# Boxroom This is a Rails engine built based on code of [Boxroom](https://github.com/mischa78/boxroom) project. # Features It aims to be a simple interface for managing and sharing files in a web browser. It lets users create folders and upload, download and share files. Admins can manage users, groups and permissions. ![Boxroom](https://res.cloudinary.com/skoba/image/upload/v1518819948/Boxroom_vzqhre.png) ## Install - add to Gemfile `gem 'boxroom', github: 'sergey-koba-mobidev/boxroom-engine'` - run `rails boxroom:install:migrations` - run `rails db:migrate` - mount engine in `config/routes.rb` ```ruby mount Boxroom::Engine => "/boxroom" ``` ## Config - Create `config/initializers/boxroom.rb` ```ruby Boxroom.configure do |config| config.site_name = 'Boxroom' config.logo = 'boxroom/logo.png' config.uploads_path = 'uploads' config.show_footer = true config.show_users = true config.show_groups = true config.show_settings = true config.show_shared_files = true config.sign_out_path = nil # pass string to redirect to after sign out. '/dashboard' for example end ``` ## Contributing Please feel free to leave an issue or PR. ## Testing - run migrations `bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test` - run tests `bin/rails test` ## License The engine is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Roadmap: - tests for search - tag files - integrate with existing user model - support s3