#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require_relative 'network.rb' include Network require_relative 'yaml_parse.rb' include YamlParse require_relative 'security.rb' include SecurityGroup require_relative 'repositories.rb' include Repositories #require_relative 'log.rb' #include Logging require_relative 'helpers.rb' include Helpers # # Boot module # module Boot def boot(blueprint, name, build, build_config, branch, maestro_repo, boothook, box_name, oConfig) begin # Check options and set data cloud_provider=oConfig.get('provider') Logging.fatal(1, 'No provider specified.') if not cloud_provider if cloud_provider != 'hpcloud' Logging.fatal(1, "forj setup support only hpcloud. '%s' is currently not supported." % cloud_provider) end oConfig.set('account_name', cloud_provider) initial_msg = 'booting %s on %s (~/.forj/forj.log)' % [blueprint , cloud_provider] Logging.high_level_msg(initial_msg) ################# # Initialize defaults maestro_url = oConfig.get('maestro_url') infra_dir = File.expand_path(oConfig.get('infra_repo')) # Load Forj account data forjAccountFile = File.join($FORJ_ACCOUNTS_PATH, oConfig.get('account_name')) oConfig.ExtraLoad(forjAccountFile, :forj_accounts, oConfig.get('account_name')) # Check about infra repo compatibility with forj cli bBuildInfra = Repositories.infra_rebuild_required?(oConfig, infra_dir) # Ask information if needed. if not Dir.exist?(File.expand_path(infra_dir)) sAsk = 'Your \'%s\' infra directory doesn\'t exist. Do you want to create a new one from Maestro(repo github)/templates/infra (yes/no)?' % [infra_dir] bBuildInfra=agree(sAsk) else Logging.info('Re-using your infra... in \'%s\'' % [infra_dir]) if not bBuildInfra end if not Dir.exist?(File.expand_path(infra_dir)) and not bBuildInfra Logging.info ('Exiting.') return end # Get FORJ DNS setting yDNS = oConfig.ExtraGet(:forj_accounts, oConfig.get('account_name'), :dns) Logging.fatal(1, "DNS or domain name are missing. Please execute forj setup %s" % oConfig.get('account_name')) if not yDNS # Step Maestro Clone if not maestro_repo Logging.high_level_msg('cloning maestro repo ...' ) ################# Logging.info('cloning maestro repo from \'%s\'...' % maestro_url) Repositories.clone_repo(maestro_url) maestro_repo=File.expand_path('~/.forj/maestro') else maestro_repo=File.expand_path(maestro_repo) if not File.exists?('%s/templates/infra/%s-maestro.box.GITBRANCH.env.tmpl' % [maestro_repo, cloud_provider]) Logging.fatal(1, "'%s' is not a recognized Maestro repository. forj cli searched for templates/infra/%s-maestro.box.GITBRANCH.env.tmpl" % [maestro_repo, cloud_provider]) end Logging.info('Using your maestro cloned repo \'%s\'...' % maestro_repo) end if bBuildInfra Logging.info('Building your infra... in \'%s\'' % [infra_dir]) Repositories.create_infra(maestro_repo) end # Connect to services oFC=ForjConnection.new(oConfig) Logging.high_level_msg('Configuring network...') ################# Logging.info('Configuring network \'%s\'' % [oConfig.get('network')]) begin network = Network.get_or_create_network(oFC, oConfig.get('network')) subnet = Network.get_or_create_subnet(oFC, network.id, network.name) router = Network.get_or_create_router(oFC, network, subnet) rescue => e Logging.fatal(1, "Network properly configured is required.\n%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end Logging.state('Configuring keypair...') ################# Logging.info('Configuring keypair \'%s\'' % [oConfig.get('keypair_name')]) SecurityGroup.hpc_import_key(oConfig, oFC.sAccountName) Logging.state('Configuring security group...') ################# Logging.info('Configuring Security Group \'%s\'' % [oConfig.get('security_group')]) security_group = SecurityGroup.get_or_create_security_group(oFC, oConfig.get('security_group')) ports = oConfig.get('ports') Logging.state('Configuring security group ports...') ################# ports.each do |port| port = port.to_s if port.class != String if not /^\d+(-\d+)?