/** * @file PacketRandomEngine.h * @author bab2min (bab2min@gmail.com) * @brief * @version 0.3.3 * @date 2021-03-31 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020-2021 * */ #ifndef EIGENRAND_PACKET_RANDOM_ENGINE_H #define EIGENRAND_PACKET_RANDOM_ENGINE_H #include #include #include #include "MorePacketMath.h" #include namespace Eigen { namespace Rand { namespace detail { template auto test_integral_result_type(int)->std::integral_constant::value>; template auto test_integral_result_type(...)->std::false_type; template auto test_intpacket_result_type(int)->std::integral_constant::value>; template auto test_intpacket_result_type(...)->std::false_type; } template struct IsScalarRandomEngine : decltype(detail::test_integral_result_type(0)) { }; template struct IsPacketRandomEngine : decltype(detail::test_intpacket_result_type(0)) { }; enum class RandomEngineType { none, scalar, packet }; template struct GetRandomEngineType : std::integral_constant < RandomEngineType, IsPacketRandomEngine::value ? RandomEngineType::packet : (IsScalarRandomEngine::value ? RandomEngineType::scalar : RandomEngineType::none) > { }; template class AlignedArray { public: AlignedArray() { allocate(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { new (&aligned[i]) Ty(); } } AlignedArray(const AlignedArray& o) { allocate(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { aligned[i] = o[i]; } } AlignedArray(AlignedArray&& o) { std::swap(memory, o.memory); std::swap(aligned, o.aligned); } AlignedArray& operator=(const AlignedArray& o) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { aligned[i] = o[i]; } return *this; } AlignedArray& operator=(AlignedArray&& o) { std::swap(memory, o.memory); std::swap(aligned, o.aligned); return *this; } ~AlignedArray() { deallocate(); } Ty& operator[](size_t i) { return aligned[i]; } const Ty& operator[](size_t i) const { return aligned[i]; } size_t size() const { return length; } Ty* data() { return aligned; } const Ty* data() const { return aligned; } private: void allocate() { memory = std::malloc(sizeof(Ty) * length + alignment); aligned = (Ty*)(((size_t)memory + alignment) & ~(alignment - 1)); } void deallocate() { if (memory) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { aligned[i].~Ty(); } std::free(memory); memory = nullptr; aligned = nullptr; } } void* memory = nullptr; Ty* aligned = nullptr; }; #ifndef EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE /** * @brief A vectorized version of Mersenne Twister Engine * * @tparam Packet a type of integer packet being generated from this engine * @tparam _Nx * @tparam _Mx * @tparam _Rx * @tparam _Px * @tparam _Ux * @tparam _Dx * @tparam _Sx * @tparam _Bx * @tparam _Tx * @tparam _Cx * @tparam _Lx * @tparam _Fx * * @note It is recommended to use the alias, Eigen::Rand::Vmt19937_64 rather than using raw MersenneTwister template class * because the definition of Eigen::Rand::Vmt19937_64 is changed to use the appropriate PacketType depending on compile options and the architecture of machines. */ template class MersenneTwister { public: using result_type = Packet; static constexpr int word_size = 64; static constexpr int state_size = _Nx; static constexpr int shift_size = _Mx; static constexpr int mask_bits = _Rx; static constexpr uint64_t parameter_a = _Px; static constexpr int output_u = _Ux; static constexpr int output_s = _Sx; static constexpr uint64_t output_b = _Bx; static constexpr int output_t = _Tx; static constexpr uint64_t output_c = _Cx; static constexpr int output_l = _Lx; static constexpr uint64_t default_seed = 5489U; /** * @brief Construct a new Mersenne Twister engine with a scalar seed * * @param x0 scalar seed for the engine * * @note The seed for the first element of packet is initialized to `x0`, * for the second element to `x0 + 1`, and the n-th element to is `x0 + n - 1`. */ MersenneTwister(uint64_t x0 = default_seed) { using namespace