EffectivePolls.setup do |config| config.polls_table_name = :polls config.poll_notifications_table_name = :poll_notifications config.poll_questions_table_name = :poll_questions config.poll_question_options_table_name = :poll_question_options config.ballots_table_name = :ballots config.ballot_responses_table_name = :ballot_responses config.ballot_response_options_table_name = :ballot_response_options # Layout Settings # Configure the Layout per controller, or all at once # config.layout = { application: 'application', admin: 'admin' } # Audience Scope Collection # # When creating a new poll, an Array of User scopes can be provided # The User model must respond to these # # config.audience_user_scopes = [:all, :registered] # config.audience_user_scopes = [['All Users', :all], ['Registered Users', :registered]] # config.audience_user_scopes = [['All Users', :all]] # Notifications Mailer Settings # # Schedule rake effective_polls:notify to run every 10 minutes # to send out email poll notifications # # Please see config/initializers/effective_resources.rb for default effective_* gem mailer settings # # Configure the class responsible to send e-mails. # config.mailer = 'Effective::EventsMailer' # # Override effective_resource mailer defaults # # config.parent_mailer = nil # The parent class responsible for sending emails # config.deliver_method = nil # The deliver method, deliver_later or deliver_now # config.mailer_layout = nil # Default mailer layout # config.mailer_sender = nil # Default From value # config.mailer_admin = nil # Default To value for Admin correspondence # Use effective email templates for event notifications config.use_effective_email_templates = true end