Given /^I have some simple text$/ do @text = "Barack Obama said today that he expects there to be conflict within his new security team after confirming Hillary Clinton as his choice for US Secretary of State." end Given /^I have a sanitized sample BBC story$/ do Given "I have a sample BBC story" When "I sanitize this text" end Given /^I have a mock calais response$/ do @response ='features/mocks/calais.json','r') {|f| f.readlines.to_s} end When /^I post to calais$/ do @response = get_from_calais @text end When /^I remove the unwanted items$/ do @processed_json = clean_unwanted_items_from_hash(JSON.parse(@response)) end Then /^there should no longer be any "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| @processed_json[arg1].should be_nil end Then /^I should receive some tags$/ do get_tag_from_json(@response) do |tag| tag.should_not be_nil end end Then /^there should be some "([^\"]*)" tags$/ do |arg1| get_tag_from_json(@response) {|tag| #puts tag.inspect tag.each{|k,v| puts "#{k} : #{v}" if k=='_type'} } end Then /^I should be able to see the whole lot of tags as one block$/ do tags = get_tag_from_json(@response) tags.length.should > 0 end