--- en: activemodel: attributes: result: decidim_accountability_status_id: Status decidim_category_id: Category decidim_scope_id: Scope description: Description end_date: End date progress: Progress project_ids: Included projects proposals: Included proposals start_date: Start date title: Title updated_at: Updated at status: description: Description key: Key name: Name progress: Progress timeline_entry: description: Description entry_date: Date models: decidim/accountability/proposal_linked_event: Proposal included in a result decidim/accountability/result_progress_updated_event: Result progress updated activerecord: models: decidim/accountability/result: one: Result other: Results decidim: accountability: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this %{name}? destroy: Delete edit: Edit import_csv: Import CSV new: New %{name} preview: Preview timeline_entries: Project evolution title: Actions admin: exports: results: Results import_results: new: import: Import info: "

We recommend that you follow these steps:

  1. Create the Statuses for the Results that you want to add (link)
  2. Create at least one Result manually through this Admin panel (link) before using Import, for having a better understanding of the format and what you'll need to fill out.
  3. Download the Export with CSV format (%{link_export_csv})
  4. Make the changes locally. You can only change the following columns of the CSV:
" link: link title: Import results from CSV imports: create: success: The file has begun importing. You will receive an email in the next few minutes with the result of the import models: result: name: Result status: name: Status timeline_entry: name: Timeline entry results: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this result success: Result successfully created destroy: success: Result successfully deleted edit: title: Edit result update: Update result index: title: Results new: create: Create result title: New result update: invalid: There was a problem updating this result success: Result successfully updated shared: subnav: statuses: Statuses statuses: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this status success: Status successfully created destroy: success: Status successfully deleted edit: title: Edit status update: Update status index: title: Statuses new: create: Create status title: New status update: invalid: There was a problem updating this status success: Status successfully updated timeline_entries: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this entry success: Entry successfully created destroy: success: Entry successfully deleted edit: title: Edit entry update: Update entry index: title: Project timeline entries new: create: Create entry title: New entry update: invalid: There was a problem updating this entry success: Entry successfully updated admin_log: result: create: "%{user_name} created result %{resource_name} in %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the %{resource_name} result in %{space_name}" update: "%{user_name} updated result %{resource_name} in %{space_name}" value_types: parent_presenter: not_found: 'The parent was not found on the database (ID: %{id})' import_mailer: import: errors: Errors errors_present: There was a problem importing results row_number: Row subject: Successful import of results success: Successful import of results. You can review the results in the administration interface. last_activity: new_result_at_html: "New result at %{link}" models: result: fields: end_date: End date progress: Progress start_date: Start date status: Status title: Title status: fields: description: Description key: Key name: Name progress: Progress timeline_entry: fields: description: Description entry_date: Date results: count: results_count: one: 1 result other: "%{count} results" filters: all: All scopes: Scopes home: categories_label: Categories subcategories_label: Subcategories home_header: global_status: Global execution status nav_breadcrumb: global: Global execution search: search: Search for actions show: stats: attendees: Attendees back_to_resource: Go back to result comments: Comments contributions: Contributions last_edited_by: Last edited by last_updated_at: Last updated at meetings: Meetings proposals: Proposals votes: Supports timeline: title: Project evolution components: accountability: name: Accountability settings: global: categories_label: Name for "Categories" comments_enabled: Comments enabled display_progress_enabled: Display progress heading_leaf_level_results: Name for "Projects" heading_parent_level_results: Name for "Results" intro: Intro subcategories_label: Name for "Subcategories" step: comments_blocked: Comments blocked events: accountability: proposal_linked: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{proposal_title}" has been included in a result. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{proposal_title}". You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{proposal_title} notification_title: The proposal %{proposal_title} has been included in the %{resource_title} result. result_progress_updated: email_intro: 'The result "%{resource_title}", which includes the proposal "%{proposal_title}", is now %{progress}% complete. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{proposal_title}", and this proposal is included in the result "%{resource_title}". You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{resource_title} progress notification_title: The result %{resource_title}, which includes the proposal %{proposal_title}, is now %{progress}% complete. metrics: results: description: Number of results generated object: results title: Results participatory_processes: participatory_process_groups: highlighted_results: results: Results participatory_spaces: highlighted_results: see_all: See all results (%{count}) resource_links: included_projects: result_project: Projects included in this result included_proposals: result_proposal: Proposals included in this result