describe "directives", -> beforeEach module("mb.directives") $rootScope = null element = null describe "osEsc", -> beforeEach inject ($compile, _$rootScope_) -> $rootScope = _$rootScope_ $ = -> element = angular.element """ """ $compile(element)($rootScope) $rootScope.$digest() it "calls the given function when the ESC was pressed", -> spyOn($rootScope, 'bar') event = jQuery.Event("keyup", keyCode: 27) element.trigger(event) expect($ it "does nothing on other keys", -> spyOn($rootScope, 'bar') event = jQuery.Event("keyup", keyCode: 13) element.trigger(event) expect($ describe "showButton", -> renderedButton = null # TODO use this trick in other places compileTemplate = (template, callback = ->) -> beforeEach inject ($compile, $rootScope) -> element = angular.element(template) $compile(element)($rootScope) $rootScope.$digest() callback(element) describe "when a custom label is not provided", -> template = """
""" compileTemplate template, (element) -> renderedButton = element.find("a") it "renders the button", -> expect(renderedButton.length).toBe(1) expect(renderedButton.hasClass("btn")).toBeTruthy() expect(renderedButton.hasClass("btn-success")).toBeTruthy() it "renders the path", -> expect(renderedButton.attr("href")).toEqual("/foo/bar/biz") it "renders the custom label", -> expect(renderedButton.text()).toContain("Show") describe "when a custom label is provided", -> template = """
""" compileTemplate template, (element) -> renderedButton = element.find("a") it "renders the button", -> expect(renderedButton.length).toBe(1) expect(renderedButton.hasClass("btn")).toBeTruthy() expect(renderedButton.hasClass("btn-success")).toBeTruthy() expect(renderedButton.attr("href")).toEqual("/foo/bar") it "renders the custom label", -> expect(renderedButton.text()).toContain("Display me the foo") describe "deleteButton", -> beforeEach inject ($compile, $rootScope) -> $rootScope = $rootScope $ = -> element = angular.element """
""" $compile(element)($rootScope) $rootScope.$digest() it "renders delete button", -> button = element.find("a") expect(button.length).toBe(1) expect(button.hasClass("btn")).toBeTruthy() expect(button.hasClass("btn-danger")).toBeTruthy() expect(button.text()).toContain("Delete") it "ng-click", -> spyOn($rootScope, 'bar') button = element.find("button") expect($ describe "refreshButton", -> beforeEach inject ($compile) -> $rootScope.refresh = -> element = angular.element """
""" $compile(element)($rootScope) $rootScope.$digest() it "renders delete button", -> button = element.find("a") expect(button.length).toBe(1) expect(button.hasClass("btn")).toBeTruthy() expect(button.text()).toContain("Refresh") describe "ng-click on the button", -> it "calls #refresh() method", -> spyOn($rootScope, "refresh") button = element.find("a") expect($rootScope.refresh).toHaveBeenCalled()