Eigen::internal; std::array::size / 2> seeds; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < seeds.size(); ++i) { seeds[i] = x0 + i; } seed(ploadu((int*)seeds.data())); } /** * @brief Construct a new Mersenne Twister engine with a packet seed * * @param x0 packet seed for the engine */ MersenneTwister(Packet x0) { seed(x0); } /** * @brief initialize the engine with a given seed * * @param x0 packet seed for the engine */ void seed(Packet x0) { using namespace Eigen::internal; Packet prev = state[0] = x0; for (int i = 1; i < _Nx; ++i) { prev = state[i] = pmuluadd64(pxor(prev, psrl64(prev)), _Fx, i); } stateIdx = _Nx; } /** * @brief minimum value of the result * * @return uint64_t */ uint64_t min() const { return 0; } /** * @brief maximum value of the result * * @return uint64_t */ uint64_t max() const { return _wMask; } /** * @brief Generates one random packet and advance the internal state. * * @return result_type * * @note A value generated from this engine is not scalar, but packet type. * If you need to extract scalar values, use Eigen::Rand::makeScalarRng or Eigen::Rand::PacketRandomEngineAdaptor. */ result_type operator()() { if (stateIdx == _Nx) refill_upper(); else if (2 * _Nx <= stateIdx) refill_lower(); using namespace Eigen::internal; Packet res = state[stateIdx++]; res = pxor(res, pand(psrl64<_Ux>(res), pseti64(_Dx))); res = pxor(res, pand(psll64<_Sx>(res), pseti64(_Bx))); res = pxor(res, pand(psll64<_Tx>(res), pseti64(_Cx))); res = pxor(res, psrl64<_Lx>(res)); return res; } /** * @brief Discards `num` items being generated * * @param num the number of items being discarded */ void discard(unsigned long long num) { for (; 0 < num; --num) { operator()(); } } typename internal::HalfPacket::type half() { if (valid) { valid = false; return cache; } typename internal::HalfPacket::type a; internal::split_two(operator()(), a, cache); valid = true; return a; } protected: void refill_lower() { using namespace Eigen::internal; auto hmask = pseti64(_hMask), lmask = pseti64(_lMask), px = pseti64(_Px), one = pseti64(1); int i; for (i = 0; i < _Nx - _Mx; ++i) { Packet tmp = por(pand(state[i + _Nx], hmask), pand(state[i + _Nx + 1], lmask)); state[i] = pxor(pxor( psrl64<1>(tmp), pand(pcmpeq64(pand(tmp, one), one), px)), state[i + _Nx + _Mx] ); } for (; i < _Nx - 1; ++i) { Packet tmp = por(pand(state[i + _Nx], hmask), pand(state[i + _Nx + 1], lmask)); state[i] = pxor(pxor( psrl64<1>(tmp), pand(pcmpeq64(pand(tmp, one), one), px)), state[i - _Nx + _Mx] ); } Packet tmp = por(pand(state[i + _Nx], hmask), pand(state[0], lmask)); state[i] = pxor(pxor( psrl64<1>(tmp), pand(pcmpeq64(pand(tmp, one), one), px)), state[_Mx - 1] ); stateIdx = 0; } void refill_upper() { using namespace Eigen::internal; auto hmask = pseti64(_hMask), lmask = pseti64(_lMask), px = pseti64(_Px), one = pseti64(1); for (int i = _Nx; i < 2 * _Nx; ++i) { Packet tmp = por(pand(state[i - _Nx], hmask), pand(state[i - _Nx + 1], lmask)); state[i] = pxor(pxor( psrl64<1>(tmp), pand(pcmpeq64(pand(tmp, one), one), px)), state[i - _Nx + _Mx] ); } } AlignedArray state; size_t stateIdx = 0; typename internal::HalfPacket::type cache; bool valid = false; static constexpr uint64_t _wMask = (uint64_t)-1; static constexpr uint64_t _hMask = (_wMask << _Rx) & _wMask; static constexpr uint64_t _lMask = ~_hMask & _wMask; }; /** * @brief Alias of Eigen::Rand::MersenneTwister, equivalent to std::mt19937_64 * * @tparam Packet */ template using Pmt19937_64 = MersenneTwister; #endif template class ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor { static_assert(GetRandomEngineType::value != RandomEngineType::none, "BaseRng must be a kind of Random Engine."); public: using result_type = UIntType; ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor(size_t seed = BaseRng::default_seed) { for (int i = 0; i < num_parallel; ++i) { rngs[i].