# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # == Generic controller for the inline_forms plugin. # === Usage # If you have an Example class, make an ExampleController # that is a subclass of InlineFormsController # class ExampleController < InlineFormsController # end # That's it! It'll work. But please read about the InlineForms::InlineFormsGenerator first! # # You can override the methods in your ExampleController # def index # @objects=@Klass.all # end # # # @objects holds the objects (in this case Examples) # and @Klass will be set to Example by the getKlass before filter. # # === How it works # The getKlass before_filter extracts the class and puts it in @Klass # # @Klass is used in the InlineFormsHelper # class InlineFormsController < ApplicationController before_filter :getKlass def self.cancan_enabled? begin ::Ability && true rescue NameError false end end def cancan_enabled? self.class.cancan_enabled? end def cancan_disabled? ! self.class.cancan_enabled? end helper_method :cancan_disabled?, :cancan_enabled? load_and_authorize_resource :except => :revert, :no_params => true if cancan_enabled? # :index shows a list of all objects from class @Klass, using will_paginate, # including a link to 'new', that allows you to create a new record. def index @update_span = params[:update] @parent_class = params[:parent_class] @parent_id = params[:parent_id] @ul_needed = params[:ul_needed] @PER_PAGE = 5 unless @parent_class.nil? # if the parent_class is not nill, we are in associated list and we don't search there. # also, make sure the Model that you want to do a search on has a :name attribute. TODO conditions = nil if @parent_class.nil? || @Klass.reflect_on_association(@parent_class.underscore.to_sym).nil? conditions = [ @Klass.table_name + "." + @Klass.order_by_clause + " like ?", "%#{params[:search]}%" ] if @Klass.respond_to?(:order_by_clause) && ! @Klass.order_by_clause.nil? else foreign_key = @Klass.reflect_on_association(@parent_class.underscore.to_sym).options[:foreign_key] || @parent_class.foreign_key conditions = [ "#{foreign_key} = ?", @parent_id ] end # if we are using cancan, then make sure to select only accessible records @objects ||= @Klass.accessible_by(current_ability) if cancan_enabled? @objects ||= @Klass @objects = @objects.order(@Klass.table_name + "." + @Klass.order_by_clause) if @Klass.respond_to?(:order_by_clause) && ! @Klass.order_by_clause.nil? @objects = @objects.paginate( :page => params[:page], :per_page => @PER_PAGE || 12, :conditions => conditions ) respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'inline_forms/_list', :layout => 'inline_forms' } unless @Klass.not_accessible_through_html? format.js { render :list } end end # :new prepares a new object, updates the list of objects and replaces it with # an empty form. After pressing OK or Cancel, the list of objects is retrieved # in the same way as :index def new @object ||= @Klass.new @update_span = params[:update] @parent_class = params[:parent_class] begin @parent_id = params[:parent_id] foreign_key = @Klass.reflect_on_association(@parent_class.underscore.to_sym).options[:foreign_key] || @parent_class.foreign_key @object[foreign_key] = @parent_id end unless @parent_class.nil? || @Klass.reflect_on_association(@parent_class.underscore.to_sym).nil? @object.inline_forms_attribute_list = @inline_forms_attribute_list if @inline_forms_attribute_list respond_to do |format| format.js { } end end # :edit presents a form to edit one specific attribute from an object def edit @object = @Klass.find(params[:id]) @attribute = params[:attribute] @form_element = params[:form_element] @sub_id = params[:sub_id] @update_span = params[:update] respond_to do |format| #format.html { } unless @Klass.not_accessible_through_html? format.js { } end end # :create creates the object made with :new. # It then presents the list of objects. def create @object ||= @Klass.new @update_span = params[:update] attributes = @inline_forms_attribute_list || @object.inline_forms_attribute_list attributes.each do | attribute, name, form_element | send("#{form_element.to_s}_update", @object, attribute) unless form_element == :tree || form_element == :associated || (cancan_enabled? && cannot?