# frozen_string_literal: true # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE module Aws::Route53Profiles module Types # The current account doesn't have the IAM permissions required to # perform the specified operation. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/AccessDeniedException AWS API Documentation # class AccessDeniedException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # A name for the association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_id # The ID of the VPC. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of the tag keys and values that you want to identify the # Profile association. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/AssociateProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class AssociateProfileRequest < Struct.new( :name, :profile_id, :resource_id, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_association # The association that you just created. The association has an ID # that you can use to identify it in other requests, like update and # delete. # @return [Types::ProfileAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/AssociateProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class AssociateProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] name # Name for the resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # Amazon resource number, ARN, of the DNS resource. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_properties # If you are adding a DNS Firewall rule group, include also a # priority. The priority indicates the processing order for the rule # groups, starting with the priority assinged the lowest value. # # The allowed values for priority are between 100 and 9900. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/AssociateResourceToProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class AssociateResourceToProfileRequest < Struct.new( :name, :profile_id, :resource_arn, :resource_properties) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_association # Infromation about the `AssociateResourceToProfile`, including a # status message. # @return [Types::ProfileResourceAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/AssociateResourceToProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class AssociateResourceToProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile_resource_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The request you submitted conflicts with an existing request. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ConflictException AWS API Documentation # class ConflictException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] client_token # `ClientToken` is an idempotency token that ensures a call to # `CreateProfile` completes only once. You choose the value to pass. # For example, an issue might prevent you from getting a response from # `CreateProfile`. In this case, safely retry your call to # `CreateProfile` by using the same `CreateProfile` parameter value. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # A name for the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # A list of the tag keys and values that you want to associate with # the Route 53 Profile. # @return [Array<Types::Tag>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/CreateProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateProfileRequest < Struct.new( :client_token, :name, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile # The Profile that you just created. # @return [Types::Profile] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/CreateProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # The ID of the Profile that you want to delete. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/DeleteProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteProfileRequest < Struct.new( :profile_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile # Information about the `DeleteProfile` request, including the status # of the request. # @return [Types::Profile] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/DeleteProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class DeleteProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_id # The ID of the VPC. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/DisassociateProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class DisassociateProfileRequest < Struct.new( :profile_id, :resource_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_association # Information about the `DisassociateProfile` request. # @return [Types::ProfileAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/DisassociateProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class DisassociateProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # The ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/DisassociateResourceFromProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class DisassociateResourceFromProfileRequest < Struct.new( :profile_id, :resource_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_association # Information about the `DisassociateResourceFromProfile` request, # including the status of the request. # @return [Types::ProfileResourceAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/DisassociateResourceFromProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class DisassociateResourceFromProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile_resource_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_association_id # The identifier of the association you want to get information about. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/GetProfileAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetProfileAssociationRequest < Struct.new( :profile_association_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_association # Information about the Profile association that you specified in a # `GetProfileAssociation` request. # @return [Types::ProfileAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/GetProfileAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetProfileAssociationResponse < Struct.new( :profile_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/GetProfileRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetProfileRequest < Struct.new( :profile_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_association_id # The ID of the profile resource association that you want to get # information about. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/GetProfileResourceAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetProfileResourceAssociationRequest < Struct.new( :profile_resource_association_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_association # Information about the Profile resource association that you # specified in a `GetProfileResourceAssociation` request. # @return [Types::ProfileResourceAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/GetProfileResourceAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetProfileResourceAssociationResponse < Struct.new( :profile_resource_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile # Information about the Profile, including the status of the Profile. # @return [Types::Profile] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/GetProfileResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetProfileResponse < Struct.new( :profile) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # An internal server error occured. Retry your request. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/InternalServiceErrorException AWS API Documentation # class InternalServiceErrorException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The `NextToken` you provided isn;t valid. