Feature: Managing Recipients for Newsletters Background: Given there is no Newsletter named "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" And there is no "Junk-food addicts" Recipient List And there is no identity named "Hidden" And I add the "Hidden" Identity And I add a Newsletter named "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" written by "Hidden" And I add a Recipient List named "Junk-food addicts" @sendgrid_adding_recipients Scenario: Adding a Recipient List to a Newsletter When I add "Junk-food addicts" to "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" Then "Junk-food addicts" will be notified when "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" is delivered @sendgrid_removing_recipients Scenario: Removing a Recipient List from a Newsletter Given I add "Junk-food addicts" to "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" When I remove "Junk-food addicts" from "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" Then no one will be notified when "Superior Soy Beans Discount!" is delivered