== Gecode/R Gecode/R is a Ruby interface to Gecode, an open, free and efficient environment for developing constraint-based systems and applications. == Warning Gecode/R is still in an early development stage, the syntax is by no means final and backwards compatibility will be broken time and time again until later in the development process. Don’t use Gecode/R in production-code yet, it’s merely available this early to allow people to play with it and give feedback. == Installation Gecode/R requires Gecode 1.3.1, which can be downloaded from http://www.gecode.org/download.html . See http://www.gecode.org/gecode-doc-latest/PageComp.html for the installation instructions. === Installing from gem gem install gecoder === Building the gem rake gem gem install pkg/gecoder-0.x.x.gem == Running the tests rake specs Requires RSpec (1.0.5, but other version should hopefully work).