//=========================== // created by : MrAhmad // date : 10 June 2014 // website : http://sass-flexi.com/ // version : 0.1.alpha.1 //============================ //============================ // Description : // this the heart of flexi-typography framework, will include all the mixin and the placeholders //============================= // 1- Modular scale for (tablet,desktop, and large media) // 2:3 perfect fifth // 16px @ 1:1.5 ideal text size // 95px @ 1:1.5 important number - choosen from column width //--------------------------------------------------- $scale-ratio : 1.5 !default; $font-size : 16 !default; // calculate the headingline elements $h1 : $font-size * 3.375; $h2 : $font-size * 2.25 ; $h3 : $font-size * 1.5 ; $h4 : $font-size * 1.0 ; $h5 : $font-size / 1.5 ; $h6 : $font-size / 2.25 ; //--------------------------------------------------- // 2- Modular scale for mobile media // 2:3 perfect fifth // 13px @ 1:1.5 ideal text size // 480px @ 1:1.5 important number - choosen from column width //--------------------------------------------------- $scale-ratio : 1.5 !default; $font-size-mob: 13 !default; // calculate the headingline elements $h1-mob : $font-size-mob * 2.25; $h2-mob : $font-size-mob * 1.5 ; $h3-mob : $font-size-mob * 1.25 ; $h4-mob : $font-size-mob * 1.0 ; $h5-mob : $font-size-mob / 1.5 ; $h6-mob : $font-size-mob / 2.25 ; // 3- Typography variables // Body and headline font color $text-color : #333 !default; $head-color : darken($text-color, 20%) !default; // font-family $sans-serif : "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; $serif : Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif !default; // 3- Functions //--------------------------------------------------- // html font size in % @function font-html($font-size,$base:16){ @return ($base / $font-size) * 100%; } // px function @function px($font-size){ @return $font-size *1px; } // rem function @function rem($font-size,$base:16){ @return ($font-size / $base) *1rem; } //--------------------------------------------------- // 4- placeholders //--------------------------------------------------- %head-family{ font-family: $sans-serif; color: $head-color; text-transform :capitalize; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.6); font-weight: 600; line-height: 1.1; } %margin{ margin: 0 0 px($font-size) 0; } // 5- Mixin //--------------------------------------------------- // html font size in % - the root of typo system, because we are going to use rem size for the font @mixin html($font-size,$base:16){ font-size: font-html($font-size,$base); -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased !important; } // body and headline font size and font-family @mixin body-headline($font-size,$base:16){ body{ font-family: $sans-serif; font-size: px($font-size); font-size: rem($font-size,$base); line-height: ($font-size *1.5) / $font-size ; color: $text-color; } h1, .h1{ font-size: px($h1); font-size: rem($h1,$base); letter-spacing: px(-2); @extend %head-family; } h2, .h2{ font-size: px($h2); font-size: rem($h2,$base); letter-spacing: px(-1); @extend %head-family; } h3, .h3{ font-size: px($h3); font-size: rem($h3,$base); @extend %head-family; } h4, .h4{ font-size: px($h4); font-size: rem($h4,$base); @extend %head-family; } h5, .h5{ font-size: px($h5); font-size: rem($h5,$base); @extend %head-family; } h6, .h6{ font-size: px($h6); font-size: rem($h6,$base); @extend %head-family; } .lead{ font-size: px($font-size * 1.125); font-size: rem(($font-size *1.125) ,$base); font-weight: 600; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } p{ @extend %margin; } } // define the link elements @mixin link($color){ &:link{ color : $color; text-decoration: none; } &:visited{ text-decoration: none; color : $color; } &:hover{ color : lighten($color,15%); border-bottom: 1px solid lighten($color,15%); } &:active{ color : lighten($color,15%); border-bottom: 1px solid lighten($color,15%); } } // define the blockquote elements @mixin blockquote($padding-left,$color){ border-left : 5px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); padding-left: px($padding-left); color: $color; } // define pre,code, and kbd elements @mixin pre($color,$bg-color){ display: block; padding: 1rem; font-size: 1.3rem; line-height: 1.43; color: $color; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: $bg-color; border: 1px solid #ccc; } @mixin code($color){ padding: 2px 4px; font-size: 90%; color: $color; white-space: nowrap; background-color: lighten($color,47%); } @mixin kbd($color,$bg-color){ padding: 2px 4px; font-size: 90%; color: $color; background-color:$bg-color; box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .25); } @mixin mobile($fon-size-mob,$base:16){ body{ font-size: px($font-size-mob); font-size: rem($font-size-mob,$base); line-height: ($font-size-mob *1.5) / $font-size-mob; } h1, .h1{ font-size: px($h1-mob); font-size: rem($h1-mob,$base); } h2, .h2{ font-size: px($h2-mob); font-size: rem($h2-mob,$base); } h3, .h3{ font-size: px($h3-mob); font-size: rem($h3-mob,$base); } h4, .h4{ font-size: px($h4-mob); font-size: rem($h4-mob,$base); } h5, .h5{ font-size: px($h5-mob); font-size: rem($h5-mob,$base); } h6, .h6{ font-size: px($h6-mob); font-size: rem($h6-mob,$base); } .lead{ font-size: px($font-size-mob * 1.125); font-size: rem(($font-size-mob *1.125) ,$base); font-weight: 700; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } p,ul,ol,blockquote,pre{ margin: 0 0 px($font-size-mob) 0; } pre,code{ font-size: px($font-size-mob) - px(1); font-size: rem($font-size-mob,$base)- rem(1,10); line-height: inherit; } } // others @mixin raduis($raduis:5){ -webkit-border-radius: px($raduis); -moz-border-radius: px($raduis); border-radius: px($raduis); }