require 'forwardable' require 'gir_ffi/in_pointer' require 'gir_ffi/in_out_pointer' require 'gir_ffi/builder/argument/base' require 'gir_ffi/builder/argument/in_base' require 'gir_ffi/builder/argument/out_base' require 'gir_ffi/builder/argument/in_out_base' module GirFFI::Builder module Argument def var_gen, arginfo, libmodule { :inout => InOutArgument, :in => InArgument, :out => OutArgument }[arginfo.direction].build var_gen, arginfo, libmodule end end module InArgument def var_gen, arginfo, libmodule type = arginfo.argument_type builder_for var_gen,, type, libmodule end def self.builder_for var_gen, name, type, libmodule klass = case type.tag when :interface case type.interface.info_type when :callback return var_gen, name, type, libmodule else RegularInArgument end when :array if type.array_type == :c CArrayInArgument else RegularInArgument end else RegularInArgument end return var_gen, name, type end end # Implements argument processing for callback arguments with direction # :in. class CallbackInArgument < Argument::InBase def initialize var_gen, name, type, libmodule super var_gen, name, type @libmodule = libmodule end def pre iface = type_info.interface [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::CallbackHelper.wrap_in_callback_args_mapper \"#{iface.namespace}\", \"#{}\", #{@name}", "#{@libmodule}::CALLBACKS << #{callarg}" ] end end # Implements argument processing for array arguments with direction :in. class CArrayInArgument < Argument::InBase def pre pr = [] size = type_info.array_fixed_size if size > -1 pr << "GirFFI::ArgHelper.check_fixed_array_size #{size}, #{@name}, \"#{@name}\"" end pr << "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InPointer.from_array #{elm_t}, #{@name}" pr end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction :in whose # type-specific processing is left to FFI (e.g., ints and floats, and # objects that implement to_ptr.). # # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction :in that # are GObjects. # # Implements argument processing for UTF8 string arguments with direction # :in. # # Implements argument processing for void pointer arguments with # direction :in. class RegularInArgument < Argument::InBase def pre pr = [] assign_array_length(pr) set_function_call_argument(pr) pr end def assign_array_length(pr) if @array_arg arrname = pr << "#{@name} = #{arrname}.nil? ? 0 : #{arrname}.length" end end def set_function_call_argument(pr) if type_tag == :interface && [:object, :struct].include?(type_info.interface.info_type) pr << "#{callarg} = #{argument_class_name}.from #{@name}" elsif [:utf8, :void].include? type_tag pr << "#{callarg} = #{argument_class_name}.from #{type_tag.inspect}, #{@name}" elsif [:glist, :gslist, :ghash].include? type_tag pr << "#{callarg} = #{argument_class_name}.from #{elm_t}, #{@name}" else pr << "#{callarg} = #{@name}" end end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction :out. module OutArgument def var_gen, arginfo, libmodule type = arginfo.argument_type klass = case type.tag when :interface case type.interface.info_type when :enum, :flags EnumOutArgument else if arginfo.caller_allocates? AllocatedInterfaceOutArgument else InterfaceOutArgument end end when :array if type.zero_terminated? InterfaceOutArgument else case type.array_type when :c CArrayOutArgument when :array it = var_gen,, type it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it end end when :glist, :gslist it = var_gen,, type it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it when :ghash it = var_gen,, type it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it else RegularOutArgument end var_gen,, type end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction # :out that are neither arrays nor 'interfaces'. class RegularOutArgument < Argument::OutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.for #{type_tag.inspect}" ] end def post [ "#{retname} = #{callarg}.to_value" ] end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction # :out that are enums class EnumOutArgument < Argument::OutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.for :gint32" ] end def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}[#{callarg}.to_value]" ] end end # Implements argument processing for interface arguments with direction # :out (structs, objects, etc.), allocated by the caller. class AllocatedInterfaceOutArgument < Argument::OutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = #{argument_class_name}.allocate" ] end def post [ "#{retname} = #{callarg}" ] end end # Implements argument processing for array arguments with direction # :out. class CArrayOutArgument < Argument::OutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.for_array #{subtype_tag_or_class_name}" ] end def postpost [ "#{retname} = #{callarg}.to_sized_array_value #{array_size}" ] end end # Base class for arguments with direction :out for which the base type is # a pointer: For these, a pointer to a pointer needs to be passed to the # C function. class PointerLikeOutArgument < Argument::OutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.for :pointer" ] end end # Implements argument processing for interface arguments with direction # :out (structs, objects, etc.). # # Implements argument processing for strv arguments with direction # :out. class InterfaceOutArgument < PointerLikeOutArgument def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}.wrap #{callarg}.to_value" ] end end module WithTypedContainerPostMethod def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}.wrap #{elm_t}, #{callarg}.to_value" ] end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction :inout. module InOutArgument def var_gen, arginfo, libmodule type = arginfo.argument_type klass = case type.tag when :interface case type.interface.info_type when :enum, :flags EnumInOutArgument else InterfaceInOutArgument end when :array if type.zero_terminated? StrvInOutArgument else case type.array_type when :c CArrayInOutArgument when :array it = var_gen,, type it.extend WithTypedContainerInOutPreMethod