= fluent-plugin-datacounter
== Component
=== DataCounterOutput
Count messages with data matches any of specified regexp patterns in specified attribute.
- Counts per min/hour/day
- Counts per second (average every min/hour/day)
- Percentage of each pattern in total counts of messages
DataCounterOutput emits messages contains results data, so you can output these message (with 'datacount' tag by default) to any outputs you want.
output ex1 (aggragates all inputs): {"pattern1_count":20, "pattern1_rate":0.333, "pattern1_percentage":25.0, "pattern2_count":40, "pattern2_rate":0.666, "pattern2_percentage":50.0, "unmatched_count":20, "unmatched_rate":0.333, "unmatched_percentage":25.0}
output ex2 (aggragates per tag): {"test_pattern1_count":10, "test_pattern1_rate":0.333, "test_pattern1_percentage":25.0, "test_pattern2_count":40, "test_pattern2_rate":0.666, "test_pattern2_percentage":50.0, "test_unmatched_count":20, "test_unmatched_rate":0.333, "test_unmatched_percentage":25.0}
'input_tag_remove_prefix' option available if you want to remove tag prefix from output field names.
== Configuration
=== DataCounterOutput
Count messages that have attribute 'referer' as 'google.com', 'yahoo.com' and 'facebook.com' from all messages matched, per minutes.
type datacounter
unit minute
aggregate all
count_key referer
# patternX: X(1-9)
pattern1 google google.com
pattern2 yahoo yahoo.com
pattern3 facebook facebook.com
# but patterns above matches 'this-is-facebookXcom.xxxsite.com' ...
Or, more exact match pattern, output per tags (default 'aggregate tag'), per hours.
type datacounter
unit hour
count_key referer
# patternX: X(1-9)
pattern1 google ^http://www\.google\.com/.*
pattern2 yahoo ^http://www\.yahoo\.com/.*
pattern3 twitter ^https://twitter.com/.*
HTTP status code patterns.
type datacounter
unit min
count_key status
# patternX: X(1-9)
pattern1 2xx ^2\d\d$
pattern2 3xx ^3\d\d$
pattern3 404 ^404$ # we want only 404 counts...
pattern4 4xx ^4\d\d$ # pattern4 doesn't matches messages matches pattern[123]
pattern5 5xx ^5\d\d$
- consider what to do next
- patches welcome!
== Copyright
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
License:: Apache License, Version 2.0