class Feature < Usman::ApplicationRecord # Constants FEATURE_ICONS = { "Dhatu::Product" => "fa-square", "Dhatu::Service" => "fa-glass", "Dhatu::Project" => "fa-rocket", "Dhatu::BlogPost" => "fa-newspaper-o", "Dhatu::Price" => "fa-dollar" } # Including the State Machine Methods include Publishable # Associations has_many :permissions has_many :users, through: :permissions has_one :cover_image, :as => :imageable, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "Image::CoverImage" # Validations validates :name, presence: true, length: {minimum: 3, maximum: 250} # ------------------ # Class Methods # ------------------ # return an active record relation object with the search query in its where clause # Return the ActiveRecord::Relation object # == Examples # >>> # => ActiveRecord::Relation object scope :search, lambda {|query| where("LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER('%#{query.singularize}%')") } scope :categorisable, -> { where(categorisable: true) } def self.save_row_data(hsh) # Initializing error hash for displaying all errors altogether error_object = return error_object if hsh[:name].to_s.strip.blank? feature = Feature.find_by_name(hsh[:name].to_s.strip) || = hsh[:name].to_s.strip feature.status = hsh[:status].to_s.strip feature.categorisable = hsh[:categorisable].to_s.strip if feature.valid? begin! # puts "#{} saved".green rescue Exception => e summary = "uncaught #{e} exception while handling connection: #{e.message}" details = "Stack trace: #{ {|l| " #{l}\n"}.join}" error_object.errors << { summary: summary, details: details } end else summary = "Error while saving feature: #{}" details = "Error! #{feature.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" error_object.errors << { summary: summary, details: details } end return error_object end # ------------------ # Instance Methods # ------------------ # Permission Methods # ------------------ def can_be_edited? published? or unpublished? end def can_be_deleted? true end # Other Methods # ------------- # * Return full name # == Examples # >>> feature.display_name # => "Products" def display_name "#{name.to_s.demodulize.pluralize.titleize}" end def display_categorisable self.categorisable ? "Yes" : "No" end # Image Configuration # ------------------- def image_configuration { "Image::FeaturePicture" => { max_upload_limit: 1048576, min_upload_limit: 1024, resolutions: [400, 400], form_upload_image_label: "Upload a new Image", form_title: "Upload an Image (Feature)", form_sub_title: "Please read the instructions below:", form_instructions: [ "the filename should be in .jpg / .jpeg or .png format", "the image resolutions should be 400 x 400 Pixels", "the file size should be greater than 100 Kb and or lesser than 10 MB" ] } } end end