module Frameit class FrameDownloader HOST_URL = "" def download_frames print_disclaimer require 'json' require 'fileutils' UI.message("Downloading device frames to '#{templates_path}'") FileUtils.mkdir_p(templates_path) frames_version = download_file("version.txt") UI.important("Using frame version '#{frames_version}', you can optionally lock that version in your Framefile.json using `device_frame_version`") files = JSON.parse(download_file("files.json")) files.each_with_index do |current, index| content = download_file(current, txt: "#{index + 1} of #{files.count} files") File.write(File.join(templates_path, current), content) end File.write(File.join(templates_path, "offsets.json"), download_file("offsets.json")) # Write the version.txt at the very end to properly resume downloads # if it's interrupted File.write(File.join(templates_path, "version.txt"), frames_version) UI.success("Successfully downloaded all required image assets") end def frames_exist?(version: "latest") version_path = File.join(templates_path, "version.txt") version = if File.exist?(version_path) Dir["#{templates_path}/*.png"].count > 0 && version.to_i > 0 end def self.templates_path # Previously ~/.frameit/device_frames_2/x legacy_path = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".frameit/devices_frames_2", Frameit.frames_version) return legacy_path if # New path, being ~/.fastlane/frameit/x return File.join(FastlaneCore.fastlane_user_dir, "frameit", Frameit.frames_version) end def templates_path self.class.templates_path end def print_disclaimer UI.header "Device frames disclaimer" UI.important "All used device frames are available via Facebook Design:" UI.message "----------------------------------------" UI.message "While Facebook has redrawn and shares these assets for the benefit" UI.message "of the design community, Facebook does not own any of the underlying" UI.message "product or user interface designs." UI.message "By accessing these assets, you agree to obtain all necessary permissions" UI.message "from the underlying rights holders and/or adhere to any applicable brand" UI.message "use guidelines before using them." UI.message "Facebook disclaims all express or implied warranties with respect to these assets, including" UI.message "non-infringement of intellectual property rights." UI.message "----------------------------------------" end private def download_file(path, txt: "file") require 'uri' url = File.join(HOST_URL, Frameit.frames_version, URI.escape(path)) UI.message("Downloading #{txt} from '#{url}' ...") body = Excon.get(url).body raise body if body.include?("") return body rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.user_error!("Error accessing URL '#{url}'") end end end