(:read, @Klass.to_s.underscore.pluralize.to_sym, attribute)) end @parent_class = params[:parent_class] @parent_id = params[:parent_id] @PER_PAGE = 5 unless @parent_class.nil? # for the logic behind the :conditions see the #index method. conditions = nil if @parent_class.nil? || @Klass.reflect_on_association(@parent_class.underscore.to_sym).nil? conditions = [ @Klass.table_name + "." + @Klass.order_by_clause + " like ?", "%#{params[:search]}%" ] if @Klass.respond_to?(:order_by_clause) && ! @Klass.order_by_clause.nil? else foreign_key = @Klass.reflect_on_association(@parent_class.underscore.to_sym).options[:foreign_key] || @parent_class.foreign_key conditions = [ "#{foreign_key} = ?", @parent_id ] @object[foreign_key] = @parent_id end if @object.save flash.now[:success] = t('success', :message => @object.class.model_name.human) @objects = @Klass @objects = @Klass.accessible_by(current_ability) if cancan_enabled? @objects = @objects.order(@Klass.table_name + "." + @Klass.order_by_clause) if @Klass.respond_to?(:order_by_clause) && ! @Klass.order_by_clause.nil? @objects = @objects.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => @PER_PAGE || 12, :conditions => conditions @object = nil respond_to do |format| format.js { render :list} end else flash.now[:header] = ["Kan #{@object.class.to_s.underscore} niet aanmaken."] flash.now[:error] = @object.errors.to_a respond_to do |format| @object.inline_forms_attribute_list = attributes format.js { render :new} end end end # :update updates a specific attribute from an object. def update @object = @Klass.find(params[:id]) @attribute = params[:attribute] @form_element = params[:form_element] @sub_id = params[:sub_id] @update_span = params[:update] send("#{@form_element.to_s}_update", @object, @attribute) @object.save respond_to do |format| format.js { } end end # :show shows one attribute (attribute) from a record (object). # It includes the link to 'edit' def show @object = @Klass.find(params[:id]) @attribute = params[:attribute] @form_element = params[:form_element] close = params[:close] || false if @form_element == "associated" @sub_id = params[:sub_id] if @sub_id.to_i > 0 @associated_record_id = @object.send(@attribute.to_s.singularize + "_ids").index(@sub_id.to_i) @associated_record = @object.send(@attribute)[@associated_record_id] end end if @form_element == "has_one" @associated_record = @object.send(@attribute) @associated_record_id = @associated_record.id end @update_span = params[:update] if @attribute.nil? respond_to do |format| @attributes = @object.inline_forms_attribute_list if close format.js { render :close } else format.js { } end end else respond_to do |format| format.js { render :show_element } end end end # :destroy destroys the record, but also shows an undo link (with paper_trail) def destroy @update_span = params[:update] @object = @Klass.find(params[:id]) @object.destroy respond_to do |format| format.js { render :show_undo } end end # :revert works like undo. # Thanks Ryan Bates: http://railscasts.com/episodes/255-undo-with-paper-trail def revert @update_span = params[:update] @version = PaperTrail::Version.find(params[:id]) @version.reify.save! @object = @Klass.find(@version.item_id) authorize!(:revert, @object) if cancan_enabled? respond_to do |format| format.js { render :close } end end def extract_translations keys_array = [] I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.order(:locale, :thekey).each do |t| keys_array << deep_hashify([ t.locale, t.thekey.split('.'), t.value ].flatten) end keys_hash = {} keys_array.each do |h| keys_hash = deep_merge(keys_hash, h) end @display_array = unravel(keys_hash) end private # Get the class from the controller name. # CountryController < InlineFormsController, so what class are we? # TODO think about this a bit more. def getKlass #:doc: @Klass = self.controller_name.classify.constantize end def deep_hashify(ary) return ary.to_s if ary.length == 1 { ary.shift => deep_hashify(ary) } end def deep_merge(h1, h2) return h1.merge(h2) unless h2.first[1].is_a? Hash h1.merge(h2){|key, first, second| deep_merge(first, second)} end def unravel(deep_hash, level=-1) level += 1 return "#{' '*level}\"#{deep_hash.first[0]}\": \"#{deep_hash.first[1]}\"\n" unless deep_hash.first[1].is_a? Hash a = "#{' '*level}\"#{deep_hash.first[0]}\":\n" deep_hash.first[1].each do |k,v| a << unravel( { k => v}, level) end a end end