require "tts_based_on_google/version" require 'net/http' require 'tempfile' require 'uri' class TextToSpeech URL_HOST = "" URL_PATH = lambda { |text, lang| "/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&q=#{URI.escape(text)}&tl=#{lang}" } def initialize(text, lang = :en, file ="tts_mp3")) @full_text = escape_text(text) @lang = lang.to_s if lang.class == Symbol @file = file end def save_to_file convert_to_speech @file end private def convert_to_speech str = "" parts = [] # each part's size has to be lower then 100 chars, in order to get working with google splitted = split_text_into_parts # join sentences or words into parts that has lower size then 100 until splitted.empty? # if text's size will be bigger then 100, we first need to download speech for this text, then reset it # google don't support TTS for texts bigger then 100 chars if (str + splitted[0]).size > 100 parts << str str = "" else str += splitted[0] str += " " splitted.delete_at(0) end end parts << str download_speech(parts) end def split_text_into_parts splitted = [] # let's split by sentences @full_text.split(".").each do |sentence| #if sentence is bigger, then split by words if sentence.size >= 100 sentence.split(" ").each { |word| splitted << word } else splitted << sentence + "." end end splitted end def download_speech(parts) #binding.pry Net::HTTP.start(URL_HOST) do |http| open(@file.path, "ab") do |file| parts.each do |part| response = http.get(, @lang)) file.write(response.body) end end end end def escape_text(text) text.squeeze!(".") text.gsub!("\n", " ") text.gsub!("\r", " ") text.squeeze!(" ") text end end