruby ? 'nil' : 'undef'); end # @api private def string_Numeric(t); @bld << t.to_s; end # @api private def string_Regexp(t); @bld << PRegexpType.regexp_to_s_with_delimiters(t); end # @api private def string_String(t) # Use single qoute on strings that does not contain single quotes, control characters, or backslashes. @bld << StringConverter.singleton.puppet_quote(t) end # @api private def string_Symbol(t); @bld << t.to_s; end # @api private def string_TrueClass(t); @bld << 'true'; end # @api private def string_Version(t); @bld << "'#{t}'"; end # @api private def string_VersionRange(t); @bld << "'#{t}'"; end # @api private def string_Timespan(t); @bld << "'#{t}'"; end # @api private def string_Timestamp(t); @bld << "'#{t}'"; end # Debugging to_s to reduce the amount of output def to_s '[a TypeFormatter]' end NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = '::' STARTS_WITH_ASCII_CAPITAL = /^[A-Z]/ # Capitalizes each segment in a name separated with the {NAME_SEPARATOR} conditionally. The name # will not be subject to capitalization if it already starts with a capital letter. This to avoid # that existing camel casing is lost. # # @param qualified_name [String] the name to capitalize # @return [String] the capitalized name # # @api private def capitalize_segments(qualified_name) if !qualified_name.is_a?(String) || qualified_name =~ STARTS_WITH_ASCII_CAPITAL qualified_name else segments = qualified_name.split(NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) if segments.size == 1 qualified_name.capitalize else segments.each(&:capitalize!) segments.join(NAME_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR) end end end private COMMA_SEP = ', ' HASH_ENTRY_OP = ' => ' def is_short_array?(t) t.empty? || 100 - @indent * @indent_width > t.inject(0) do |sum, elem| case elem when true, false, nil, Numeric, Symbol sum + elem.inspect.length() when String sum + 2 + elem.length when Hash, Array sum + (elem.empty? ? 2 : 1000) else sum + 1000 end end end def range_array_part(t) if t.nil? || t.unbounded? EMPTY_ARRAY else result = [t.from.nil? ? 'default' : t.from.to_s] result << t.to.to_s unless t.to.nil? result end end def append_object_hash(hash) begin @expanded = false append_array('Object') do append_hash(hash, proc { |k| @bld << symbolic_key(k) }) do |k, v| case k when KEY_ATTRIBUTES, KEY_FUNCTIONS # Types might need to be output as type references append_hash(v) do |_, fv| if fv.is_a?(Hash) append_hash(fv, proc { |fak| @bld << symbolic_key(fak) }) do |fak, fav| case fak when KEY_KIND @bld << fav else append_string(fav) end end else append_string(fv) end end when KEY_EQUALITY append_array('') { append_strings(v) } if v.is_a?(Array) else append_string(v) end end end ensure @expanded = true end end def append_elements(array, to_be_continued = false) case array.size when 0 # do nothing when 1 @bld << array[0] @bld << COMMA_SEP if to_be_continued else array.each { |elem| @bld << elem << COMMA_SEP } chomp_list unless to_be_continued end end def append_strings(array, to_be_continued = false) case array.size when 0 # do nothing when 1 append_string(array[0]) @bld << COMMA_SEP if to_be_continued else array.each do |elem| append_string(elem) @bld << COMMA_SEP end chomp_list unless to_be_continued end end def append_array(start, empty = false) @bld << start unless empty @bld << '[' yield @bld << ']' end end def append_hash(hash, key_proc = nil) @bld << '{' @indent += 1 if @indent hash.each do |k, v| newline if @indent if key_proc.nil? append_string(k) else key_proc.call(k) end @bld << HASH_ENTRY_OP if block_given? yield(k, v) else append_string(v) end @bld << COMMA_SEP end chomp_list if @indent @indent -= 1 newline end @bld << '}' end def newline @bld.rstrip! @bld << "\n" (@indent * @indent_width).times { @bld << ' ' } end def chomp_list @bld.chomp!(COMMA_SEP) end end end end