describe 'up.proxy', -> u = up.util describe 'Javascript functions', -> beforeEach -> jasmine.clock().install() jasmine.clock().mockDate() describe 'up.proxy.ajax', -> it 'caches server responses for 5 minutes', -> responses = [] # Send the same request for the same path, 3 minutes apart up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo').then (data) -> responses.push(data) jasmine.clock().tick(3 * 60 * 1000) up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo').then (data) -> responses.push(data) # See that only a single network request was triggered expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(1) expect(responses).toEqual([]) jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent().respondWith status: 200 contentType: 'text/html' responseText: 'foo' # See that both requests have been fulfilled by the same response expect(responses).toEqual(['foo', 'foo']) # Send another request after another 3 minutes # The clock is now a total of 6 minutes after the first request, # exceeding the cache's retention time of 5 minutes. jasmine.clock().tick(3 * 60 * 1000) up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo').then (data) -> responses.push(data) # See that we have triggered a second request expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(2) jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent().respondWith status: 200 contentType: 'text/html' responseText: 'bar' expect(responses).toEqual(['foo', 'foo', 'bar']) it "doesn't reuse responses for different paths", -> responses = [] up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo').then (data) -> responses.push(data) up.proxy.ajax(url: '/bar').then (data) -> responses.push(data) # See that only a single network request was triggered expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(2) status: 200 contentType: 'text/html' responseText: 'foo' status: 200 contentType: 'text/html' responseText: 'bar' expect(responses).toEqual(['foo', 'bar']) u.each ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'], (method) -> it "caches #{method} requests", -> u.times 2, -> up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo', method: method) expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(1) it "does not cache #{method} requests with cache: false option", -> u.times 2, -> up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo', method: method, cache: false) expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(2) u.each ['POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'DESTROY'], (method) -> it "does not cache #{method} requests", -> u.times 2, -> up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo', method: method) expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(2) it "caches #{method} requests with cache: true option", -> u.times 2, -> up.proxy.ajax(url: '/foo', method: method, cache: true) expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(1) describe 'up.proxy.preload', -> it "loads and caches the given link's destination", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"]') up.proxy.preload($link) expect(u.isPromise(up.proxy.get(url: '/path'))).toBe(true) it "does not load a link whose method has side-effects", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][data-method="post"]') up.proxy.preload($link) expect(up.proxy.get(url: '/path')).toBeUndefined() describe 'up.proxy.get', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'up.proxy.set', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'up.proxy.alias', -> it 'uses an existing cache entry for another request (used in case of redirects)' describe 'up.proxy.clear', -> it 'removes all cache entries' describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe '[up-preload]', -> it 'preloads the link destination after a delay'