//= require solidus_braintree/constants /** * Constructor for PayPal button object * @constructor * @param {object} element - The DOM element of your PayPal button */ SolidusBraintree.PaypalButton = function(element, paypalOptions, options) { this._element = element; this._paypalOptions = paypalOptions || {}; this.locale = paypalOptions['locale'] || "en_US"; this.style = paypalOptions['style'] || {}; delete paypalOptions['locale']; delete paypalOptions['style']; this._options = options || {}; this._client = null; this._environment = this._paypalOptions.environment || 'sandbox'; delete this._paypalOptions.environment; this._buyerCountry = this._paypalOptions.buyerCountry; delete paypalOptions['buyerCountry']; this._enabledFunding = []; if (paypalOptions['venmoFunding']) this._enabledFunding.push('venmo'); delete paypalOptions['venmoFunding']; if(!this._element) { throw new Error("Element for the paypal button must be present on the page"); } }; /** * Creates the PayPal session using the provided options and enables the button * * @param {object} options - The options passed to tokenize when constructing * the PayPal instance * * See {@link https://braintree.github.io/braintree-web/3.9.0/PayPal.html#tokenize} */ SolidusBraintree.PaypalButton.prototype.initialize = function() { this._client = new SolidusBraintree.createClient({ useDataCollector: this._paypalOptions.useDataCollector, usePaypal: true }); return this._client.initialize().then(this.initializeCallback.bind(this)); }; SolidusBraintree.PaypalButton.prototype.initializeCallback = function() { this._paymentMethodId = this._client.paymentMethodId; var args = { "client-id": this._environment === "sandbox" ? "sb" : null, currency: this._paypalOptions.currency, commit: true, vault: this._paypalOptions.flow == "vault", components: this.style['messaging'] == "true" && this._paypalOptions.flow != "vault" ? "buttons,messages" : "buttons", intent: this._paypalOptions.flow == "vault" ? "tokenize" : "authorize" }; if (this._environment === "sandbox" && this._buyerCountry) { args["buyer-country"] = this._buyerCountry } if (this._enabledFunding.length !== 0) { args["enable-funding"] = this._enabledFunding.join(','); } this._client.getPaypalInstance().loadPayPalSDK(args).then(() => { var create_method = this._paypalOptions.flow == "vault" ? "createBillingAgreement" : "createOrder" var render_config = { style: this.style, onClick: (data) => { SolidusBraintree.fundingSource = data.fundingSource }, [create_method]: function () { return this._client.getPaypalInstance().createPayment(this._paypalOptions); }.bind(this), onApprove: function (data, actions) { return this._client.getPaypalInstance().tokenizePayment(data, this._tokenizeCallback.bind(this)); }.bind(this) }; paypal.Buttons(render_config).render(this._element); }) }; /** * Default callback function for when tokenization completes * * @param {object|null} tokenizeErr - The error returned by Braintree on failure * @param {object} payload - The payload returned by Braintree on success */ SolidusBraintree.PaypalButton.prototype._tokenizeCallback = function(tokenizeErr, payload) { if (tokenizeErr) { SolidusBraintree.config.braintreeErrorHandle(tokenizeErr); return; } var params = this._transactionParams(payload); return Spree.ajax({ url: SolidusBraintree.config.paths.transactions, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: params, success: function(response) { window.location.href = response.redirectUrl; }, error: function(xhr) { var errorText = BraintreeError.DEFAULT; if (xhr.responseJSON && xhr.responseJSON.errors) { var errors = []; $.each(xhr.responseJSON.errors, function(key, values) { $.each(values, function(index, value) { errors.push(key + " " + value) }); }); if (errors.length > 0) errorText = errors.join(", "); } console.error("Error submitting transaction: " + errorText); SolidusBraintree.showError(errorText); }, }); }; /** * Builds the transaction parameters to submit to Solidus for the given * payload returned by Braintree * * @param {object} payload - The payload returned by Braintree after tokenization */ SolidusBraintree.PaypalButton.prototype._transactionParams = function(payload) { return { "payment_method_id" : this._paymentMethodId, "options": this._options, "transaction" : { "email" : payload.details.email, "phone" : payload.details.phone, "nonce" : payload.nonce, "payment_type" : payload.type, "paypal_funding_source": SolidusBraintree.fundingSource, "address_attributes" : this._addressParams(payload) } }; }; /** * Builds the address parameters to submit to Solidus using the payload * returned by Braintree * * @param {object} payload - The payload returned by Braintree after tokenization */ SolidusBraintree.PaypalButton.prototype._addressParams = function(payload) { var name; var payload_address = payload.details.shippingAddress || payload.details.billingAddress; if (!payload_address) return {}; if (payload_address.recipientName) { name = payload_address.recipientName } else { name = payload.details.firstName + " " + payload.details.lastName; } return { "name" : name, "address_line_1" : payload_address.line1, "address_line_2" : payload_address.line2, "city" : payload_address.city, "state_code" : payload_address.state, "zip" : payload_address.postalCode, "country_code" : payload_address.countryCode }; };