# # Author:: Christo De Lange () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2013 DLDInternet, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "awesome_print" require 'chef/knife' require 'chef/knife/chop/version' require 'chef/knife/chop/logging' require 'chef/knife/chop/errors' require 'logging' class Chef # noinspection RubyTooManyInstanceVariablesInspection # noinspection RubyTooManyMethodsInspection class Knife attr_accessor :logger attr_accessor :verbosity attr_accessor :LOGLEVELS attr_accessor :ALLPARTS attr_accessor :ALLACTIONS attr_accessor :prec_max def self.loglevels=(levels) @LOGLEVELS = levels || [:trace, :debug, :step, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal, :todo] end def self.allparts=(parts) @ALLPARTS = parts || [:environments, :roles, :databags, :cookbooks] end def self.allactions=(acts) @ALLACTIONS = acts || [:upload, :translate] end def self.loglevels @LOGLEVELS end def self.allparts @ALLPARTS end def self.allactions @ALLACTIONS end self.loglevels = nil self.allparts = nil self.allactions = nil module ChopBase class ::TrueClass def to_rb to_s end def yesno "yes" end end class ::FalseClass def to_rb to_s end def yesno "no" end end include ChopErrors include ChopLogging # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parsePartSymbol(v) if v.to_sym == :all ::Chef::Knife.allparts else s = v.to_sym allparts = [::Chef::Knife.allparts, :all].flatten unless allparts.include?(s) allparts.each{ |p| s = p if p.match(%r/^#{s}/) } end s = ::Chef::Knife.allparts if s == :all s end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseActionSymbol(v) if v.to_sym == :all ::Chef::Knife.allactions else s = v.to_sym allactions = [::Chef::Knife.allactions, :all].flatten unless allactions.include?(s) allactions.each{ |p| s = p if p.match(%r/^#{s}/) } end s = ::Chef::Knife.allactions if s == :all s end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseString(v) v end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parsePath(v) File.expand_path(parseString(v)) end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseList(v,s=',',method='parseString') parts = [] a = v.split(%r/#{s}/) a.each{ |t| parts << send(method,t) } parts end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseOptionString(v,s=',',method='parseString') bags = [] if v.match(%r'#{s}') bags << parseList(v,s,method) else bags << send(method,v) end bags.flatten end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parsePrecedence(v) @prec_max += 1 match = v.match(%r/^(json|rb|yaml)$/i) unless match m = "ERROR: Invalid precedence argument: #{v}. Accept only from this set: [json,rb,yaml]" puts m raise Exception.new(m) end s = { v => @prec_max } match = v.match(%r/^(\S+):(\d+)$/) if match begin a = match[1] i = match[2].to_i s = { a => i } rescue => e puts "ERROR: Unable to match precedence #{v}" raise e end end s end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.included(includer) includer.class_eval do deps do require 'readline' require 'colorize' require 'inifile' require 'chef/knife/chop/chef_knife' require 'chef/environment' require 'chef/knife/core/object_loader' require 'chef/cookbook_loader' require 'chef/cookbook_uploader' require 'chef/knife/chop/cookbook_upload' require 'chef/knife/chop/data_bag_from_file' require 'chef/knife/chop/role_from_file' require 'chef/knife/chop/environment_from_file' require 'chef/knife/chop/chef_part' require 'chef/knife/chop/chef_environment' require 'chef/knife/chop/chef_role' #require 'chef/knife/chop/chef_data_bag_item' require 'chef/json_compat' require 'chef/knife/bootstrap' require 'chef/knife/chop/ui' Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.load_deps end attr_reader :argv # This will print an args summary. option :help, :short => "-h", :long => "--help", :description => "Show this message", :show_options => true, :exit => 1 # print the version. option :version, :short => '-V', :long => "--version", :description => "Show version", :proc => Proc.new{ puts ::Knife::Chop::VERSION }, :exit => 2 option :verbosity, :short => "-v", :long => "--[no-]verbose [LEVEL]", :description => "Run verbosely", :proc => lambda{|s| if s.nil? or (s == '') $CHOP.verbosity += 1 else $CHOP.verbosity = v.gsub(%r/['"]*/, '').to_i end } option :log_path, :long => '--log-path PATH', :description => "Log destination path" option :log_file, :long => '--log-file PATH', :description => "Log destination file" option :log_level, :short => '-l', :long => ['--log_level LEVEL','--log-level LEVEL'], :description => "Log level (#{::Chef::Knife.loglevels.to_s})", :proc => lambda{|v| if ::Chef::Knife.loglevels.include? v.to_sym v.to_sym else level = ::Chef::Knife.loglevels.select{|l| l.to_s.match(%r(^#{v}))} unless level.size > 0 raise OptionParser::InvalidOption.new("Invalid log level: #{v}. Valid levels are #{::Chef::Knife.loglevels.ai}") end level[0].to_sym end }, :default => :step option :inifile, :short => "-f", :long => "--inifile FILE", :description => "INI file with settings" option :parts, :short => "-R", :long => "--resources PARTS", :description => "Parts to upload #{[ :all, ::Chef::Knife.allparts].flatten }. Default: all", :default => ::Chef::Knife.allparts, :proc => lambda{|v| parts = $CHOP.parseOptionString(v,',','parsePartSymbol') parts.each{ |part| raise ::OptionParser::InvalidOption.new("Invalid part: #{part.to_s}. Valid parts are: #{[::Chef::Knife.allparts, :all].to_s}") unless [::Chef::Knife.allparts, :all].flatten.include?(part.to_sym) } parts } option :depends, :short => "-I", :long => "--[no-]include-dependencies [yes|no|true|false|0|1|enable|disable]", :description => "Include Cookbook dependencies?, Default --include-dependencies or -I [1|yes|enable|true]", :default => true option :dry_run, :short => "-n", :long => "--[no-]dry-run", :description => "Do a dry run, Default --no-dry-run", :default => false option :cookbook_path, :short => "-P", :long => "--cookbook-path PATH", :description => "Cookbook search path, Default chef/cookbooks/:chef/vendor-cookbooks", :default => ["cookbooks","vendor-cookbooks"], :proc => lambda{|v| $CHOP.parseOptionString(v,'[:,]','parsePath') } option :repo_path, :long => "--repo-path PATH", :description => "Chef repo path, Default ./chef", :default => ".", #:required => true, :proc => lambda{|v| File.expand_path(v) } option :cookbooks, :short => "-c", :long => "--cookbooks COOKBOOKS", :description => "Cookbooks to upload (List separated by commas or --all. Default: role", :default => ['role'], :proc => lambda{|v| $CHOP.parseOptionString(v) } option :envs, :short => ["-e", "-E",], :long => "--environments REGEXLIST", :description => "Environments regex", :proc => lambda{|v| $CHOP.parseOptionString(v) }, :default => ['.*'] option :databags, :short => "-b", :long => "--databags BAGS", :description => "Data bags to upload", :default => ['.*:.*'], :proc => lambda{|v| $CHOP.parseOptionString(v) } option :roles, :short => "-r", :long => "--roles ROLES", :description => "Roles to upload", :default => [".*"], :proc => lambda{|v| $CHOP.parseOptionString(v) } option :all, :short => "-a", :long => "--all", :description => "Upload all items for resource group(s)" option :trace, :short => "-t", :long => "--trace", :boolean => true, :default => false, :description => "Trace logging locations (file::line)" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Cookbooks # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ option :freeze, :long => '--freeze', :description => 'Freeze this version of the cookbook so that it cannot be overwritten', :boolean => true #option :all, # :short => "-a", # :long => "--all", # :description => "Upload all cookbooks, rather than just a single cookbook" option :force, :long => '--force', :boolean => true, :description => "Update cookbook versions even if they have been frozen" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data bags # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ option :secret, :short => "-s SECRET", :long => "--secret ", :description => "The secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values" option :secret_file, :long => "--secret-file SECRET_FILE", :description => "A file containing the secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ option :precedence, :long => "--precedence PREC", :description => "Precedence order of parts extensions. Default: json:1,rb:2 or json,rb == [json rb] == { json => 1, rb => 2 } == .rb files will be used when there is both a .json and .rb", :default => %w(json rb), :proc => lambda{|v| prec = $CHOP.parseOptionString(v,',', 'parsePrecedence') prec.sort{|x,y| x.values.shift <=> y.values.shift }.map{|e| e.keys.shift } } option :actions, :short => '-a', :long => "--action ACTION", :description => "Actions to be performed #{[ :all, ::Chef::Knife.allactions].flatten }. Default: upload", #:default => [:upload], :proc => lambda{|v| actions = $CHOP.parseOptionString(v,',','parseActionSymbol') actions.each{ |act| raise ::OptionParser::InvalidOption.new("Invalid action: #{act.to_s}. Valid actions are: #{[ :all, ::Chef::Knife.allactions].flatten.to_s}") unless [ :all, ::Chef::Knife.allactions].flatten.include?(act.to_sym) } actions } option :translate, :long => "--translate PREC", :description => "Translate parts. Default: json,rb == { :from => 'json', :to => 'rb' } == .json files will be read and .rb equivalents will be saved", :default => %w(json rb), :proc => lambda{|v| $CHOP.parseOptionString(v) } end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a new instance of the current class configured for the given # arguments and options def initialize(argv=[]) @argv = argv $CHOP = self @verbosity = 0 @inis = [] @use_knife_api = true @stop = false @prec_max = 0 @TODO = {} @actors = {} super end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def build_option_arguments(opt_setting) arguments = super arguments.flatten end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_options(args,source=nil) argv = super(args) @config = parse_and_validate_options(@config,source ? source : "ARGV - #{__LINE__}") v = @config[:depends] m = (v.is_a?(String) && v.downcase.match(%r/^(no|false|disable|0)/) ) @config[:depends] = (v === true) || (m.nil? ? true : false) unless @config[:actions] @config[:actions] = [ argv[1].to_sym ] # self.class.name.gsub(%r(Chef::Knife::Chop), '').downcase end @actors[argv[1].to_sym] = self others = @config[:actions].select{|a| a != argv[1].to_sym } index = args.index '--action' others.each{|a| args[1] = a.to_s unless index.nil? args[index+1] = a.to_s end subcommand_class = ::Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(args) subcommand_class.load_deps instance = subcommand_class.new(args) instance.configure_chef @actors[a] = instance } argv end module ::Logging class << self def levelnames=(lnames) remove_const(:LNAMES) const_set(:LNAMES, lnames) end def levelnames() LNAMES end end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def configure_chef super @config[:log_opts] = lambda{|mlll| { :pattern => "%#{mlll}l: %m %C\n", :date_pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', } } @logger = getLogger(@config) @ui = Chef::Knife::ChopUI.new(@logger,@config) Chef::Log.logger = @logger end def run_with_pretty_exceptions unless self.respond_to?(:run) ui.error "You need to add a #run method to your knife command before you can use it" end enforce_path_sanity raise ChopOptionError.new("The --repo-path '#{@config[:repo_path]}' is invalid!") unless File.directory?(@config[:repo_path]) run rescue ChopOptionError => e raise if Chef::Config[:verbosity] == 2 humanize_exception(e) exit 100 rescue ChopError => e humanize_exception(e) exit 101 end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseINIFile(options=nil) options = @config unless options if options.key?(:inifile) logStep "Parse INI file - #{options[:inifile]}" options[:inifile] = File.expand_path(options[:inifile]) raise ChopError.new("Cannot find inifile (#{options[:inifile]})") unless File.exist?(options[:inifile]) raise ChopError.new("Recursive call to inifile == '#{options[:inifile]}'") if @inis.include?