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/InvalidNextTokenException AWS API Documentation # class InvalidNextTokenException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # One or more parameters in this request are not valid. # # @!attribute [rw] field_name # The parameter field name for the invalid parameter exception. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/InvalidParameterException AWS API Documentation # class InvalidParameterException < Struct.new( :field_name, :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The request caused one or more limits to be exceeded. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The resource type that caused the limits to be exceeded. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/LimitExceededException AWS API Documentation # class LimitExceededException < Struct.new( :message, :resource_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of objects that you want to return for this # request. If more objects are available, in the response, a # `NextToken` value, which you can use in a subsequent call to get the # next batch of objects, is provided. # # If you don't specify a value for `MaxResults`, up to 100 objects # are returned. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # For the first call to this list request, omit this value. # # When you request a list of objects, at most the number of objects # specified by `MaxResults` is returned. If more objects are available # for retrieval, a `NextToken` value is returned in the response. To # retrieve the next batch of objects, use the token that was returned # for the prior request in your next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_id # ID of the VPC. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListProfileAssociationsRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListProfileAssociationsRequest < Struct.new( :max_results, :next_token, :profile_id, :resource_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If more than `MaxResults` profile associations match the specified # criteria, you can submit another `ListProfileAssociations` request # to get the next group of results. In the next request, specify the # value of `NextToken` from the previous response. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_associations # A complex type that containts settings information about the # profile's VPC associations. # @return [Array<Types::ProfileAssociation>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListProfileAssociationsResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListProfileAssociationsResponse < Struct.new( :next_token, :profile_associations) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of objects that you want to return for this # request. If more objects are available, in the response, a # `NextToken` value, which you can use in a subsequent call to get the # next batch of objects, is provided. # # If you don't specify a value for `MaxResults`, up to 100 objects # are returned. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # For the first call to this list request, omit this value. # # When you request a list of objects, at most the number of objects # specified by `MaxResults` is returned. If more objects are available # for retrieval, a `NextToken` value is returned in the response. To # retrieve the next batch of objects, use the token that was returned # for the prior request in your next request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # The ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # ID of a resource if you want information on only one type. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListProfileResourceAssociationsRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListProfileResourceAssociationsRequest < Struct.new( :max_results, :next_token, :profile_id, :resource_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If more than `MaxResults` resource associations match the specified # criteria, you can submit another `ListProfileResourceAssociations` # request to get the next group of results. In the next request, # specify the value of `NextToken` from the previous response. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_associations # Information about the profile resource association that you # specified in a `GetProfileResourceAssociation` request. # @return [Array<Types::ProfileResourceAssociation>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListProfileResourceAssociationsResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListProfileResourceAssociationsResponse < Struct.new( :next_token, :profile_resource_associations) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum number of objects that you want to return for this # request. If more objects are available, in the response, a # `NextToken` value, which you can use in a subsequent call to get the # next batch of objects, is provided. # # If you don't specify a value for `MaxResults`, up to 100 objects # are returned. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # For the first call to this list request, omit this value. # # When you request a list of objects, at most the number of objects # specified by `MaxResults` is returned. If more objects are available # for retrieval, a `NextToken` value is returned in the response. To # retrieve the next batch of objects, use the token that was returned # for the prior request in your next request. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListProfilesRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListProfilesRequest < Struct.new( :max_results, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] next_token # If more than `MaxResults` resource associations match the specified # criteria, you can submit another `ListProfiles` request to get the # next group of results. In the next request, specify the value of # `NextToken` from the previous response. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_summaries # Summary information about the Profiles. # @return [Array<Types::ProfileSummary>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListProfilesResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListProfilesResponse < Struct.new( :next_token, :profile_summaries) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource that you want to # list the tags for. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListTagsForResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] tags # The tags that are associated with the resource that you specified in # the `ListTagsForResource` request. # @return [Hash<String,String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ListTagsForResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForResourceResponse < Struct.new( :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # A complex type that includes settings for a Route 53 Profile. # # @!attribute [rw] arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] client_token # The `ClientToken` value that was assigned when the Profile was # created. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] creation_time # The date and time that the Profile was created, in Unix time format # and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] modification_time # The date and time that the Profile was modified, in Unix time format # and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] owner_id # Amazon Web Services account ID of the Profile owner. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] share_status # Sharing status for the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status # The status for the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status_message # Status message that includes additiona information about the # Profile. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/Profile AWS API Documentation # class Profile < Struct.new( :arn, :client_token, :creation_time, :id, :modification_time, :name, :owner_id, :share_status, :status, :status_message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # An association between a Route 53 Profile and a VPC. # # @!attribute [rw] creation_time # The date and time that the Profile association was created, in Unix # time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] id # ID of the Profile association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] modification_time # The date and time that the Profile association was modified, in Unix # time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the Profile association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] owner_id # Amazon Web Services account ID of the Profile association owner. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_id # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status # Status of the Profile association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status_message # Additional information about the Profile association. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ProfileAssociation AWS API Documentation # class ProfileAssociation < Struct.new( :creation_time, :id, :modification_time, :name, :owner_id, :profile_id, :resource_id, :status, :status_message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The association between a Route 53 Profile and resources. # # @!attribute [rw] creation_time # The date and time that the Profile resource association was created, # in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] id # ID of the Profile resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] modification_time # The date and time that the Profile resource association was # modified, in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the Profile resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] owner_id # Amazon Web Services account ID of the Profile resource association # owner. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_id # Profile ID of the Profile that the resources are associated with. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_properties # If the DNS resource is a DNS Firewall rule group, this indicates the # priority. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # Resource type, such as a private hosted zone, or DNS Firewall rule # group. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status # Status of the Profile resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] status_message # Additional information about the Profile resource association. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ProfileResourceAssociation AWS API Documentation # class ProfileResourceAssociation < Struct.new( :creation_time, :id, :modification_time, :name, :owner_id, :profile_id, :resource_arn, :resource_properties, :resource_type, :status, :status_message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Summary information about a Route 53 Profile. # # @!attribute [rw] arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] id # ID of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] share_status # Share status of the Profile. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ProfileSummary AWS API Documentation # class ProfileSummary < Struct.new( :arn, :id, :name, :share_status) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The resource you are trying to associate, has already been associated. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The resource type that caused the resource exists exception. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ResourceExistsException AWS API Documentation # class ResourceExistsException < Struct.new( :message, :resource_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The resource you are associating is not found. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_type # The resource type that caused the resource not found exception. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ResourceNotFoundException AWS API Documentation # class ResourceNotFoundException < Struct.new( :message, :resource_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Tag for the Profile. # # @!attribute [rw] key # Key associated with the `Tag`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value # Value for the Tag. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/Tag AWS API Documentation # class Tag < Struct.new( :key, :value) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource that you want to add # tags to. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The tags that you want to add to the specified resource. # @return [Hash<String,String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/TagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class TagResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/TagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class TagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # The request was throttled. Try again in a few minutes. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ThrottlingException AWS API Documentation # class ThrottlingException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource that you want to # remove tags from. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tag_keys # The tags that you want to remove to the specified resource. # @return [Array<String>] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/UntagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class UntagResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn, :tag_keys) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/UntagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class UntagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_association_id # ID of the resource association. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resource_properties # If you are adding a DNS Firewall rule group, include also a # priority. The priority indicates the processing order for the rule # groups, starting with the priority assinged the lowest value. # # The allowed values for priority are between 100 and 9900. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/UpdateProfileResourceAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation # class UpdateProfileResourceAssociationRequest < Struct.new( :name, :profile_resource_association_id, :resource_properties) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] profile_resource_association # Information about the `UpdateProfileResourceAssociation` request, # including a status message. # @return [Types::ProfileResourceAssociation] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/UpdateProfileResourceAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation # class UpdateProfileResourceAssociationResponse < Struct.new( :profile_resource_association) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # You have provided an invalid command. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/route53profiles-2018-05-10/ValidationException AWS API Documentation # class ValidationException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end end end