This document is for tracking deprecations and removals of Formtastic features and compatibilities. v4.0 (planned) * Remove support for Rails < 4.1 * Remove support for country_select 1.x syntax (they want to remove it in 3.0) v3.1 (master) * Deprecate support for Rails < 4.1 * Deprecate :member_value option * Deprecate :member_label option v3.0 * Remove support for Ruby version < 1.9.3 * Remove support for Rails version < 3.2.13 * Remove deprecated option :value (#1025) * Remove deprecated option :hint_class (#1025) * Remove deprecated option :error_class (#1025) * Remove deprecated option :group_by (#1025) * Remove deprecated option :group_label (#1025) * Remove deprecated option :find_options (#1025) * Deprecate support for Rails < 4.0.4 v2.3 * Remove deprecated date, time and datetime inputs * Deprecate :error_class option * Deprecate support for Rails < 3.2.13 v2.2 * Remove deprecated buttons DSL, ButtonHelper and commit_button helper * Deprecate :value option * Deprecate :hint_class option * Deprecate :error_class option * Deprecate :group_by and :group_label options * Deprecate :find_options option v2.1 * Remove the previously deprecated :label_method, :value_method & :group_label_method options * Remove the previously deprecated :as => :numeric * Remove the previously deprecated inline_errors_for and related methods * Remove the previously deprecated SemanticFormHelper and SemanticFormBuilder * Deprecate the Buttons DSL (f.buttons, f.commit_button) in favor of the new Actions DSL — see above