Contributing ============ RubyCritic is open source and contributions from the community are encouraged! No contribution is too small. Please consider: * [Writing some Code](#writing-some-code) * [Improving the Documentation](#improving-the-documentation) * [Reporting a Bug](#reporting-a-bug) Writing some Code ----------------- If you want to squash a bug or add a new feature, please: 1. Fork the project. 2. Create a feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`). 3. Make your changes. Include tests for your changes, otherwise I may accidentally break them in the future. 4. Run the tests with the `rake` command. Make sure that they are still passing. 5. Stage partial-file changesets (`git -p`). 6. Commit your changes (`git commit`). Make exactly as many commits as you need. Each commit should do one thing and one thing only. For example, all whitespace fixes should be relegated to a single commit. 7. Write [descriptive commit messages]. 8. Push the branch to GitHub (`git push origin my-new-feature`). 9. [Create a Pull Request] and send it to be merged with the master branch. 10. After your code is reviewed, [hide the sausage making]. Squash, split and reorder commits if necessary (`git rebase -i`). For a more in-depth look at interactive rebasing, be sure to check [how to rewrite history]. Improving the Documentation --------------------------- You are welcome to clarify how something works or simply fix a typo. Please include `[ci skip]` on a new line in each of your commit messages. This will signal [Travis] that running the test suite is not necessary for these changes. Reporting a Bug --------------- If you are experiencing unexpected behavior and, after having read the documentation, you are convinced this behavior is a bug, please: 1. Search the [issues tracker] to see if it was already reported / fixed. 2. [Create a new issue]. 3. Include the Ruby and RubyCritic versions in your report. Here's a little table to help you out: ``` | | Version | |------------|---------| | Ruby | 2.1.2 | | RubyCritic | 1.0.0 | ``` The more information you provide, the easier it will be to track down the issue and fix it. If you have never written a bug report before, or if you want to brush up on your bug reporting skills, read Simon Tatham's essay [How to Report Bugs Effectively]. [descriptive commit messages]: [Create a pull request]: [hide the sausage making]: [how to rewrite history]: [Travis]: [issues tracker]: [Create a new issue]: [How to Report Bugs Effectively]: