module Effective module CrudController module Dsl # def before_render(*names, &blk) _insert_callbacks(names, blk) { |name, options| set_callback(:resource_render, :before, name, options) } end def before_save(*names, &blk) _insert_callbacks(names, blk) { |name, options| set_callback(:resource_before_save, :after, name, options) } end def after_save(*names, &blk) _insert_callbacks(names, blk) { |name, options| set_callback(:resource_after_save, :after, name, options) } end def after_commit(*names, &blk) _insert_callbacks(names, blk) { |name, options| set_callback(:resource_after_commit, :after, name, options) } end def after_error(*names, &blk) _insert_callbacks(names, blk) { |name, options| set_callback(:resource_error, :after, name, options) } end # This controls the form submit options of effective_submit # Takes precidence over any 'on' dsl commands # # Effective::Resource will populate this with all crud actions # And you can control the details with this DSL: # # submit :approve, 'Save and Approve', unless: -> { resource.approved? }, redirect: :show # # submit :toggle, 'Blacklist', if: -> { sync? }, class: 'btn btn-primary' # submit :toggle, 'Whitelist', if: -> { !sync? }, class: 'btn btn-primary' # submit :save, 'Save', success: -> { "#{resource} was saved okay!" } def submit(action, label, args = {}) instance_exec do before_action { _insert_submit(action, label, args) } end end # This controls the resource buttons section of the page # Takes precidence over any on commands # # Effective::Resource will populate this with all member_actions # # button :approve, 'Approve', unless: -> { resource.approved? }, redirect: :show # button :decline, false def button(action, label = nil, args = {}) instance_exec do before_action { _insert_button(action, label, args) } end end # This is a way of defining the redirect, flash etc of any action without tweaking defaults # submit and buttons options will be merged ontop of these def on(action, args = {}) instance_exec do before_action { _insert_on(action, args) } end end # page_title 'My Title', only: [:new] def page_title(label = nil, opts = {}, &block) opts = label if label.kind_of?(Hash) raise 'expected a label or block' unless (label || block_given?) instance_exec do before_action(opts) do @page_title ||= (block_given? ? instance_exec(&block) : label).to_s end end end # datatable -> { }, only: [:index] def datatable(obj = nil, opts = {}, &block) raise 'expected a proc or block' unless (obj.respond_to?(:call) || block_given?) instance_exec do before_action(opts) do @datatable ||= (block_given? ? instance_exec(&block) : end end end # resource_scope -> { current_user.things } # resource_scope -> { current_user) } # resource_scope do # { user_id: } # end # Nested controllers? sure # resource_scope -> { User.find(params[:user_id]).things } # Return value should be: # a Relation: Thing.where(user: current_user) # a Hash: { user_id: } def resource_scope(obj = nil, opts = {}, &block) raise 'expected a proc or block' unless (obj.respond_to?(:call) || block_given?) if block_given? define_method(:resource_scope_relation) { return block } else define_method(:resource_scope_relation) { return obj } end end end end end