// SMARTFOXSERVER 2X ADMIN TOOL'S ZONE MONITOR MODULE // Room settings descriptor file // // The "category" attribute indicates in which tab on the interface (if a TabNavigator is used) the parameter will be displayed. If missing a default category is used. //------------------------------------------- // RUNTIME ROOM SETTINGS //------------------------------------------- // ROOM ID { "name":"id", "label":"Room ID", "tooltip":"The Room identification number", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=room.id}, "edit":false }, // GROUP ID { "name":"groupId", "label":"Group ID", "tooltip":"The Group to which the Room belongs", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=room.groupId}", "edit":false }, // ROOM NAME { "name":"adminHelper.name", "label":"Room name", "tooltip":"The Room name", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=room.name}", "validator":"notNull" }, // PASSWORD (not hidden, in case the Admin needs to access the Room) { "name":"adminHelper.password", "label":"Password", "tooltip":"The Room password", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=room.password}" }, // ACTIVE ROOM { "name":"active", "label":"Is active", "tooltip":"Rooms are active by default; turning this flag off will make the Room un-joinable", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=room.active} }, // UPTIME { "name":"uptime", "label":"Uptime", "tooltip":"Elapsed time since Room creation", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.uptime}", "edit":false }, // PUBLIC ROOM { "name":"public", "label":"Is public", "tooltip":"Determines if the access is public or not", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=room.public}, "edit":false }, // CAPACITY { "name":"capacity", "label":"Maximum capacity", "tooltip":"The capacity of the Room", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=room.capacity}, "edit":false }, // MAX USERS { "name":"adminHelper.maxUsers", "label":"Maximum # of users", "tooltip":"The maximum number of users/players allowed", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=room.maxUsers}, "componentParams": { "minimum":1, "maximum":2147483647 } }, // MAX SPECTATORS { "name":"adminHelper.maxSpectators", "label":"Maximum # of spectators", "tooltip":"The maximum number of spectators allowed", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=room.maxSpectators}, "componentParams": { "minimum":0, "maximum":2147483647 } }, // OWNER NAME { "name":"ownerName", "label":"Owner name", "tooltip":"The name of the creator of this Room", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.ownerName}", "edit":false }, // ROOM SIZE: TOTAL USERS { "name":"totalUsers", "label":"Current total # of users", "tooltip":"The total amount of users (users + spectators)", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=roomSize.totalUsers}, "edit":false }, // ROOM SIZE: USERS { "name":"userCount", "label":"Current # of users/players", "tooltip":"Current number of users/players", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=roomSize.userCount}, "edit":false }, // ROOM SIZE: SPECTATORS { "name":"spectatorCount", "label":"Current # of spectators", "tooltip":"Current number of spectators", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=roomSize.spectatorCount}, "edit":false }, // IS DYNAMIC { "name":"dynamic", "label":"Is dynamic", "tooltip":"The state of the 'Dynamic' flag", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=room.dynamic}, "edit":false }, // IS GAME { "name":"game", "label":"Is game", "tooltip":"The state of the 'Game' flag", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=room.game}, "edit":false }, // IS HIDDEN { "name":"hidden", "label":"Is hidden", "tooltip":"The state of the 'Hidden' flag", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=room.hidden}, "edit":false }, // AUTO-REMOVE MODE { "name":"autoRemoveMode", "label":"Auto-remove mode", "tooltip":"The auto-remove mode", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"ComboBox", "value":"{$BasicValue=room.autoRemoveMode}", "componentParams": { "dataProvider":"DEFAULT,WHEN_EMPTY,WHEN_EMPTY_AND_CREATOR_IS_GONE,NEVER_REMOVE" }, "edit":false }, // IS WORDS FILTER ACTIVE { "name":"useWordsFilter", "label":"Is bad words filter active", "tooltip":"The state of the bad words filter", "category":"Runtime Room settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=helper.useWordsFilter}, "edit":false }, //------------------------------------------- // PERMISSIONS AND EVENTS //------------------------------------------- // PERMISSION AND EVENT FLAGS { "name":"permissionflags", "label":"Permission and event flags", "tooltip":"List of permissions and events active in this Room", "category":"Permissions and events", "type":"DualList", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.flags}", "componentParams": { "selectableValues":"{$BasicValue=helper.availableFlags}", "height":250 }, "edit":false }, // MAX ROOM VARIABLES ALLOWED { "name":"maxRoomVariablesAllowed", "label":"Maximum # of Room Variables", "tooltip":"The maximum number of Room Variables allowed in the Room", "category":"Permissions and events", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=room.maxRoomVariablesAllowed}, "componentParams": { "minimum":0, "maximum":2147483647 } }, //------------------------------------------- // RUNTIME ROOM VARIABLES //------------------------------------------- // ROOM VARIABLES { "name":"roomVariables", "label":"Room Variables", "tooltip":"The list of Room Variables. If the owner is set to 'null', the Variable is owned by the server itself; otherwise a string containing the main user details is displayed", "category":"Runtime Room Variables", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":200 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"Name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" }, { "name":"owner", "label":"Owner", "tooltip":"Owner", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"type", "label":"Type", "tooltip":"The data type", "type":"ComboBox", "value":"STRING", "componentParams": { "dataProvider":"BOOLEAN,INT,DOUBLE,STRING,OBJECT,ARRAY" } }, { "name":"private", "label":"Private", "tooltip":"The 'private' flag", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"persistent", "label":"Persistent", "tooltip":"The 'persistent' flag", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"global", "label":"Global", "tooltip":"The 'global' flag", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"hidden", "label":"Hidden", "tooltip":"The 'hidden' flag", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"value", "label":"Value", "tooltip":"Primitive value or JSON block", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" } ], "listValues":{$List=variables, instance=room, fields=name;owner;type;private;persistent;global;hidden;value}, "edit":false }, //------------------------------------------- // ROOM EXTENSION //------------------------------------------- // NAME { "name":"extName", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"The name of the Extension; can be '__lib__' in case the Extension jar file was deployed in the homonymous folder for specific class-loading purposes", "category":"Room Extension", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=extension.name}", "edit":false }, // TYPE { "name":"extType", "label":"Type", "tooltip":"The type of Extension", "category":"Room Extension", "type":"ComboBox", "value":"{$BasicValue=extension.type}", "edit":false }, // MAIN CLASS { "name":"extFileName", "label":"Main class", "tooltip":"The fully qualified name of the main Extension class", "category":"Room Extension", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=extension.extensionFileName}", "edit":false }, // PROPERTIES FILE { "name":"extPropertiesFileName", "label":"Properties file", "tooltip":"The name of the optional properties file", "category":"Room Extension", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=extension.propertiesFileName}", "edit":false }, // RELOAD MODE { "name":"extReloadMode", "label":"Reload mode", "tooltip":"The Extension reloading mode", "category":"Room Extension", "type":"ComboBox", "value":"{$BasicValue=extension.reloadMode}", "edit":false }