describe NetworkExecutive::Components::TweetPlayer do let(:klass) do do def name; 'foo'; end end.send :include, described_class end before do stub_const 'MyProgram', klass end subject { } its(:url) { should == '/twitter' } its(:refresh) { should be_false } describe '#onload' do it 'should include the Twitter search results' do subject.class.should_receive( :tweets ).and_return( statuses: [] ) subject.onload.should include(:tweets) end end describe '.tweets' do it 'should delegate to the class' do described_class.should_receive :tweets described_class.tweets end end describe '.client' do it 'should be a Twitter Client' do subject.class.client.should be_a Twitter::Client end end describe '.configure' do it 'should yield the client' do arg = nil subject.class.configure { |c| arg = c } arg.should eq subject.class.client end end describe '.search' do it 'should configure the search query' do 'search term', count: 4 subject.class.query.should eq [ 'search term', { count: 4 }] end end describe '.tweets' do it 'should search with the client instance' do 'foo' Twitter::Client.any_instance.should_receive( :search ).with 'foo' subject.class.tweets end end end