# fluent-plugin-aggregate , a plugin for [Fluentd](http://fluentd.org)
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A fluentd plugin to aggregate events by fields over time.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fluent-plugin-aggregate'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install fluent-plugin-aggregate --no-document
## Requirements
- Ruby 2.1 or later
- fluentd v0.12 or later
- aggregate v0.0.1 or later
## Usage
### Filter plugin (@type 'aggregate')
Aggregate events grouping by fields over time.
@type aggregate
intervals 5s
keep_interval 1s
group_fields field_group1,field_group2
aggregate_fields numeric_field1, numeric_field2
aggregations mean,median
### Common parameters
### intervals
Intervals for the aggregatios, this plugin support multi interval aggregatios
intervals 5s,10s,20s
### keep_interval
Additional time to wait fof arrive events (used when events has a delay in the origin)
keep_interval 5s
### group_fields
Fields to group events (like group by in SQL)
group_fields tx,region
### aggregate_fields
Fields to apply aggregation funtions (like mean, median, sum, etc), this plugin support multiple aggregations fields.
aggregate_fields response_time,pressure
### aggregations
Aggregate funtions to apply, this plugin support multiple aggregations fields.
aggregations sum,min,max,mean,median,variance,standard_deviation
### aggregate_event_tag
#### Default: aggregate
Tag prefix for events generated in the aggregation process. Full tag format is #{aggregate_event_tag}.#{interval}.
aggregate_event_tag aggregate
### Example
Example with dummy input.
workers 1
@type aggregate
intervals 5s,10s
keep_interval 1s
group_fields tx
aggregate_fields response_ms
aggregator_suffix_name "aggregator#{worker_id}"
aggregate_event_tag aggregate
@type stdout
@type stdout
### Advanced parameters
### processing_mode
#### Default: online
Mode for processing events (batch/online), for the online processing (useful for streaming processing), wait to arrive events (for example, interval of 5s, wait 5s + keep_interval to generate aggregate events), batch process don't wait.
processing_mode online
### time_field
#### Default: timestamp
Field that conatins time for the event.
time_field timestamp
### time_format
#### Default: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%:z
Time format for the time_field.
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%:z
### output_time_format
#### Default: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%:z
Time format for the generated aggregated event.
output_time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%:z
### field_no_data_value
#### Default: no_data
The value for group fields in the aggregate event no present in the original event.
field_no_data_value no_data
### emit_original_message
#### Default: true
The value for group fields in the aggregate event no present in the original event.
emit_original_message true
### temporary_status_file_path
#### Default: nil
File to store aggregate information when the agent down.
temporary_status_file_path path_to_file.json
### load_temporarystatus_file_enabled
#### Default: true
Load file #{temporary_status_file_path} on startup.
load_temporarystatus_file_enabled true