~BaseRng(); new (&rngs[i]) BaseRng{ seed + i * u64_stride }; } } ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor(const BaseRng& o) { for (int i = 0; i < num_parallel; ++i) { rngs[i].~BaseRng(); new (&rngs[i]) BaseRng{ o }; } } ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor(const ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor&) = default; ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor(ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor&&) = default; static constexpr result_type min() { return std::numeric_limits::min(); } static constexpr result_type max() { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } result_type operator()() { if (cnt >= buf_size) { refill_buffer(); } return buf[cnt++]; } float uniform_real() { if (fcnt >= fbuf_size) { refill_fbuffer(); } return fbuf[fcnt++]; } private: void refill_buffer() { cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_parallel; ++i) { reinterpret_cast(buf[i * result_type_stride]) = rngs[i](); } } void refill_fbuffer() { fcnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_parallel; ++i) { auto urf = internal::bit_to_ur_float(rngs[i]()); reinterpret_cast(fbuf[i * u64_stride * 2]) = urf; } } static constexpr int u64_stride = sizeof(typename BaseRng::result_type) / sizeof(uint64_t); static constexpr int result_type_stride = sizeof(typename BaseRng::result_type) / sizeof(result_type); static constexpr int num_parallel = numU64 / u64_stride; static constexpr int byte_size = sizeof(uint64_t) * numU64; static constexpr size_t buf_size = byte_size / sizeof(result_type); static constexpr size_t fbuf_size = byte_size / sizeof(float); std::array rngs; AlignedArray buf; AlignedArray fbuf; size_t cnt = buf_size, fcnt = fbuf_size; }; /** * @brief Scalar adaptor for random engines which generates packet * * @tparam UIntType scalar integer type for `result_type` of an adapted random number engine * @tparam BaseRng */ template using PacketRandomEngineAdaptor = ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor; template class RandomEngineWrapper : public BaseRng { public: using BaseRng::BaseRng; RandomEngineWrapper(const BaseRng& o) : BaseRng{ o } { } RandomEngineWrapper(BaseRng&& o) : BaseRng{ o } { } RandomEngineWrapper(size_t seed) : BaseRng{ seed } { } RandomEngineWrapper() = default; RandomEngineWrapper(const RandomEngineWrapper&) = default; RandomEngineWrapper(RandomEngineWrapper&&) = default; float uniform_real() { internal::BitScalar bs; return bs.to_ur(this->operator()()); } }; template using UniversalRandomEngine = typename std::conditional< IsPacketRandomEngine::type>::value, PacketRandomEngineAdaptor::type>, typename std::conditional< IsScalarRandomEngine::type>::value, RandomEngineWrapper::type>, void >::type >::type; /** * @brief Helper function for making a UniversalRandomEngine * * @tparam UIntType * @tparam Rng * @param rng any random number engine for either packet or scalar type * @return an instance of PacketRandomEngineAdaptor for UIntType */ template UniversalRandomEngine makeUniversalRng(Rng&& rng) { return { std::forward(rng) }; } #ifdef EIGEN_VECTORIZE_AVX2 using Vmt19937_64 = Pmt19937_64; #elif defined(EIGEN_VECTORIZE_AVX) || defined(EIGEN_VECTORIZE_SSE2) || defined(EIGEN_VECTORIZE_NEON) using Vmt19937_64 = Pmt19937_64; #else /** * @brief same as std::mt19937_64 when EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE, * Pmt19937_64 when SSE2 enabled * and Pmt19937_64 when AVX2 enabled * * @note It yields the same random sequence only within the same seed and the same SIMD ISA. * If you want to keep the same random sequence across different SIMD ISAs, use P8_mt19937_64. */ using Vmt19937_64 = std::mt19937_64; #endif template using P8_mt19937 = ParallelRandomEngineAdaptor; /** * @brief a vectorized mt19937_64 which generates 8 integers of 64bit simultaneously. * It always yields the same value regardless of SIMD ISA. */ using P8_mt19937_64 = P8_mt19937; using P8_mt19937_64_32 = P8_mt19937; } } #endif