module TreasureData module Command def user_show(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client users = client.users user = users.find {|user| name == } unless user $stderr.puts "User '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} user:create ' to create an user." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Name : #{}" $stderr.puts "Organization : #{user.org_name}" $stderr.puts "Email : #{}" $stderr.puts "Roles : #{user.role_names.join(', ')}" end def user_list(op) op.cmd_parse client = get_client users = client.users rows = [] users.each {|user| rows << {:Name =>, :Organization => user.org_name, :Email =>, :Roles => user.role_names.join(',')} } puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => [:Name, :Organization, :Email, :Roles]) if rows.empty? $stderr.puts "There are no users." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} user:create ' to create an users." end end def user_create(op) org = nil email = nil random_password = false create_org = nil op.on('-g', '--org ORGANIZATION', "create the user under this organization") {|s| org = s } op.on('-G', "create the user under the a new organization", TrueClass) {|b| create_org = b } op.on('-e', '--email EMAIL', "Use this email address to identify the user") {|s| email = s } op.on('-R', '--random-password', "Generate random password", TrueClass) {|b| random_password = b } name = op.cmd_parse unless email $stderr.puts "-e, --email EMAIL option is required." exit 1 end if random_password lower = ('a'..'z').to_a upper = ('A'..'Z').to_a digit = ('0'..'9').to_a symbol = %w[_ @ - + ;] r = [] 3.times { r << lower.sort_by{rand}.first } 3.times { r << upper.sort_by{rand}.first } 2.times { r << digit.sort_by{rand}.first } 1.times { r << symbol.sort_by{rand}.first } password = r.sort_by{rand}.join puts "Password: #{password}" else 3.times do begin system "stty -echo" # TODO termios print "Password (typing will be hidden): " password = STDIN.gets || "" password = password[0..-2] # strip \n rescue Interrupt $stderr.print "\ncanceled." exit 1 ensure system "stty echo" # TODO termios print "\n" end if password.empty? $stderr.puts "canceled." exit 0 end begin system "stty -echo" # TODO termios print "Retype password: " password2 = STDIN.gets || "" password2 = password2[0..-2] # strip \n rescue Interrupt $stderr.print "\ncanceled." exit 1 ensure system "stty echo" # TODO termios print "\n" end if password == password2 break end puts "Doesn't match." end end client = get_client(:ssl => true) if create_org org ||= name client.create_organization(org) end ok = false begin client.add_user(name, org) begin client.change_email(name, email) client.change_password(name, password) client.add_apikey(name) ok = true ensure if !ok client.remove_user(name) end end ensure if create_org && !ok client.delete_organization(org) end end if create_org $stderr.puts "Organization '#{org}' and user '#{name}' are created." else $stderr.puts "User '#{name}' is created." end $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} user:apikeys #{name}' to show the API key." end def user_delete(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client client.remove_user(name) $stderr.puts "User '#{name}' is deleted." end ## TODO user:email:change #def user_email_change(op) #end ## TODO user:apikey:add #def user_apikey_add(op) #end ## TODO user:apikey:remove #def user_apikey_remove(op) #end def user_apikey_list(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client keys = client.list_apikeys(name) rows = [] keys.each {|key| rows << {:Key => key} } puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => [:Key]) end def user_password_change(op) name = op.cmd_parse password = nil 3.times do begin system "stty -echo" # TODO termios print "New password (typing will be hidden): " password = STDIN.gets || "" password = password[0..-2] # strip \n rescue Interrupt $stderr.print "\ncanceled." exit 1 ensure system "stty echo" # TODO termios print "\n" end if password.empty? $stderr.puts "canceled." exit 0 end begin system "stty -echo" # TODO termios print "Retype new password: " password2 = STDIN.gets || "" password2 = password2[0..-2] # strip \n rescue Interrupt $stderr.print "\ncanceled." exit 1 ensure system "stty echo" # TODO termios print "\n" end if password == password2 break end puts "Doesn't match." end client = get_client(:ssl => true) client.change_password(name, password) $stderr.puts "Password of user '#{name}' changed." end end end