// main page(basic style + additional) // try to use the same level of specificity // element: // 1.styling: try to use class attribute // 2.js selection: try to use id attribute // here we can extend components and add additional style // here we have basic style available for all pages // from here we can push other styling attributes for each other page body{ font-family: $primaryFontFamily; .notification{ z-index: 4; .flash-error, .flash-notice{ margin: 0; } } .header{ z-index: 3; } .content{ .button{ @include button; width: auto; } .button.button-positive{ @include button-positive; } .button.button-negative{ @include button-negative(#444); } .button.button-positive.type2{ @include button-positive-style2; } .button.button-negative.type2{ @include button-negative-style2; float: right; text-decoration: none; } z-index: 2; @include clearfix; .container{ @include container; background: $container_color_3; @include border-radius(2px); border: solid 1px #4f91cd; color: #4f91cd; } } .footer{ z-index: 1; height: 50px; width: 100%; bottom: 0; footer{ width: 100%; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; color:white; text-align: center; position: absolute; } } .error_container{ height: 30px; line-height: 30px; color:$font_error_color; } } //max 3rd level body#main { .notification { } section.header { .logo { @include outer-container; padding: 80px 0; img { width: 400px; } } } } /*landing page css*/ body#landing-page{ .notification{} section.header{ position: relative; background: rgb(39, 73, 160); border-bottom: solid 2px rgb(7, 27, 78); height: 90px; .logo1{ position: absolute; left: 20px; top:20px; cursor: pointer; } .nav_menu{ position: absolute; right: 20px; top:30px; } } .content{ #table_structure{ padding: 20px; position: relative; } .container{ @include outer-container; background: transparent; border:none; min-height: 400px; margin-top:10px; .url{ @include span-columns(8); @include shift(4); @include pad(20px 0); margin-top: 20px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.91); p{ @include span-columns(6 of 8); @include shift(1); } select{ @include span-columns(2 of 8); @include shift(1); } .url__item{ height: 40px; @include span-columns(6 of 8); @include shift(1); @include border(solid, 1px, $sky_blue); @include border-radius; @include pad(0 0 0 5px); } } form{ @include pad(20px 0); @include span-columns(8); @include shift(4); @include media($medium-screen) { @include span-columns(12); @include shift(2); } @include media($tablet) { @include span-columns(14); @include shift(1); } background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.91); } .form_inputs, .form_actions, .edit-user-email{ @include margin(10px 0 0 0); @include span-columns(6 of 8); @include shift(1); } // .form_actions{; // @include clearfix; // color: $light_blue; // input, .btn_back { // @include btn(#fff, 120px, 40px,1em, $light_blue, transparent, $light_blue); // } // input{ // float: left; // } // .btn_back { // float: right; // } // } } } .footer{ position: absolute; footer{ background-color: $medium_blue; } } }