shared_examples_for 'can be speeded up with upserting' do unless ENV['SPEED'] == 'false' describe 'compared to native ActiveRecord' do it "is faster than new/set/save" do assert_faster_than 'find + new/set/save', lotsa_records do |records| records.each do |selector, document| if pet = Pet.where(selector).first pet.update_attributes document, :without_protection => true else pet = selector.each do |k, v| pet.send "#{k}=", v end document.each do |k, v| pet.send "#{k}=", v end! end end end end it "is faster than find_or_create + update_attributes" do assert_faster_than 'find_or_create + update_attributes', lotsa_records do |records| dynamic_method = nil records.each do |selector, document| dynamic_method ||= "find_or_create_by_#{selector.keys.join('_or_')}" pet = Pet.send(dynamic_method, *selector.values) pet.update_attributes document, :without_protection => true end end end it "is faster than create + rescue/find/update" do assert_faster_than 'create + rescue/find/update', lotsa_records do |records| dynamic_method = nil records.each do |selector, document| dynamic_method ||= "find_or_create_by_#{selector.keys.join('_or_')}" begin Pet.create selector.merge(document), :without_protection => true rescue pet = Pet.send(dynamic_method, *selector.values) pet.update_attributes document, :without_protection => true end end end end end describe 'compared to activerecord-import' do it "is faster than faking upserts with activerecord-import" do unless Pet.connection.respond_to?(:sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update) flunk "#{Pet.connection} does not support activerecord-import's :on_duplicate_key_update" end assert_faster_than 'faking upserts with activerecord-import', lotsa_records do |records| columns = nil all_values = [] records.each do |selector, document| columns ||= (selector.keys + document.keys).uniq all_values << do |k| if document.has_key?(k) # prefer the document so that you can change rows document[k] else selector[k] end end end Pet.import columns, all_values, :timestamps => false, :on_duplicate_key_update => columns end end end end end