#= require jquery #= require jquery_ujs #= require shoppe/jquery_ui #= require shoppe/chosen.jquery #= require_tree . $ -> # Automatically focus all fields with the 'focus' class $('input.focus').focus() # When clicking the order search button, toggle the form $('a[rel=searchOrders]').on 'click', -> $('div.orderSearch').toggle() # Add a new attribute to a table $('a[data-behavior=addAttributeToAttributesTable]').on 'click', -> table = $('table.productAttributes') if $('tbody tr', table).length == 1 || $('tbody tr:last td:first input', table).val().length > 0 template = $('tr.template', table).html() table.append("#{template}") false # Remove an attribute from a table $('table.productAttributes tbody').on 'click', 'tr td.remove a', -> $(this).parents('tr').remove() false # Sorting on the product attribtues table $('table.productAttributes tbody').sortable axis: 'y' handle: '.handle' cursor: 'move', helper: (e,tr)-> originals = tr.children() helper = tr.clone() helper.children().each (index)-> $(this).width(originals.eq(index).width()) helper # Chosen $('select.chosen').chosen() $('select.chosen-with-deselect').chosen({allow_single_deselect: true})