it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it end end when :glist, :gslist it = var_gen,, type it.extend WithTypedContainerInOutPreMethod it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it when :ghash it = var_gen,, type it.extend WithTypedContainerInOutPreMethod it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it else RegularInOutArgument end var_gen,, type end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction # :inout that are enums. class EnumInOutArgument < Argument::InOutBase def pre pr = [] pr << "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.from :gint32, #{argument_class_name}[#{@name}]" pr end def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}[#{callarg}.to_value]" ] end end # Implements argument processing for interface arguments with direction # :inout (structs, objects, etc.). class InterfaceInOutArgument < Argument::InOutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.from :pointer, #{argument_class_name}.from(#{@name}).to_ptr" ] end def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}.wrap(#{callarg}.to_value)" ] end end # Implements argument processing for strv arguments with direction # :inout. class StrvInOutArgument < Argument::InOutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.from_array #{elm_t}, #{@name}" ] end def post [ "#{retname} = GLib::Strv.wrap(#{callarg}.to_value)" ] end end # Implements argument processing for array arguments with direction # :inout. class CArrayInOutArgument < Argument::InOutBase def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.from_array #{elm_t}, #{@name}" ] end def postpost size = array_size pst = [ "#{retname} = #{callarg}.to_sized_array_value #{size}" ] pst end end module WithTypedContainerInOutPreMethod def pre [ "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.from :pointer, #{argument_class_name}.from(#{elm_t}, #{@name})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for arguments with direction # :inout that are neither arrays nor 'interfaces'. class RegularInOutArgument < Argument::InOutBase def pre pr = [] if @array_arg pr << "#{@name} = #{}.length" end pr << "#{callarg} = GirFFI::InOutPointer.from #{type_tag.inspect}, #{@name}" pr end def post [ "#{retname} = #{callarg}.to_value" ] end end module ReturnValueFactory def var_gen, arginfo builder_for(var_gen,, arginfo.return_type, arginfo.constructor?) end def self.builder_for var_gen, name, type, is_constructor if type.tag == :interface and [:interface, :object].include? type.interface.info_type klass = if is_constructor ConstructorReturnValue else ObjectReturnValue end var_gen, name, type else builder_for_field_getter var_gen, name, type end end def self.builder_for_field_getter var_gen, name, type klass = case type.tag when :void if type.pointer? RegularReturnValue else VoidReturnValue end when :interface case type.interface.info_type when :struct, :union, :interface, :object InterfaceReturnValue else RegularReturnValue end when :array if type.zero_terminated? StrvReturnValue else case type.array_type when :c CArrayReturnValue when :array it = var_gen, name, type it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it when :byte_array ByteArrayReturnValue else PtrArrayReturnValue end end when :glist, :gslist it = var_gen, name, type it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it when :ghash it = var_gen, name, type it.extend WithTypedContainerPostMethod return it when :utf8 Utf8ReturnValue else RegularReturnValue end var_gen, name, type end end # Implements argument processing for return values. class ReturnValue < Argument::Base def cvar callarg end def retname @retname ||= @var_gen.new_var end def inarg nil end end # Null object to represent the case where no actual value is returned. class VoidReturnValue < ReturnValue def cvar; end def retname; end end # Implements argument processing for interface return values (interfaces # and structs, but not objects, which need special handling for # polymorphism and constructors). class InterfaceReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}.wrap(#{cvar})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for object return values. class ObjectReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = #{argument_class_name}.wrap(#{cvar})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for object constructors. class ConstructorReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = self.constructor_wrap(#{cvar})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for array return values. class CArrayReturnValue < ReturnValue def post size = array_size [ "#{retname} = GirFFI::ArgHelper.ptr_to_typed_array #{subtype_tag_or_class_name}, #{cvar}, #{size}" ] end end # Implements argument processing for NULL-terminated string array return values. class StrvReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = GLib::Strv.wrap(#{cvar})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for UTF8 string return values. class Utf8ReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = GirFFI::ArgHelper.ptr_to_utf8 #{cvar}" ] end end # Implements argument processing for GByteArray return values. class ByteArrayReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = GLib::ByteArray.wrap(#{cvar})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for GPtrArray return values. class PtrArrayReturnValue < ReturnValue def post [ "#{retname} = GLib::PtrArray.wrap(#{cvar})" ] end end # Implements argument processing for other return values. class RegularReturnValue < ReturnValue def retval @callarg end end # Implements argument processing for error handling arguments. These # arguments are not part of the introspected signature, but their # presence is indicated by the 'throws' attribute of the function. class ErrorArgument < Argument::Base def pre [ "#{callarg} = nil" ] end def post [ "GirFFI::ArgHelper.check_error(#{callarg})" ] end end # Argument builder that does nothing. Implements Null Object pattern. class NullArgument def initialize *args; end def pre; []; end def post; []; end def callarg; end end end