require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe CategoriesController, "/index" do before(:each) do Category.stub!(:find_all_with_article_counters) \ .and_return(mock('categories', :null_object => true)) controller.stub!(:template_exists?) \ .and_return(true) this_blog = Blog.default controller.stub!(:this_blog) \ .and_return(this_blog) end def do_get get 'index' end it "should be successful" do do_get response.should be_success end it "should render :index" do do_get response.should render_template(:index) end it "should fall back to articles/groupings" do controller.should_receive(:template_exists?) \ .with() \ .and_return(false) do_get response.should render_template('articles/groupings') end end describe CategoriesController, '/articles/category/foo' do before(:each) do @category = mock('category', :null_object => true) @category.stub!(:empty?) \ .and_return(false) Category.stub!(:find_by_permalink) \ .and_return(@category) controller.stub!(:template_exists?) \ .and_return(true) this_blog = Blog.default controller.stub!(:this_blog) \ .and_return(this_blog) end def do_get get 'show', :id => 'foo' end it 'should be successful' do do_get() response.should be_success end it 'should call Category.find_by_permalink' do Category.should_receive(:find_by_permalink) \ .with('foo') \ .and_return(mock('category', :null_object => true)) do_get end it 'should render :show by default' do do_get response.should render_template(:show) end it 'should fall back to rendering articles/index' do controller.should_receive(:template_exists?) \ .with() \ .and_return(false) do_get response.should render_template('articles/index') end it 'should set the page title to "Category foo"' do do_get assigns[:page_title].should == 'Category foo, everything about foo' end it 'should render an error when the category is empty' do @category.should_receive(:articles) \ .and_return([]) do_get response.status.should == "301 Moved Permanently" response.should redirect_to(Blog.default.base_url) end it 'should render the atom feed for /articles/category/foo.atom' do get 'show', :id => 'foo', :format => 'atom' response.should render_template('articles/_atom_feed') end it 'should render the rss feed for /articles/category/foo.rss' do get 'show', :id => 'foo', :format => 'rss' response.should render_template('articles/_rss20_feed') end end ## Old tests that still need conversion # def test_autodiscovery_category # get :category, :id => 'hardware' # assert_response :success # assert_select 'link[title=RSS]' do # assert_select '[rel=alternate]' # assert_select '[type=application/rss+xml]' # assert_select '[href=]' # end # assert_select 'link[title=Atom]' do # assert_select '[rel=alternate]' # assert_select '[type=application/atom+xml]' # assert_select '[href=]' # end # end