package com.elctech { // import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; // import*; import; import; import; import; import flash.system.Security; import flash.xml.XMLDocument; import flash.xml.XMLNode; // import mx.controls.Alert; /** * This class encapsulates a POST request to S3. * * After you create an S3PostRequest, invoke S3PostRequest::upload(fileReference:FileReference). * */ public class S3UploadRequest extends EventDispatcher { [Event(name="open", type="")] [Event(name="uploadCompleteData", type="")] [Event(name="ioError", type="")] [Event(name="securityError", type="")] [Event(name="progress", type="")] private var _accessKeyId:String; private var _bucket:String; private var _key:String; private var _options:S3UploadOptions; private var _httpStatusErrorReceived:Boolean; private var _uploadStarted:Boolean; private var fileReference:FileReference; private const ENDPOINT:String = ""; private const MIN_BUCKET_LENGTH:int = 3; private const MAX_BUCKET_LENGTH:int = 63; /** * Creates and initializes a new S3PostRequest object. * @param accessKeyId The AWS access key id to authenticate the request * @param bucket The bucket to POST into * @param key The key to create * @param options Options for this request */ public function S3UploadRequest(options:S3UploadOptions) { _accessKeyId = options.AWSAccessKeyId; _bucket = options.bucket; _key = options.key; _options = options; } private function buildUrl():String { var canUseVanityStyle:Boolean = canUseVanityStyle(_bucket); if(_options.Secure!="false" && canUseVanityStyle && _bucket.match(/\./)) { // We cannot use SSL for bucket names containing "." // The certificate won't match "" throw new SecurityError("Cannot use SSL with bucket name containing '.': " + _bucket); } var postUrl:String = "http" + ((_options.Secure == 'true') ? "s" : "") + "://"; if(canUseVanityStyle) { postUrl += _bucket + "." + ENDPOINT; } else { postUrl += ENDPOINT + "/" + _bucket; } return postUrl; } private function canUseVanityStyle(bucket:String):Boolean { if( bucket.length < MIN_BUCKET_LENGTH || bucket.length > MAX_BUCKET_LENGTH || bucket.match(/^\./) || bucket.match(/\.$/) ) { return false; } // must be lower case if(bucket.toLowerCase() != bucket) { return false; } // Check not IPv4-like if (bucket.match(/^[0-9]|+\.[0-9]|+\.[0-9]|+\.[0-9]|+$/)) { return false; } // Check each label if(bucket.match(/\./)) { var labels:Array = bucket.split(/\./); for (var i:int = 0;i < labels.length; i++) { if(!labels[i].match(/^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?$/)) { return false; } } } return true; } private function loadPolicyFile(postUrl:String):void { /* * Due to the restrictions imposed by the Adobe Flash security sandbox, * the bucket being uploaded to must contain a public-readable crossdomain.xml * file that allows access from the domain that served the SWF hosting this code. * * Read Adobe's documentation on the Flash security sandbox for more information. * */ Security.loadPolicyFile(postUrl + "/crossdomain.xml"); } public function removeListeners():void { trace('removeListeners'); fileReference.removeEventListener(Event.OPEN, onOpen); fileReference.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); fileReference.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError); fileReference.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError); fileReference.removeEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, onUploadCompleteData); fileReference.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHttpStatus); } /** * Initiates a POST upload request to S3 * @param fileReference A FileReference object referencing the file to upload to S3. */ public function upload(_fileReference:FileReference):void { if(_uploadStarted) { throw new Error("S3PostRequest object cannot be reused. Create another S3PostRequest object to send another request to Amazon S3."); } _uploadStarted = true; // Save the FileReference object so that it doesn't get GCed. // If this happens, we can lose events that should be dispatched. fileReference = _fileReference; var postUrl:String = buildUrl(); loadPolicyFile(postUrl); var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(postUrl); urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = buildPostVariables(); // set up event handlers ***************************************************** fileReference.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, onOpen); fileReference.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); fileReference.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError); fileReference.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError); fileReference.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, onUploadCompleteData); fileReference.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHttpStatus); // ***************************************************************************** // send the request fileReference.upload(urlRequest, "file", false); } private function buildPostVariables():URLVariables { var postVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); postVariables.key = _key; postVariables.acl = _options.acl; postVariables.AWSAccessKeyId = _accessKeyId; postVariables.signature = _options.signature; postVariables["Content-Type"] = _options.ContentType; postVariables["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment"; postVariables.policy = _options.policy; /** * Certain combinations of Flash player version and platform don't handle * HTTP responses with the header 'Content-Length: 0'. These clients do not * dispatch completion or error events when such a response is received. * Therefore it is impossible to tell when the upload has completed or failed. * * Flash clients should always set the success_action_status parameter to 201 * so that Amazon S3 returns a response with Content-Length being non-zero. * */ postVariables.success_action_status = "201"; return postVariables; } private function onOpen(event:Event):void { trace('onOpen: '+this._key); this.dispatchEvent(event); } private function onIOError(event:IOErrorEvent):void { /* * FileReference.upload likes to send cryptic IOErrors when it doesn't get a status code that it likes. * If we already got an error HTTP status code, don't propagate this event since the HTTPStatusEvent * event handler dispatches an IOErrorEvent. */ if(!_httpStatusErrorReceived) { this.dispatchEvent(event); } } private function onSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void { this.dispatchEvent(event); } private function onProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void { this.dispatchEvent(event); } private function onUploadCompleteData(event:DataEvent):void { var data:String =; if(isError(data)) { this.dispatchEvent( new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, "Amazon S3 returned an error: " + data + ".") ); } else { this.dispatchEvent(new DataEvent(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, data)); } } private function onHttpStatus(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void { _httpStatusErrorReceived = true; if(Math.floor(event.status/100) == 2) { this.dispatchEvent(new DataEvent(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, "Amazon S3 returned HTTP status " + event.status.toString() + ".")); } else { this.dispatchEvent(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, "Amazon S3 returned an error: HTTP status " + event.status.toString() + ".")); } } private function isError(responseText:String):Boolean { var xml:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument(); xml.ignoreWhite = true; xml.parseXML(responseText); var root:XMLNode = xml.firstChild; if( root == null || root.nodeName != "Error" ) { return false; } return true; } } }