Class XSSFFactory

  extended by org.apache.poi.POIXMLFactory
      extended by org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory

public final class XSSFFactory
extends POIXMLFactory

Instantiates sub-classes of POIXMLDocumentPart depending on their relationship type

Yegor Kozlov

Method Summary
 POIXMLDocumentPart createDocumentPart(PackageRelationship rel, PackagePart part)
          Create a POIXMLDocumentPart from existing package part and relation.
static XSSFFactory getInstance()
 POIXMLDocumentPart newDocumentPart(POIXMLRelation descriptor)
          Create a new POIXMLDocumentPart using the supplied descriptor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static XSSFFactory getInstance()


public POIXMLDocumentPart createDocumentPart(PackageRelationship rel,
                                             PackagePart part)
Description copied from class: POIXMLFactory
Create a POIXMLDocumentPart from existing package part and relation. This method is called from POIXMLDocument.load(POIXMLFactory) when parsing a document

Specified by:
createDocumentPart in class POIXMLFactory
rel - the package part relationship
part - the PackagePart representing the created instance
A new instance of a POIXMLDocumentPart.


public POIXMLDocumentPart newDocumentPart(POIXMLRelation descriptor)
Description copied from class: POIXMLFactory
Create a new POIXMLDocumentPart using the supplied descriptor. This method is used when adding new parts to a document, for example, when adding a sheet to a workbook, slide to a presentation, etc.

Specified by:
newDocumentPart in class POIXMLFactory
descriptor - describes the object to create
A new instance of a POIXMLDocumentPart.

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