require 'boson/console' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') # TODO: fix default_libraries picking up local defaults describe "repl_runner" do def start(hash={}) Boson.start(hash.merge(:verbose=>false)) end before_all { reset } before { ConsoleRunner.instance_eval("@initialized = false") } it "loads default libraries and libraries in :console_defaults config" do defaults = BareRunner.default_libraries + ['yo'] with_config(:console_defaults=>['yo']) do Manager.expects(:load).with {|*args| args[0] == defaults } start end end it "doesn't call init twice" do capture_stderr { start } ConsoleRunner.expects(:init).never start end it "loads multiple libraries with :libraries option" do ConsoleRunner.expects(:init) Manager.expects(:load).with([:lib1,:lib2], anything) start(:libraries=>[:lib1, :lib2]) end it "autoloader autoloads libraries" do start(:autoload_libraries=>true) Index.expects(:read) Index.expects(:find_library).with('blah').returns('blah') Manager.expects(:load).with('blah', anything) Boson.main_object.blah end after_all { FileUtils.rm_r File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/config', :force=>true } # TODO: fix xdescribe "console options" do before_all { reset } it "console option starts irb" do ConsoleRunner.expects(:start) Util.expects(:which).returns("/usr/bin/irb") ConsoleRunner.expects(:load_repl).with("/usr/bin/irb") start("--console") end it "console option but no irb found prints error" do ConsoleRunner.expects(:start) Util.expects(:which).returns(nil) ConsoleRunner.expects(:abort).with {|arg| arg[/Console not found/] } start '--console' end end end