(options[:inifile]) ini = nil begin ini = IniFile.load(options[:inifile]) @inis << options[:inifile] ini['global'].each { |key, value| #puts "#{key}=#{value}" ENV[key]= value.nil? ? '' : value } argv=[] cli = ini['cli'] || [] cli.each{ |key,value| argv << key.gsub(%r/:[0-9]+$/, '').gsub(%r/^([^-])/, '--\1') argv << value } if argv.size > 0 parse_options(argv,"INI-#{options[:inifile]}") end rescue => e puts e.message.light_red raise e end end options end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setDefaultOptions(options) @options.each{|name,args| if args[:default] options[name] = args[:default] unless options[name] end } setOrigins(options,'default') end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def validate_options(options=nil) options = @config unless options # # Check for the necessary environment variables # logStep ("Check ENVironment") # env = ENV.to_hash # missing = {} # %w(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY KNIFE_CHEF_SERVER_URL KNIFE_CLIENT_KEY KNIFE_CLIENT_NAME).each { |k| # missing[k] = true unless ENV.has_key?(k) # } # # if missing.count() > 0 # #@logger.error "Missing keys: #{missing.keys.ai}" # raise ChopError.new("Missing environment variables: #{missing.keys}") # end end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_and_validate_options(options=nil,source='ARGV') options = @config unless options setOrigins(options,source) #options = parseOptions(options,source) unless @origins and @name_key_map # These are the essential default options which things like parseOptions depend on { :verbosity => @verbosity, :auto_purge => false, }.each{ |k,v| options[k] = v unless options[k] } setOrigins(options,'hardcoded-default') @name_key_map = {} unless @name_key_map @options.each{ |name,args| @name_key_map[name] = {} unless @name_key_map[name] [:short,:long,:description].each{|key| @name_key_map[name][key] = args[key] if args[key] } } end begin parseINIFile(options) setDefaultOptions(options) # Check for all the necessary options validate_options(options) checkArgsSources(options) #findRootPath(options) rescue ChopError => e puts e.message.light_red exit -1 rescue Exception => e puts e.message.light_red exit -2 end options end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setOrigins(options,source) @origins = {} unless @origins options.each { |key, val| @origins[key] = source unless (@origins[key]) } end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkArgsSources(options) if @origins missing = @origins.select{ |k,v| v.nil? }.map{ |k,v| k } raise ChopError.new("Missing origins: #{missing.ai}") if missing.size > 0 end end ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #def findRootPath(options) # @root_path = '' # cbpaths = @config[:cookbook_path]#.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) # common = cbpaths[0] # begin # common = File.dirname(common) # ayes = 1 # cbpaths[1..-1].each{ |cbp| # if File.dirname(cbp).match(%r(^#{common})) # ayes += 1 # end # } # @root_path = common # end while ((common != '') and (ayes != cbpaths.size)) # @root_path #end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getPathSet(want, path, exts=nil) raise ChopInternalError.new("Bad call to #{self.class.name}.getPathSet: want == nil") unless want @logger.debug "Look for #{want.ai} in #{[path]} with #{exts} extensions" if exts.nil? exts = @config[:precedence] end file_regex=%r/^(\S+)\.(#{exts.join('|')})$/ if exts.empty? file_regex=%r/^(\S+)()$/ exts=[''] end regex = "^(#{want.join('|')})$" set = {} chef = @config[:repo_path] raise ChopError.new "Oops! Where is the '#{chef}' directory? Also check cookbook path '#{@config[:cookbook_path]}'" unless File.directory?(chef) abs = File.realpath(File.expand_path("#{chef}/#{path}")) raise ChopError.new "Oops! Does 'chef/#{path}' directory exist?" unless File.directory?(abs) begin Dir.glob("#{abs}/*").each{ |f| match = File.basename(f).match(file_regex) if match name = match[1] ext = match[2] set[ext] = {} unless set[ext] @logger.trace "#{name} =~ #{regex}" set[ext][name] = f if name.match(regex) end } rescue RegexpError => e raise ChopError.new "The regular expression attempting to match resources in '#{path}' is incorrect! #{e.message}" end @logger.debug "getPathSet set=#{set.ai}" res = {} # Iterate extension sets in increasing precedence order ... # Survivor will be the most desireable version of the item # i.e. the .rb environment, role, data bag, etc. will be preferred over the .json version exts.each{ |e| h = set[e] if h h.each{ |n,f| @logger.warn "Ignoring #{File.basename(res[n])}" if res[n] res[n] = f } else @logger.warn "'#{e}' set is empty! (No #{path}/*.