$/ =~ port Logging.error("Port '%s' is not valid. Must be or -" % [port]) else mPortFound = /^(\d+)(-(\d+))?$/.match(port) portmin = mPortFound[1] portmax = (mPortFound[3]) ? (mPortFound[3]) : (portmin) Network.get_or_create_rule(oFC, security_group.id, 'tcp', portmin, portmax) end end oBuildEnv = BuildEnv.new(oConfig) ENV['FORJ_CLI_ENV'] = oBuildEnv.sBuildEnvFile oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_HPC', oFC.sAccountName) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_HPC_NET', network.name) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_SECURITY_GROUP', oConfig.get('security_group')) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_KEYPAIR', oConfig.get('keypair_name')) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_HPC_NOVA_KEYPUB', oConfig.get('keypair_path') + '.pub') oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_BASE_IMG', oConfig.get('image')) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_FLAVOR', oConfig.get('flavor')) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_TENANT_NAME', rhGet(oConfig.ExtraGet(:forj_accounts, oFC.sAccountName, :compute), :tenant_name)) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_HPC_COMPUTE', rhGet(oConfig.ExtraGet(:hpc_accounts, oFC.sAccountName, :regions), :compute)) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_DOMAIN', yDNS[:domain_name]) if yDNS[:tenant_id] oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_DNS_TENANTID', yDNS[:tenant_id]) oBuildEnv.set('FORJ_DNS_ZONE', yDNS[:service]) end oBuildEnv.save() # run build.sh to boot maestro puts build = 'bin/build.sh' unless build build_config = oConfig.get('build_config') branch = oConfig.get('branch') unless branch box_name = oConfig.get('box_name') meta = '--meta blueprint=%s ' % [blueprint] command = '%s --build_ID %s --box-name %s --build-conf-dir %s --build-config %s --gitBranch %s --debug-box %s' % [build, name, box_name, infra_dir, build_config, branch, meta] maestro_build_path = File.join(maestro_repo, 'build') current_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(maestro_build_path) Logging.info("Calling '%s' from '%s'" % [build, Dir.pwd]) Logging.debug("%s=%s %s" % ['FORJ_CLI_ENV', ENV['FORJ_CLI_ENV'], command]) Kernel.system(ENV, command) Dir.chdir(current_dir) # if test # Logging.debug 'test flag is on, deleting objects' # Network.delete_router_interface(subnet.id, router) # Network.delete_subnet(subnet.id) # Network.delete_network(network.name) # end rescue Interrupt Logging.message("\n'%s' boot from '%s' interrupted by user" % [name, blueprint]) rescue => e Logging.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end end class BuildEnv attr_reader :sBuildEnvFile def initialize(oConfig) oConfig.fatal_if_inexistent('infra_repo') oConfig.fatal_if_inexistent('account_name') sBuildDir = File.expand_path(File.join(oConfig.get('infra_repo'),'build')) @sBuildEnvFile = File.join(sBuildDir, oConfig.get('account_name')+'.build.env') Helpers.ensure_dir_exists(sBuildDir) @yBuildEnvVar = {} @oConfig = oConfig end def set(key, value) # This file creates the in-memory data required to configure specific project build_env. # Name : ~/.forj/account/.build.env if value Logging.debug("Setting '%s' = '%s'" % [key, value]) @yBuildEnvVar[key] = value else Logging.debug("'%s' is not set" % [key]) end end def save() begin File.open(@sBuildEnvFile, 'w') do |out| @yBuildEnvVar.each do | key, value | if rhExist?(@oConfig.yConfig, 'description', key) out.write("# %s - %s\n" % [key, rhGet(@oConfig.yConfig, 'description', key)]) end value = "" if not value out.write("%s='%s'\n\n" % [key, value]) end end Logging.debug("'%s' written." % [@sBuildEnvFile]) rescue => e Logging.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end end