/********************************************************************** transcode_data.h - $Author: yugui $ created at: Mon 10 Dec 2007 14:01:47 JST 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Duerst **********************************************************************/ #include "ruby/ruby.h" #ifndef RUBY_TRANSCODE_DATA_H #define RUBY_TRANSCODE_DATA_H 1 #if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 #pragma GCC visibility push(default) #endif #define WORDINDEX_SHIFT_BITS 2 #define WORDINDEX2INFO(widx) ((widx) << WORDINDEX_SHIFT_BITS) #define INFO2WORDINDEX(info) ((info) >> WORDINDEX_SHIFT_BITS) #define BYTE_LOOKUP_BASE(bl) ((bl)[0]) #define BYTE_LOOKUP_INFO(bl) ((bl)[1]) #define PType (unsigned int) #define NOMAP (PType 0x01) /* direct map */ #define ONEbt (0x02) /* one byte payload */ #define TWObt (0x03) /* two bytes payload */ #define THREEbt (0x05) /* three bytes payload */ #define FOURbt (0x06) /* four bytes payload, UTF-8 only, macros start at getBT0 */ #define INVALID (PType 0x07) /* invalid byte sequence */ #define UNDEF (PType 0x09) /* legal but undefined */ #define ZERObt (PType 0x0A) /* zero bytes of payload, i.e. remove */ #define FUNii (PType 0x0B) /* function from info to info */ #define FUNsi (PType 0x0D) /* function from start to info */ #define FUNio (PType 0x0E) /* function from info to output */ #define FUNso (PType 0x0F) /* function from start to output */ #define STR1 (PType 0x11) /* string 4 <= len <= 259 bytes: 1byte length + content */ #define GB4bt (PType 0x12) /* GB18030 four bytes payload */ #define FUNsio (PType 0x13) /* function from start and info to output */ #define STR1_LENGTH(byte_addr) (unsigned int)(*(byte_addr) + 4) #define STR1_BYTEINDEX(w) ((w) >> 6) #define makeSTR1(bi) (((bi) << 6) | STR1) #define makeSTR1LEN(len) ((len)-4) #define o1(b1) (PType((((unsigned char)(b1))<<8)|ONEbt)) #define o2(b1,b2) (PType((((unsigned char)(b1))<<8)|(((unsigned char)(b2))<<16)|TWObt)) #define o3(b1,b2,b3) (PType(((((unsigned char)(b1))<<8)|(((unsigned char)(b2))<<16)|(((unsigned int)(unsigned char)(b3))<<24)|THREEbt)&0xffffffffU)) #define o4(b0,b1,b2,b3) (PType(((((unsigned char)(b1))<<8)|(((unsigned char)(b2))<<16)|(((unsigned char)(b3))<<24)|((((unsigned char)(b0))&0x07)<<5)|FOURbt)&0xffffffffU)) #define g4(b0,b1,b2,b3) (PType(((((unsigned char)(b0))<<8)|(((unsigned char)(b2))<<16)|((((unsigned char)(b1))&0x0f)<<24)|((((unsigned int)(unsigned char)(b3))&0x0f)<<28)|GB4bt)&0xffffffffU)) #define funsio(diff) (PType((((unsigned int)(diff))<<8)|FUNsio)) #define getBT1(a) ((unsigned char)((a)>> 8)) #define getBT2(a) ((unsigned char)((a)>>16)) #define getBT3(a) ((unsigned char)((a)>>24)) #define getBT0(a) (((unsigned char)((a)>> 5)&0x07)|0xF0) /* for UTF-8 only!!! */ #define getGB4bt0(a) ((unsigned char)((a)>> 8)) #define getGB4bt1(a) (((unsigned char)((a)>>24)&0x0F)|0x30) #define getGB4bt2(a) ((unsigned char)((a)>>16)) #define getGB4bt3(a) (((unsigned char)((a)>>28)&0x0F)|0x30) #define o2FUNii(b1,b2) (PType((((unsigned char)(b1))<<8)|(((unsigned char)(b2))<<16)|FUNii)) /* do we need these??? maybe not, can be done with simple tables */ #define ONETRAIL /* legal but undefined if one more trailing UTF-8 */ #define TWOTRAIL /* legal but undefined if two more trailing UTF-8 */ #define THREETRAIL /* legal but undefined if three more trailing UTF-8 */ typedef enum { asciicompat_converter, /* ASCII-compatible -> ASCII-compatible */ asciicompat_decoder, /* ASCII-incompatible -> ASCII-compatible */ asciicompat_encoder /* ASCII-compatible -> ASCII-incompatible */ /* ASCII-incompatible -> ASCII-incompatible is intentionally omitted. */ } rb_transcoder_asciicompat_type_t; typedef struct rb_transcoder rb_transcoder; /* static structure, one per supported encoding pair */ struct rb_transcoder { const char *src_encoding; const char *dst_encoding; unsigned int conv_tree_start; const unsigned char *byte_array; unsigned int byte_array_length; const unsigned int *word_array; unsigned int word_array_length; int word_size; int input_unit_length; int max_input; int max_output; rb_transcoder_asciicompat_type_t asciicompat_type; size_t state_size; int (*state_init_func)(void*); /* ret==0:success ret!=0:failure(errno) */ int (*state_fini_func)(void*); /* ret==0:success ret!=0:failure(errno) */ VALUE (*func_ii)(void*, VALUE); /* info -> info */ VALUE (*func_si)(void*, const unsigned char*, size_t); /* start -> info */ ssize_t (*func_io)(void*, VALUE, const unsigned char*, size_t); /* info -> output */ ssize_t (*func_so)(void*, const unsigned char*, size_t, unsigned char*, size_t); /* start -> output */ ssize_t (*finish_func)(void*, unsigned char*, size_t); /* -> output */ ssize_t (*resetsize_func)(void*); /* -> len */ ssize_t (*resetstate_func)(void*, unsigned char*, size_t); /* -> output */ ssize_t (*func_sio)(void*, const unsigned char*, size_t, VALUE, unsigned char*, size_t); /* start -> output */ }; void rb_declare_transcoder(const char *enc1, const char *enc2, const char *lib); void rb_register_transcoder(const rb_transcoder *); /* * To get rid of collision of initializer symbols in statically-linked encodings * and transcoders */ #if defined(EXTSTATIC) && EXTSTATIC # define TRANS_INIT(name) void Init_trans_ ## name(void) #else # define TRANS_INIT(name) void Init_ ## name(void) #endif #if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 #pragma GCC visibility pop #endif #endif /* RUBY_TRANSCODE_DATA_H */