#{e} files found using precedence #{exts})" end } set = res end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def todo(msg) # Regular expression used to parse out caller information # # * $1 == filename # * $2 == line number # * $3 == method name (might be nil) caller_rgxp = %r/([-\.\/\(\)\w]+):(\d+)(?::in `(\w+)')?/o #CALLER_INDEX = 2 caller_index = ((defined? JRUBY_VERSION and JRUBY_VERSION[%r/^1.6/]) or (defined? RUBY_ENGINE and RUBY_ENGINE[%r/^rbx/i])) ? 1 : 2 stack = Kernel.caller[caller_index] return if stack.nil? match = caller_rgxp.match(stack) file = match[1] line = Integer(match[2]) modl = match[3] unless match[3].nil? unless @TODO[line] le = ::Logging::LogEvent.new(@logger, ::Logging::LEVELS['todo'], msg, true) @logger.logEvent(le) unless @TODO[line] @TODO[line] = true end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def matches(string, criterium) if criterium =~ %r/[\.\+\*\(\)\|\,\{\}\?\[\]\^\$]|\\[sSdDAzwWb]/ string.match(%r/#{criterium}/) else string == criterium end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute(cmd,lead) exit 1 if stop print lead if @logger.level < 4 system cmd end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def watch_for_break Thread.new do s=$stdin.read #puts "Consumed existing input: '#{$stdin.read}'" loop do s = gets.chomp if s != "" puts "Interrupted! You entered '#{s}'" @stop = true exit end end end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getKnifeSubCommand(rsrc, verb) # WARNING: Don't be clever ... rsrc and verb can each have one or more spaces ... argv = [rsrc, verb] argv = "#{rsrc} #{verb}".split(%r(\s+)) klass= ::Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(argv) subc = klass.new subc.config = @config.dup subc.config[:cookbook_path] = @config[:cookbook_path].map { |p| p.match(%r(^/)) ? p : "#{@config[:repo_path]}/#{p}" } #.join(::File::PATH_SEPARATOR) subc.ui = ::Chef::Knife::ChopUI.new(@logger, @config) subc end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def callCmdProc(cmdp, a, b, c) ret = nil begin if cmdp.is_a?(String) ret = cmdp elsif cmdp.is_a?(Proc) ret = cmdp.call(a, b, c) else raise ChopInternalError.new("'#{cmdp}' is not a Proc, Lambda or String!") end rescue ChopInternalError => e raise e rescue => e @logger.fatal "#{e.class.name} #{e.message}" raise ChopError.new("#{e.class.name} #{e.message}") end ret end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def databags(options=nil,exts=nil) options = @config unless options unless @databags want = Hash.new options[:databags].each{ |b| match = b.match(%r/^(.*):(.*)$/) if match want[match[1]] = parseOptionString(match[2],';') end } @logger.debug want.ai chef = options[:repo_path] raise ChopError.new "Oops! Where is the '#{chef}' directory? Also check cookbook path '#{options[:cookbook_path]}'" unless File.directory?(chef) @databags={} Dir.glob("#{chef}/data_bags/*").each{ |d| if File.directory?(d) name = File.basename(d) regex = "^(#{want.keys.join('|')})" match = matches(name,regex) if match @databags[name] = getPathSet(want[name], "data_bags/#{name}", exts) @logger.info "Data bags list: #{@databags[name].values.map{|f| "#{name}/#{File.basename(f)}" }}" end end } end @databags end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def roles(options=nil,exts=nil) options = @config unless options unless @roles @roles = getPathSet(options[:roles], 'roles', exts) @logger.info "Roles list: #{@roles.values.map{|f| File.basename(f)}.ai}" end @roles end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def environments(options=nil,exts=nil) options = @config unless options unless @environments @environments = getPathSet(options[:envs], 'environments', exts) @logger.info "Environments list: #{@environments.values.map{|f| File.basename(f)}.ai}" end @environments end end end end