#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; my $dir; use lib $dir = $FindBin::Bin; use JSON::PP; my $exercise = 'PhoneNumber'; my $test_version = 2; use Test::More tests => 15; use_ok $exercise or BAIL_OUT; my $exercise_version = $exercise->VERSION // 0; if ($exercise_version != $test_version) { warn "\nExercise version mismatch. Further tests may fail!" . "\n$exercise is v$exercise_version. " . "Test is v$test_version.\n"; BAIL_OUT if $ENV{EXERCISM}; } my %subs; foreach ( qw(clean_number) ) { can_ok $exercise, $_; $subs{$_} = $exercise->can($_); } my $C_DATA = do { local $/; decode_json(); }; foreach my $subcases (@{$C_DATA->{cases}}) { is $subs{clean_number}->($_->{phrase}), $_->{expected}, $_->{description} foreach @{$subcases->{cases}}; } SKIP: { skip '', 1 unless $ENV{EXERCISM}; TODO: { local $TODO = 'update canonical-data'; is_deeply eval q{ use Path::Tiny; decode_json path("$dir/../../problem-specifications/exercises/".path($dir)->basename.'/canonical-data.json')->realpath->slurp; }, $C_DATA, 'canonical-data'; } } __DATA__ { "exercise": "phone-number", "version": "1.2.0", "cases": [ { "description": "Cleanup user-entered phone numbers", "comments": [ " Returns the cleaned phone number if given number is valid, " , " else returns nil. Note that number is not formatted, " , " just a 10-digit number is returned. " ], "cases": [ { "description": "cleans the number", "property": "clean", "phrase": "(223) 456-7890", "expected": "2234567890" }, { "description": "cleans numbers with dots", "property": "clean", "phrase": "223.456.7890", "expected": "2234567890" }, { "description": "cleans numbers with multiple spaces", "property": "clean", "phrase": "223 456 7890 ", "expected": "2234567890" }, { "description": "invalid when 9 digits", "property": "clean", "phrase": "123456789", "expected": null }, { "description": "invalid when 11 digits does not start with a 1", "property": "clean", "phrase": "22234567890", "expected": null }, { "description": "valid when 11 digits and starting with 1", "property": "clean", "phrase": "12234567890", "expected": "2234567890" }, { "description": "valid when 11 digits and starting with 1 even with punctuation", "property": "clean", "phrase": "+1 (223) 456-7890", "expected": "2234567890" }, { "description": "invalid when more than 11 digits", "property": "clean", "phrase": "321234567890", "expected": null }, { "description": "invalid with letters", "property": "clean", "phrase": "123-abc-7890", "expected": null }, { "description": "invalid with punctuations", "property": "clean", "phrase": "123-@:!-7890", "expected": null }, { "description": "invalid if area code does not start with 2-9", "property": "clean", "phrase": "(123) 456-7890", "expected": null }, { "description": "invalid if exchange code does not start with 2-9", "property": "clean", "phrase": "(223) 056-7890", "expected": null } ] } ] }