require 'spec_helper' describe Gush::Worker do subject { } let!(:workflow) { TestWorkflow.create } let(:locking_duration) { 5 } let(:polling_interval) { 0.5 } let!(:job) { client.find_job(, "Prepare") } let(:config) { Gush.configuration.to_json } let!(:client) { } describe "#perform" do context "when job fails" do it "should mark it as failed" do class FailingJob < Gush::Job def perform invalid.code_to_raise.error end end class FailingWorkflow < Gush::Workflow def configure run FailingJob end end workflow = FailingWorkflow.create expect do subject.perform(, "FailingJob") raise_error(NameError) expect(client.find_job(, "FailingJob")).to be_failed end end context "when job completes successfully" do it "should mark it as succedeed" do expect(subject).to receive(:mark_as_finished) subject.perform(, "Prepare") end end context 'when job failed to enqueue outgoing jobs' do it 'enqeues another job to handling enqueue_outgoing_jobs' do allow(RedisMutex).to receive(:with_lock).and_raise(RedisMutex::LockError) subject.perform(, 'Prepare') expect(Gush::Worker).to have_no_jobs(, jobs_with_id(["FetchFirstJob", "FetchSecondJob"])) allow(RedisMutex).to receive(:with_lock).and_call_original perform_one expect(Gush::Worker).to have_jobs(, jobs_with_id(["FetchFirstJob", "FetchSecondJob"])) end end it "calls job.perform method" do SPY = double() expect(SPY).to receive(:some_method) class OkayJob < Gush::Job def perform SPY.some_method end end class OkayWorkflow < Gush::Workflow def configure run OkayJob end end workflow = OkayWorkflow.create subject.perform(, 'OkayJob') end it 'calls RedisMutex.with_lock with customizable locking_duration and polling_interval' do expect(RedisMutex).to receive(:with_lock) .with(anything, block: 5, sleep: 0.5).twice subject.perform(, 'Prepare') end end end