ShopifyApp.configure do |config| config.application_name = "<%= @application_name %>" config.api_key = ENV.fetch('SHOPIFY_API_KEY', '').presence || raise('Missing SHOPIFY_API_KEY') config.secret = ENV.fetch('SHOPIFY_API_SECRET', '').presence || raise('Missing SHOPIFY_API_SECRET') config.old_secret = "<%= @old_secret %>" config.scope = "<%= @scope %>" # Consult this page for more scope options: # config.embedded_app = <%= embedded_app? %> config.after_authenticate_job = false config.api_version = "<%= @api_version %>" config.shop_session_repository = 'Shop' config.allow_jwt_authentication = true end # ShopifyApp::Utils.fetch_known_api_versions # Uncomment to fetch known api versions from shopify servers on boot # ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion.version_lookup_mode = :raise_on_unknown # Uncomment to raise an error if attempting to use an api version that was not previously known