## MailForm

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### Rails 5

This gem was built on top of `ActiveModel` to showcase how you can pull in validations, naming
and `i18n` from Rails to your models without the need to implement it all by yourself.

This README refers to the **MailForm** gem to be used in Rails 5+. For instructions
on how to use MailForm in older versions of Rails, please refer to the available branches.

### Description

**MailForm** allows you to send an e-mail straight from a form. For instance,
if you want to make a contact form just the following lines are needed (including the e-mail):

class ContactForm < MailForm::Base
  attribute :name, validate: true
  attribute :email, validate: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/i
  attribute :file, attachment: true

  attribute :message
  attribute :nickname, captcha: true

  # Declare the e-mail headers. It accepts anything the mail method
  # in ActionMailer accepts.
  def headers
      subject: "My Contact Form",
      to: "your.email@your.domain.com",
      from: %("#{name}" <#{email}>)

Then you start a console with `rails console` and type:

>> c = ContactForm.new(name: 'José', email: 'jose@email.com', message: 'Cool!')
>> c.deliver

Check your inbox and the e-mail will be there, with the sent fields (assuming that
you configured your mailer delivery method properly).

### MailForm::Base

When you inherit from `MailForm::Base`, it pulls down a set of stuff from `ActiveModel`,
as `ActiveModel::Validation`, `ActiveModel::Translation` and `ActiveModel::Naming`.

This brings `I18n`, error messages, validations and attributes handling like in
`ActiveRecord` to **MailForm**, so **MailForm** can be used in your controllers and form builders without extra tweaks. This also means that instead of the following:

attribute :email, validate: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/i

You could actually do this:

attribute :email
validates_format_of :email, with: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/i

Choose the one which pleases you the most. For more information on the API, please
continue reading below.

### Playing together ORMs

**MailForm** plays nice with ORMs as well. You just need to include `MailForm::Delivery`
in your model and declare which attributes should be sent:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include MailForm::Delivery

  append :remote_ip, :user_agent, :session
  attributes :name, :email, :created_at

  def headers
      to: "your.email@your.domain.com",
      subject: "User created an account"

The delivery will be triggered in an `after_create` hook.

## Installation

Install **MailForm** is very easy. Just edit your Gemfile adding the following:

gem 'mail_form'

Then run `bundle install` to install **MailForm**.

You can run `rails generate mail_form` to view help information on how to generate
a basic form to get you started.

## API Overview

### attributes(*attributes)

Declare your form attributes. All attributes declared here will be appended
to the e-mail, except the ones :captcha is true.


* `:validate` - A hook to `validates_*_of`. When `true` is given, validates the
  presence of the attribute. When a regexp, validates format. When array,
  validates the inclusion of the attribute in the array.

  Whenever `:validate` is given, the presence is automatically checked. Give
  `allow_blank: true` to override.

  Finally, when `:validate` is a symbol, the method given as symbol will be
  called. Then you can add validations as you do in Active Record (`errors.add`).

* `:attachment` - When given, expects a file to be sent and attaches
  it to the e-mail. Don't forget to set your form to multitype.
  It also accepts multiple files through a single attachment attribute,
  and will attach them individually to the e-mail.

* `:captcha` - When true, validates the attributes must be blank.
  This is a simple way to avoid spam and the input should be hidden with CSS.


class ContactForm < MailForm::Base
  attributes :name, validate: true
  attributes :email, validate: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/i
  attributes :type, validate: ["General", "Interface bug"]
  attributes :message
  attributes :screenshot, attachment: true, validate: :interface_bug?
  attributes :nickname, captcha: true

  def interface_bug?
    if type == 'Interface bug' && screenshot.nil?
      self.errors.add(:screenshot, "can't be blank on interface bugs")

c = ContactForm.new(nickname: 'not_blank', email: 'your@email.com', name: 'José')
c.valid?   #=> true
c.spam?    #=> true  (raises an error in development, to remember you to hide it)
c.deliver  #=> false (just delivers if is not a spam and is valid, raises an error in development)

c = ContactForm.new(email: 'invalid')
c.valid?               #=> false
c.errors.inspect       #=> { name: :blank, email: :invalid }
c.errors.full_messages #=> [ "Name can't be blank", "Email is invalid" ]

c = ContactForm.new(name: 'José', email: 'your@email.com')

### append(*methods)

**MailForm** also makes easy to append request information from client to the sent
mail. You just have to do:

class ContactForm < MailForm::Base
  append :remote_ip, :user_agent, :session
  # ...

And in your controller:

@contact_form = ContactForm.new(params[:contact_form])
@contact_form.request = request

The remote ip, user agent and session will be sent in the e-mail in a
request information session. You can give to append any method that the
request object responds to.

## I18n

I18n in **MailForm** works like in ActiveRecord, so all models, attributes and messages
can be used with localized. Below is an I18n file example file:

    contact_form: "Your site contact form"
      email: "E-mail"
      telephone: "Telephone number"
      message: "Sent message"
    title: "Technical information about the user"
    remote_ip: "IP Address"
    user_agent: "Browser"

## Custom e-mail template

To customize the e-mail template that is used create a file called `contact.erb` in `app/views/mail_form`.
Take a look at `lib/mail_form/views/mail_form/contact.erb` in this repo to see how the default template works.

## Maintainers

* José Valim - http://github.com/josevalim
* Carlos Antonio - http://github.com/carlosantoniodasilva

## Contributors

* Andrew Timberlake - http://github.com/andrewtimberlake

## Supported Ruby / Rails versions

We intend to maintain support for all Ruby / Rails versions that haven't reached end-of-life.

For more information about specific versions please check [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/)
and [Rails](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/maintenance_policy.html) maintenance policies, and our test matrix.

## Bugs and Feedback

If you discover any bug, please use github issues tracker.

Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Plataformatec http://plataformatec.com.br/