require 'spec_helper' describe Socialcastr::Base do context 'api' do context 'when Socialcastr has not been configured' do it 'should raise an exception' do lambda { Socialcastr::Base.api }.should raise_error end end context 'when Socialcastr has been configured' do before :each do configure_socialcastr end it "should return the instance of Socialcastr::API" do Socialcastr::Base.api.class.should == Socialcastr::API end end end context 'creating a new object with new()' do it 'should return a new instance' do class Post < Socialcastr::Base; end post = post.should_not be_nil post.class.should == Post end context 'for a class that has an element \'author\'' do before :each do class Post < Socialcastr::Base; end @post = end it 'should be possible to access the author attribute' do lambda { }.should_not raise_error end it 'should not initialize the author attribute' do be_nil end end end context 'initializing a new object with author="john doe"' do before :each do class Post < Socialcastr::Base; end @post = => "john doe") end context '#author' do it 'should return "john doe"' do == "john doe" end end context '#new?' do it 'should return true' do be_true end end context '#id' do it 'should be nil' do be_nil end end context '#to_params' do it 'should return a Hash ' do @post.to_params.class.should == Hash end end context '#param_name' do it 'should return a string like model_name[variable_name]' do @post.param_name("author").should == "post[author]" end end context "#copy_attributes_from_object" do it "should copy the instance variables of on another object's to the current one" do @another_post = => "jane doe") @post.copy_attributes_from_object(@another_post) == "jane doe" end end context 'saving it with #save' do before :each do @api = mock('api', :post => "") Socialcastr.stub!(:api).and_return(@api) end it 'should POST to the socialcast api' do response = "4john doe" @api.should_receive(:post).and_return(response) == 4 end end end context 'find_single or find(id)' do before :each do fake_socialcast_api_for(:message) do @message = Socialcastr::Message.find(425) end end it 'should return a Socialcastr::Base object' do @message.class.should == Socialcastr::Message end it 'should not be new' do be_false end context 'after modifying one attribute' do before :each do @message.title = 'new title' end it 'the attribute should be changed' do @message.title.should == "new title" end context 'saving the object with #save' do it 'should PUT to the Socialcast API' do @api = mock('api', :post => "") Socialcastr::Message.stub!(:api).and_return(@api) response = "" @api.should_receive(:put).and_return(response) end end end end context 'find_every or find(:all)' do before :each do fake_socialcast_api_for(:messages) do @messages = Socialcastr::Base.find(:all) end end it 'should return an enumerable' do @messages.class.should == Array lambda { @messages.first }.should_not raise_error end end context 'first or find(:first)' do before :each do fake_socialcast_api_for(:messages) do @message = Socialcastr::Message.first end end it 'should return an object' do @message.class.should == Socialcastr::Message end end context 'last or find(:last)' do before :each do fake_socialcast_api_for(:message) do @message = Socialcastr::Message.last end end it 'should return an object' do @message.class.should == Socialcastr::Message end end context 'model_name' do it 'should return a lowercase string containing the object\'s classname' do class Tree < Socialcastr::Base; end Tree.model_name.should == 'Tree' end it 'should not include any module or prefix' do class Socialcastr::Tree < Socialcastr::Base; end Socialcastr::Tree.model_name.should == 'Tree' end end context 'prefix' do context 'being passed {:post_id => 3} as arguments' do it 'should return posts/3/' do Socialcastr::Base.prefix(:post_id => 3).should == 'posts/3/' end end end context 'collection_name' do it 'should return a pluralized and downcase string' do Socialcastr::Base.collection_name.should == 'bases' end end context 'element_path' do context 'with 5 as an argument' do it 'should return collection_name/5' do class Post < Socialcastr::Base; end Post.element_path(5).should == '/posts/5' end end end context 'collection_path' do it 'should return collection_name' do class Post < Socialcastr::Base; end Post.collection_path.should == '/posts' end end end