# # Copyright:: Copyright 2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "ffi_yajl" unless defined?(FFI_Yajl) require "terminal-table" require "license_scout/exceptions" module LicenseScout class Reporter class Result class << self def success(dependency) new(dependency, nil, true) end def failure(dependency, reason) new(dependency, reason, false) end end attr_reader :dependency attr_reader :reason def initialize(dependency, reason, did_succeed) @dependency = dependency @reason = reason @did_succeed = did_succeed end def <=>(other) dependency.path <=> other.dependency.path end def succeeded? @did_succeed end def dependency_string dependency.uid end def license_string dependency.license.records.map(&:id).compact.uniq.join(", ") end def reason_string case reason when :not_allowed "Not Allowed" when :flagged "Flagged" when :undetermined "Undetermined" when :missing "Missing" else "OK" end end end attr_reader :all_dependencies attr_reader :results attr_reader :dependency_license_manifest def initialize(all_dependencies) @all_dependencies = all_dependencies.sort @results = {} @did_fail = false @needs_fallback = false @needs_exception = false end def report generate_dependency_license_manifest save_manifest_file detect_problems evaluate_results end private def save_manifest_file LicenseScout::Log.info("[reporter] Writing dependency license manifest written to #{license_manifest_path}") File.open(license_manifest_path, "w+") do |file| file.print(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(dependency_license_manifest, pretty: true)) end end def detect_problems LicenseScout::Log.info("[reporter] Analyzing dependency's license information against requirements") LicenseScout::Log.info("[reporter] Allowed licenses: #{LicenseScout::Config.allowed_licenses.join(", ")}") unless LicenseScout::Config.allowed_licenses.empty? LicenseScout::Log.info("[reporter] Flagged licenses: #{LicenseScout::Config.flagged_licenses.join(", ")}") unless LicenseScout::Config.flagged_licenses.empty? all_dependencies.each do |dependency| @results[dependency.type] ||= [] if dependency.license.records.empty? @results[dependency.type] << Result.failure(dependency, :missing) @did_fail = true @needs_fallback = true elsif dependency.license.undetermined? @results[dependency.type] << Result.failure(dependency, :undetermined) @did_fail = true @needs_fallback = true elsif !LicenseScout::Config.allowed_licenses.empty? && !dependency.license.is_allowed? unless dependency.has_exception? @results[dependency.type] << Result.failure(dependency, :not_allowed) @did_fail = true @needs_exception = true else @results[dependency.type] << Result.success(dependency) end elsif dependency.license.is_flagged? unless dependency.has_exception? @results[dependency.type] << Result.failure(dependency, :flagged) @did_fail = true @needs_exception = true else @results[dependency.type] << Result.success(dependency) end else @results[dependency.type] << Result.success(dependency) end end end def evaluate_results table = Terminal::Table.new table.headings = ["Type", "Dependency", "License(s)", "Results"] table.style = { border_bottom: false } # the extra :separator will add this results.each do |type, results_for_type| type_in_table = false results_for_type.each do |result| next if LicenseScout::Config.only_show_failures && result.succeeded? modified_row = [] modified_row << (type_in_table ? "" : type) modified_row << result.dependency_string modified_row << result.license_string modified_row << result.reason_string type_in_table = true table.add_row(modified_row) end table.add_separator if type_in_table end puts table unless LicenseScout::Config.only_show_failures && !@did_fail if @did_fail puts puts "Additional steps are required in order to pass Open Source license compliance:" puts " * Please add fallback licenses for the 'Missing' or 'Undetermined' dependencies" if @needs_fallback puts " https://github.com/chef/license_scout#fallback-licenses" if @needs_fallback puts " * Please add exceptions for the 'Flagged' or 'Not Allowed' dependencies" if @needs_exception puts " https://github.com/chef/license_scout#dependency-exceptions" if @needs_exception raise Exceptions::FailExit.new("missing or not allowed licenses detected") end end def generate_dependency_license_manifest @dependency_license_manifest = { license_manifest_version: 2, generated_on: DateTime.now.to_s, name: LicenseScout::Config.name, dependencies: [], } all_dependencies.each do |dep| dependency_license_manifest[:dependencies] << { type: dep.type, name: dep.name, version: dep.version, has_exception: dep.has_exception?, exception_reason: dep.exception_reason, licenses: dep.license.records.map(&:to_h), } end end def license_manifest_path File.join(LicenseScout::Config.output_directory, "#{LicenseScout::Config.name}-dependency-licenses.json") end end end