class CmsPage < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveModel::Dirty include ActsAsTree acts_as_versioned acts_as_tree :order => 'path' belongs_to :template, :class_name => 'CmsTemplate', :foreign_key => 'cms_template_id' has_many :objects, :class_name => 'CmsPageObject', :dependent => :destroy has_many :tags, :class_name => 'CmsPageTag', :dependent => :destroy has_many :versions, :class_name => 'CmsPageVersion', :dependent => :destroy has_many :sub_pages, -> { where('published_version >= 0').order(:position, :title, :name) }, :class_name => 'CmsPage', :foreign_key => :parent_id validates_format_of :name, :with => /\A[-\w\d%]+\Z/ validates_uniqueness_of :path, :message => 'conflicts with an existing page' before_validation :compute_and_store_path, :set_versions after_save :resave_children def compute_and_store_path if self.parent if self.parent.path != '' self.path = "#{self.parent.path}/#{}" else self.path = end else self.path = '' end end def set_versions if self.template self.cms_template_version ||= self.template.version end self.published_version ||= -1 self.published_date ||= self.created_on || end def resave_children if path_changed? # get all pages under this one (even the offline ones) CmsPage.where(:parent_id => id).each do |subpg| subpg.save_without_revision if subpg.valid? end end end def tags_as_css_classes { |t|[^\w]+/, '-') }.join(' ') end def self.index_all where('search_index is null').each(&:update_index!) true end def self.reindex_all find_each(&:update_index!) true end def name=(value) if value && value.is_a?(String) # filter suspicious content... go overboard for now, fine-tune later perhaps value.gsub!(/<(%.*?(exec|system)\s?\(.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') value.gsub!(/<(%.*?\%x\s?\[.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') value.gsub!(/<(%.*?`.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') end super(value) end def html_head=(value) if value && value.is_a?(String) # filter suspicious content... go overboard for now, fine-tune later perhaps value.gsub!(/<(%.*?(exec|system)\s?\(.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') value.gsub!(/<(%.*?\%x\s?\[.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') value.gsub!(/<(%.*?`.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') end super(value) end def update_index content = '' if self.published_version.to_i >= 0 idx_version = self.published_version.to_i == 0 ? self.version : self.published_version self.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ "cms_page_version = ? and (obj_type = 'text' or obj_type = 'string')", idx_version ]).each do |obj| content << obj.content << "\n" end end self.search_index = sanitize_index(content) end def update_index! update_index self.class.without_revision { save } end def set_parent_id!(new_id) self.parent_id = new_id self.save_without_revision self.valid? end def article_date_month ; article_date.strftime("%B") ; end def article_date_mon ; article_date.strftime("%b") ; end def article_date_day ; article_date.strftime("%d").to_i ; end def article_date_year ; article_date.strftime("%Y").to_i ; end def article_date_yr ; article_date.strftime("%y").to_i ; end protected def sanitize_index(html) return html if html.blank? if html.index("<") text = "" tokenizer = while token = node = HTML::Node.parse(nil, 0, 0, token, false) # result is only the content of any Text nodes text << node.to_s if node.class == HTML::Text end # strip any comments, and if they have a newline at the end (ie. line with # only a comment) strip that too, as well as any erb stuff text.gsub(/[\n]?/m, "").gsub(/\<%.*?%\>/m, '').gsub(/&\w+;/, '') else html # already plain text end end end