class Step def info(check_lock = true) return {:status => :noinfo} if info_file.nil? || ! Open.exists?(info_file) begin Misc.insist do begin return @info_cache if @info_cache and @info_cache_time and Open.ctime(info_file) < @info_cache_time rescue Exception raise $! end begin @info_cache = Misc.insist(3, 1.6, info_file) do Misc.insist(2, 1, info_file) do Misc.insist(3, 0.2, info_file) do raise TryAgain, "Info locked" if check_lock and info_lock.locked? info_lock.lock if check_lock and false begin, :mode => 'rb') do |file| Step.load_serialized_info(file) end ensure info_lock.unlock if check_lock and false end end end end @info_cache_time = @info_cache end end rescue Exception Log.debug{"Error loading info file: " + info_file} Log.exception $! Open.rm info_file Misc.sensiblewrite(info_file, Step.serialize_info({:status => :error, :messages => ["Info file lost"]})) raise $! end end def load_inputs_from_info if info[:inputs] info_inputs = info[:inputs] if task && task.respond_to?(:inputs) && task.inputs IndiferentHash.setup info_inputs @inputs = NamedArray.setup info_inputs.values_at(*task.inputs.collect{|name| name.to_s}), task.inputs else @inputs = NamedArray.setup info_inputs.values, info_inputs.keys end else nil end end def load_dependencies_from_info relocated = nil @dependencies = ([:dependencies] || []).collect do |task,name,dep_path| if Open.exists?(dep_path) || Open.exists?(dep_path + '.info') Workflow._load_step dep_path else next if FalseClass === relocated new_path = Workflow.relocate(path, dep_path) relocated = true if Open.exists?(new_path) || Open.exists?(new_path + '.info') Workflow._load_step new_path end end.compact @relocated = relocated end def archive_deps self.set_info :archived_info, archived_info self.set_info :archived_dependencies, info[:dependencies] end def archived_info return info[:archived_info] if info[:archived_info] archived_info = {} dependencies.each do |dep| if Symbol === dep.overriden && ! Open.exists?(dep.info_file) archived_info[dep.path] = dep.overriden else archived_info[dep.path] = end archived_info.merge!(dep.archived_info) end if dependencies archived_info end def archived_inputs return {} unless info[:archived_dependencies] archived_info = self.archived_info all_inputs = IndiferentHash.setup({}) deps = info[:archived_dependencies].collect{|p| p.last} seen = [] while path = deps.pop dep_info = archived_info[path] if dep_info dep_info[:inputs].each do |k,v| all_inputs[k] = v unless all_inputs.include?(k) end if dep_info[:inputs] deps.concat(dep_info[:dependencies].collect{|p| p.last } - seen) if dep_info[:dependencies] deps.concat(dep_info[:archived_dependencies].collect{|p| p.last } - seen) if dep_info[:archived_dependencies] end seen << path end all_inputs end def status begin info[:status] rescue Exception Log.error "Exception reading status: #{$!.message}" :error end end def status=(status) set_info(:status, status) end def messages if messages = info[:messages] messages else set_info(:messages, []) if self.respond_to?(:set_info) end end def message(message) message = Log.uncolor(message) set_info(:messages, (messages || []) << message) end def self.status_color(status) status = status.split(">").last case status when "starting" :yellow when "error", "aborted" :red when "done" :green else :cyan end end def self.log_block(status, message, path, &block) start = status = status.to_s status_color = self.status_color status do now = str = Log.color :reset str << "#{ Log.color status_color, status}" str << ": #{ message }" if message and message != :result str << " -- #{Log.color :blue, path.to_s}" if path str << " #{Log.color :yellow,}" str end res = yield eend = do now = str = "#{ Log.color :cyan, status.to_s } +#{Log.color :green, "%.2f" % (eend - start)}" str << ": #{ res }" if message == :result str << " -- #{Log.color :blue, path.to_s}" if path str << " #{Log.color :yellow,}" str end res end def self.log_string(status, message, path) do status = status.to_s status_color = self.status_color status str = Log.color :reset str << "#{ Log.color status_color, status}" str << ": #{ message }" if message str << " -- #{Log.color :blue, path.to_s}" if path str << " #{Log.color :yellow,}" str end end def self.log_progress(status, options = {}, path = nil, &block) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :severity => Log::INFO, :file => (@exec ? nil : path) max = Misc.process_options options, :max Log::ProgressBar.with_bar(max, options) do |bar| begin res = yield bar raise res if IO === res res rescue Log.exception $! raise $! end end end def log_progress(status, options = {}, &block) Step.log_progress(status, options, file(:progress), &block) end def progress_bar(msg = "Progress", options = nil) if Hash === msg and options.nil? options = msg msg = nil end options = {} if options.nil? max = options[:max] Log::ProgressBar.new_bar(max, {:desc => msg, :file => (@exec ? nil : file(:progress))}.merge(options)) end def self.log(status, message, path, &block) if block if Hash === message log_progress(status, message, path, &block) else log_block(status, message, path, &block) end else log_string(status, message, path) end end def log(status, message = nil, &block) self.status = status if message self.message Log.uncolor(message) end Step.log(status, message, path, &block) end def exception(ex, msg = nil) ex_class = ex.class.to_s backtrace = ex.backtrace if ex.respond_to?(:backtrace) message = ex.message if ex.respond_to?(:message) set_info :backtrace, backtrace set_info :exception, {:class => ex_class, :message => message, :backtrace => backtrace} if msg.nil? log :error, "#{ex_class} -- #{message}" else log :error, "#{msg} -- #{message}" end self._abort end def get_exception if info[:exception].nil? return Aborted if aborted? return if error? "" else ex_class, ex_message, ex_backtrace = info[:exception].values_at :class, :message, :backtrace begin klass = Kernel.const_get(ex_class) ex = ex_message ex.set_backtrace ex_backtrace unless ex_backtrace.nil? or ex_backtrace.empty? ex rescue Log.exception $! ex_message end end end def recoverable_error? return true if aborted? return false unless error? begin return true unless info[:exception] klass = Kernel.const_get(info[:exception][:class]) ! (klass <= RbbtException) rescue Exception true end end end